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Baloo's Bugle

October 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 3
November 2008 Theme

Theme: Seeds of Kindness
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2


From Program Helps via

If you follow the grid on the inside of the cover in the front of Cub Scout Program Helps, your Cub Scouts can complete earning their Rank Awards (Tiger, Wolf, Bear) by the Blue and Gold in February.

Tigers –
Den Meetings - 2G, 5D,
At Home - 3F
Elect. 10 or 11, 12, 25, 32

Den Meetings - 1c, 1d, 1e, 1g, 2a, 3a
At Home - 3b-c, 6a-c, 12a-k
Elect. 11d, 11f

Bear –
Den Meetings- 3f, 5a, 6g or 7b, 24f
At Home - 3a, b, and j, 24 d and e

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Work on

P The Good Turn Award,

P The service and/or conservation project for the National Den Award,

P A den conservation project for the Cub Scout World Conservation Award

These could all be a focus with this month’s theme.

Tiger Cub Achievements:

ό  Ach. #1F – do something to help someone else; 

ό  Ach. #1D – Make a Giving Scrapbook or add pictures and memories of a service project to a family scrapbook;  

ό  Ach. #2F – Use your map to find and point out places where you could do something kind; 

ό  Ach. #4F – share the story of a good turn each day with your family; 

ό  Ach. #5G – go on a den hike and pick up trash as you go along, as a kindness to others who will enjoy a clean trail after you;   

Tiger Cub Electives:

ό  Elect. #2 – Make a seasonal decoration to give to someone else;

ό  Elect. #8 – get to know your religious leader, then do a kindness for them; 

ό  Elect. #9 – help a new boy or girl meet other people; 

ό  Elect. #10 – help an elderly or shut in person by doing a chore with your adult partner; Elect. #11 – participate in collecting food, clothes or toys for needy families; 

ό  Elect. #12 – send a friendly greeting, or visit someone who might be lonely;

ό  Elect. #14 – read a story about someone who did a kind deed; 

ό  Elect. #24 – help prepare for a family meal;

ό  Elect. #26 – learn how to use good manners on the phone so that you can be kind in talking to others;

ό  Elect. #32 – Be kind by feeding the birds;

ό  Elect. #33 – Do a good deed by having a cleanup treasure hunt; 

ό  Elect. #34 – Practice being kind to the environment; 

ό  Elect. #47 – help the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling; 

ό  Elect. #49 – Visit a government office and  find out how people who need help are taken care of.

Wolf Cub Scout Achievements:

«  Ach. #4e – Help around your house by doing your jobs;

«  Ach. #4f – Visit a place where people receive goods or services that they need and find out how you could help;

«  Ach. #5e – make something useful for someone else; 

«  Ach. #7ca, b, c, d, e, f - help the environment by learning what you can do, then doing it or reading about three stories of people who are protecting the world; 

«  Ach. #8c – help fix a meal for your family; 

«  Ach. #8d – fix your own breakfast and clean up after yourself ; 

«  Ach. #8e – help an adult plan, prepare and cook an outdoor meal;

«  Ach. #11c – choose a way to demonstrate kindness to another;

«  Ach. #11d – find out how you can help your religious group and do it;

«  Ach. #12a – discuss how it sometimes takes courage to be kind to another;

«  Ach. #12d, i – discuss how to demonstrate kindness in this situation

Wolf Cub Scout Electives:

«  Elect. #1 – use a secret code to send a kind message to someone;

«  Elect. #2 – help put on a skit or paper bag puppet show about doing kind deeds; 

«  Elect. #3a – make something for your home or school; 

«  Elect. #3d – make door stops for your church, school, community center or chartered organization;

«  Elect. #4a, b, c, d – make and play a game with younger children;

«  Elect. #6c – make book covers for someone;

«  Elect. #8b – help an adult do a job to help someone else using a wheelbarrow; 

«  Elect. #9a- help with a home or den party; 

«  Elect. #9b,c – make a gift or toy for someone;

«  Elect. #13 b, e, f – help wild birds by putting out nesting material, food, or a birdhouse; 

«  Elect. #14a – be kind and take good care of a pet;

«  Elect. #15 b or d – Raise flowers or vegetables and share them with others;

«  Elect. #17c – wrap and tie a package to give to someone; 

«  Elect #17d – tie a stack of newspapers up for recycling – you might do it for an elderly neighbor; 

«  Elect. #21b – use a computer to write a report about how people can help others, or to write a report about a service project; 

«  Elect. #22e – invite a boy to join scouts or help a new Cub Scout do the Bobcat trail

Bear Cub Scout Achievements:

?   Ach. #1b – make a list of things you can do to be kind and thoughtful and do them;

?   Ach. #3b – choose two famous Americans who have done something to help others;

?   Ach. #5b – be kind to birds – make or build a birdhouse and hang it where birds can use it safely; 

?   Ach. #6a – be kind to the environment by recycling (you might even use the funds you earn to do a good deed);

?   Ach. #6b – plant trees to help a local park, neighborhood, or organization;

?   Ach. #6g – take part in a den or pack neighborhood cleanup;

?   Ach. #7e – make sure emergency numbers are posted by each phone in your house; 

?   Ach. #7f – find out safe ways you can help law enforcement;

?   Ach. #8b – find out what kind of service Cub Scouts gave in the past;

?   Ach. #8c – make a den or pack Service Scrapbook, or add pictures and memories about giving service to an existing scrapbook; 

?   Ach. #8f – keep a journal and note at least one good deed each day; 

?   Ach. #9a – bake cookies with an adult, then share them with a neighbor or relative to show kindness; 

?   Ach. #9f – with an adult, make a dessert for your family as a kind deed; 

?   Ach. #10b – have a family fun night and be kind and show good sportsmanship;

?   Ach. #17d – use a computer to find out about organizations that do kind deeds, or to write a report about a family, den or pack service project; 

?   Ach.#18b – write two letters to relatives or friends;

?   Ach. #18e – write two thank you letters to someone who has done something kind; 

?   Ach. #18f – write a story about a service project that you have done with your family; 

?   Ach. #18g – Write about a den activity that did something for someone else;

?   Ach. #20c – use two tools to make a repair for a neighbor or family member;

?   Ach. #24a – help a boy join Scouts or earn his Bobcat;

?   Ach. #24b – serve as a denner or assistant denner and be helpful and kind to everyone; 

?   Ach. #24c – choose a service project to help plan and conduct for your den; 

?   Ach. #24d – tell two people they have done a good job; 

?   Ach. #24f – complete the Compassion Character Connection;

Bear Cub Scout Electives:

?   Elect. #5b – help an adult repair a boat or canoe;

?   Elect. #9 – Do an art project to give as a gift;

?   Elect. #13b – with your den, put on a magic show for someone else; 

?   Elect. #14a – help take care of a lawn or flower beds for an organization; 

?   Elect. #14c – take part in a project to beautify a neighborhood; 

?   Elect. #15e – as a den project, help clean up a water source close to where you live; 

?   Elect. #17 – with the help of an adult, repair something; 

?   Elect. #21b – help with a garage or rummage sale to support an organization or other service project.

Webelos Activity Pins:  

Craftsman -

#2 and #4 – Mmake something for someone else.

Readyman -

#1thru #8 – by knowing what to do, you will be ready to help others;

#11-            Help your family be prepared with a fire escape plan; share the knowledge from other suggested activities to that other people will know how to take care of themselves and others.


Give a project as a gift to someone; 


#8 –            Talk about a Good Turn project;

#12 –          Rrecognize another boy for being a good citizen;


#8 –            Write an article about a service project or good deeds;

#9, #10 –   Learn more about people who communicate in ways that are different from you so you can communicate with them; 

#11 –          Use a computer to keep in touch with a relative; 

#12, #13 – Use the computer or email to find out more about how you can share or serve others;

Family Member

#2 –            choose jobs you can do to help your family;

#6 –            Make your home safer for your family; 

#9, #10, #11- choose to do something that will help things run smoother in your home;


#8 –            Plant seedlings;

Handyman –

Do any of the requirements to help someone else;


#12, #13 – Clean up litter;

Earn the Wildlife Conservation Belt Loop;


#6 –            Do an outdoor conservation project with your den or a Scout troop; 

#8 –            Help prepare, cook and cleanup for a den meal;


#13 –          Help another student with schoolwork;


#2, #19 –   write and put on a puppet show or a play about Seeds of Kindness;


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