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Baloo's Bugle

October 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 3
November 2008 Theme

Theme: Seeds of Kindness
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2


Goodwill Closing Ceremony

Capital Area Council

Set Up:  8 Cub Scouts each with a sign with one of the letters on front.  The words are written on the back in large print.  Boys say their parts in turn.

Cub Scout #1:         G - Good Cub Scouts are friends to all.

Cub Scout #2:         O - On their honor to obey the pack law

Cub Scout #3:         O - Once they spread seeds of kindness all around.

Cub Scout #4:         D - Doubled friendships will surely be found.

Cub Scout #5:         W - Working together to spread the seeds will make the world a better place.

Cub Scout #6:         I - Including as friends -- boys from each faith and race.

Cub Scout #7:         L - Leaving behind them a path of good cheer planted from their seeds.

Cub Scout #8:         L - Let's all practice spreading seeds now and all through the year.

Seeds Of Kindness Closing

Sam Houston Area Council

Set Up:
A group of Cub Scouts is talking with the Cubmaster.
The conversation is ending and the Cubmaster says:

Cubmaster:          Remember, guys, it’s important to be kind to everyone you meet but, it is most important to be kind to the people in your family.

The Cubmaster walks off stage.
The Cub Scouts start to gather closer together
and the conversation continues.

Cub Scout #1       Wow, I never thought about that.

Cub Scout #2       Yeah, I guess it really is important to be kind to my family.

Cub Scout #3       My mom is kind when she cooks our favorite foods. I love it when she makes lasagna.

Cub Scout #4       Mmmmm. Yum! Maybe we can think up a special recipe for our families.

Cub Scout #5       OK. Let’s write down the ingredients. (Looks for a card and pencil and starts writing.)

Cub Scout #6       Well, we should probably start with a cup of eagerness. Maybe even three cups. It’s important to be eager to help at home.

Cub Scout #1       Sure, and how about some laughter. Maybe two cups. Laughter helps everyone feel good at my house.

Cub Scout #5       This is beginning to look enticing. What next?

Cub Scout #2       How about some courtesy. Two hands full. You can never have enough of that at our house!

Cub Scout #3       What about helpfulness? At least a cup and a half of that!

Cub Scout #4       And the ability to follow instructions. That’s really important to my parents.

Cub Scout #6       Oh, and a gallon of patience…especially with my sisters! Write that one in big letters!

Cub Scout #5       Hey guys, this is looking really great. Is there anything we’ve left out?

Cub Scout #1       I’d say we need at least four cups of love for each other. In fact, we should add a little more for good measure.

Cub Scout #2       Yeah. Don’t forget to put down the instructions, too.

Cub Scout #3       Stir it all up. Mix it well.

Cub Scout #4       What will we call it?

Cub Scout #5       How about “A Recipe for a Happy Family.”

Cub Scout #6       And make sure to serve generous portions daily!

Cub Scout Garden of Thoughts

Heart of America Council

Personnel:    7 Cubs dressed in farmer’s hats, shirts, levis, etc., with garden tools.

Props:            Large cut-outs of vegetables as indicated.

Cub Scout #1:         We’re Cub Scout farmers who’ve come your way to share with you, our garden of thoughts for the day.

Cub Scout #2:         (holds up carrot) Take care at all times, remembering to do your best each day.

Cub Scout #3:         (holds up lettuce) Let us always give a smile to others as we travel down life’s way.

Cub Scout #4:         (holds up turnip) Be sure to turn up at meetings and participate in pack activities.

Cub Scout #5:         (holds up bean) Learn not to put things off, for it’s not fun being late.

Cub Scout #6:         (holds up beet) In life’s game, you can beat if you strive to work with everyone.

Cub Scout #7:         (holds up large package of seeds) And now that we’ve planted some seeds of thought, we’ll say good night, for our meeting is adjourned.

The Key

(This could also be an opening or a skit
but it leaves a powerful message as a closing)

Baltimore Area Council


ü  A large door marked “Happiness” with easily read letters , big box behind the door

ü  Seven cut outs resembling keys each with one word written on it in large letters.

Personnel: Narrator and 7 Cub Scouts.

Outline -

«  Each Cub takes his key and tries to open the door.

«  As he crosses in front of audience, make sure the key is in front of him with the word facing the audience. 

«  Have each Cub announce what their key is (read word)

«  Have the Narrator give the result

Cub # 1:       (key called Effort) - He tries to open the door but cannot unlock it. (He steps aside.)

Cub # 2:       (key called Knowledge) - He tries to open door, but cannot (He steps aside).

Cub # 3:       (key called Wealth) - Does same as other boys.

Cub # 4:       (key called Honesty) - Does as others.

Cub # 5:       (key called Truth) - Does as others.

Cub # 6:       (key called Cooperation) - Does as others.

Cub # 7:       (key called Love) - He opens the door to find a big gift.

Narrator:  Love opens the door to happiness because with love comes the gift of sharing your, knowledge, wealth, effort, and honesty, and truthfully in a cooperative spirit. Love is the spirit of caring and sharing. Let us keep the caring, sharing, feeling all year round for that is the Spirit of Scouts. 

Depending on your unit, your location and your audience you could follow this up with I Corinthians, chapter 13, "The Love Chapter"  CD


Do More Closing

Sam Houston Area Council

Prop:     A candle lit by the leader

Cub Scout #1:         This candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting the world over. It burns today to show the friendship and fun we share.

Cub Scout #2:         But there is more that we can do to spread seeds of kindness. Listen:

Cub Scout #3:         Do more than belong. Participate

Cub Scout #4:         Do more than care. Help.

Cub Scout #5:         Do more than believe. Practice.

Cub Scout #6:         Do more than be fair. Be kind.

Cub Scout #7:         Do more than forgive. Forget.

Cub Scout #8:         Do more than dream. Work.

Cub Scout #9:         Do more than teach. Inspire.

Cub Scout #10:      Do more than live. Grow.

Cub Scout #11:      Do more than be friendly. Be a friend.

Cub Scout #12:      Do more than give. Serve.

Take Time Closing

Sam Houston Area Council

Set Up:

5 boys can each repeat two lines, or
10 boys can each read a line.

Cub Scout #1:         Take time to think.
Thoughts are the source of power.

Cub Scout #2:         Take time to play.
Play is the secret of perpetual youth.

Cub Scout #3:         Take time to read.
Reading is the fountain of wisdom.

Cub Scout #4:         Take time to pray.
Prayer can be a rock of strength in time of trouble.

Cub Scout #5:         Take time to love.
Loving is what makes living worthwhile.

Cub Scout #6:         Take time to be friendly.
Friendship gives life a delicious flavor.

Cub Scout #7:         Take time to laugh.
Laughter is the music of the soul.

Cub Scout #8:         Take time to give.
Any day of the year is too short for selfishness.

Cub Scout #9:         Take time to do your work.
Pride in your work, no matter what it is nourishes the ego and the spirit.

Cub Scout #10:      Take time to show appreciation.
Thanks is the frosting on the cake of life.

All:                         Good night and take time going home.



Heart of America Council

Since grains of corn can become seeds to grow more corn, this ceremony fits with Seeds of Kindness (sort of) CD

Set Up: - Five Cub Scouts with placards with their word on the front and their parts on back in LARGE print.

Narrator:             When the Pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving, they placed five grains of corn at each place at the table. This was a reminder that all our abundance was given by God, and also a reminder of the time when the food supply was so scarce that only five grains were available as the ration of each person. Those five grains were....

Cub Scout #1:         GRATITUDE -- For the necessities of life.

Cub Scout #2:         PRAISE -- To our God for His good gifts.

Cub Scout #3:         COURAGE -- To carry on under many types of difficulties.

Cub Scout #4:         SHARING -- With those less fortunate than ourselves.

Cub Scout #5:         DEPENDENCE -- On each other and our God for His care.

Narrator:             In the manner of the grateful Pilgrims, with their ration of five grains of corn, let us remember the source of all our blessings and be mindful of those who are hungry tonight and resolve that somehow we will continue to spread seeds of kindness.


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