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Baloo's Bugle

October 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 3
November 2008 Theme

Theme: Seeds of Kindness
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
Tiger Cub
Achievement 2



Seeds of Kindness Advancement Ceremony Ideas

Grand Teton Council


1)         Attach awards to “seeds of kindness” packets.  Talk about kindness, and how the seeds we plan grow great dividends in the future.

2)         Have a “plant” (dead tree branch, twig, etc) to which you have attached “leaves” made of paper or fun foam, etc.  On the leaves are written the good deeds the Cub Scouts have done this month.  Attached to some of them are the awards the boys are receiving.  Be sure to talk about the awards.

3)         Make a “garden” with a miniature picket fence (glued to styrofoam so it will stand up), with “grass” or “soil” (crumpled paper, straw if you would like, something to simulate soil).  In the soil, place the awards, attached to “vegetables.”  You can make your own, or you can use real ones (clean ones, of course).  Have small hoes, shovels, or other gardening implements for children available.  Let boys “dig” their awards from the “soil.” 


Advancement Ceremony Ideas

1998 Simon Kenton Council


«  Give each boy an apple with his award and tell them that Johnny Appleseed would be as proud of them as his parents and everyone in the pack are.

«  To give recognition to leaders and parents, who have done something for the pack, give them a package of seeds (preferable apple) and tell them you appreciate the seeds they are planting for the future.

«  Another recognition for adults, who have helped during the month, is to give them a package of lifesavers and tell them they are just like Molly Brown, unsinkable in helping our pack.

«  Use a fake tree or small live one in a pot, put the boys awards in plastic apples and attach to the tree.  The boys can "pick the apple" and get their awards.



San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils


Equipment:          Cloth or paper sack labeled: ―Johnny Cub Scout Seeds.  Have the advancement awards inside and an apple.


Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, I have here in my hand an apple. This and many more apples came from a tree that grew from a tiny seed.


       A long time ago, right after the American Revolution, there was a man named John Chapman. We know him better as Johnny Appleseed. Johnny Appleseed wandered through Ohio and Indiana for 40 years planting apple orchards. For generations afterward those trees helped feed the people.


       The badges we‘re awarding tonight are like those seeds. They are symbols of growth for our Cub Scouts, who are themselves growing straight and tall like Johnny Appleseed‘s trees. And like those trees, our Cub Scouts will help other people.  (Take badges from sack and give them to parents to put on son‘s shirts.



San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils


Personnel: Cubmaster (CM) and Assistant CM (CA)


Props: Draw on a poster board plants at different stages:

«  A seed labeled ― Bobcat,

«  A small sprout labeled ― Tiger;

«  A small shoot labeled ― Wolf;

«  A larger plant labeled ― Bear;

«  A plant in full bloom labeled ― Webelos.


Cover each drawing with a strip of paper loosely attached so that each strip can be easily removed at the appropriate time.


CM     A young boy growing in our program starts out like a small seed. Parents are just like farmers, trying to help that seed grow to reach its full potential. It takes many resources and lots of time.  Every boy starts as a Bobcat, small seeds all set to sprout. (Pull off paper covering Bobcat seeds).  They quickly grow when conditions are favorable.  (Call out names of Bobcats. Present awards to parents and congratulate each boy) Lead Cheer.


CA      Some boys start Scouting as Tiger Cubs, this is the first growth area in Cub Scouting, earning their Tiger rank. (Pull off strip covering Tiger sprout) Will the following boys and parents please step forward? (Call out names of Tigers. Present awards to parents and congratulate each boy).  Lead Cheer


CM     The next stage of development comes at Wolf, when the Cub Scout is really starting to grow and take shape in Scouting. (Pull off strip covering Wolf) Will the following Cub Scout and parents please step forward and be recognized for reaching the next level?  Present awards to parents and congratulate each boy.  Lead Cheer.


CA      Repeat process for Bears.  Lead Cheer


CM     Close with comments about Webelos having reached full bloom in Cub Scouting. Their next task will be to start in Boy Scouting and grow to a who new level. Lead Cheer


Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns

Baltimore Area Council


Materials needed: Paper cup filled with soil, quick sprouting seeds such as alfalfa, water


Set Up: When a boy is ready to advance from one rank to another, the Cubmaster calls him to the front of the Pack Meeting with his parents and says the following:


Cub Scout _______, you have within you the seed of a man.  Through Scouting, that seed may grow.  Your advancement tonight from _______ to _______ is part of that growth.


To help you better understand the growth you have to make, we give you this cup of soil (hand cup to Cub), which represents the fertile ground of Scouting with the opportunities and direction it affords you for growth.


When you became a Cub Scout, you planted your seeds in this soil. (Hand Cub seeds to plant in soil.)


For a seed to grow, it must have nourishment. Your Den Leaders nourish your seeds through the activities and projects you work on at den meetings each week. (Have Den Leaders water the soil.)


No seed can grow without the warmth of the sun. By their encouragement and support in Scouting, your parents provide the warmth needed for your own seed to grow. (Ask the parents to help their son place his cup in a sunny spot at home.)


Now, Cub Scout _______, as you receive your advancement, we instruct you to take these seeds home and care for them so they will grow into healthy strong plants. And we promise you that as your seeds grow through the care you give them you too will grow through the care your Cub and Scout leaders give you as you go through the Scouting program.


With a little work this could be adapted for a great Cubmaster’s minute.  CD



Circle Ten Council


STAGING: Cardboard trees and bushes in background.


Personnel: Cubmaster (CM) and Assistant CM (CA)


CM:    Do you see that tree in my backyard? I planted that tree as a seedling the first year my oldest joined Cub Scouts. Look at it now! We did it as a conservation project to show how we can help our environment. (Or make up your own introduction  CD)


CA:     Wow, it sure has grown!!


CM:    A young Bobcat starting his Cub Scouting adventure may be like a young seedling just starting to grow like that one used to be in my backyard. We have several Cub Scouts that have earned the Bobcat rank.


CA:     Will the following boys and their parents please join us in the backyard. (Reads names)


CM:    These Cubs, like a planted seedling, have just started. Parents, I give you the Bobcat Badge to present to your sons.  Lead Cheer!


CM:    A young Tiger has gone beyond the Bobcat, and like the seedling is growing into a tree.  His limbs are still weak and he still needs support his Adult Partner gives him to stand straight.


CA:     We have several Cub Scouts tonight that have earned their Tiger Badge, the second rank in Cub Scouting.  Will the following boys and their parents come into the backyard. (Read Tiger names)


CM:    A Tiger Cub has accomplished more than the Bobcat completing his 5 Achievements. He has begun to search, discover and share in the world around him.  Parents, please present these Tiger Badges to your sons.  Lead Cheer!


CM:    A young Wolf has gone even further, like the seedling becoming a tree.  His limbs are becoming stronger and extending higher.  They are becoming visible to the neighborhood reaching out to see and learn.


CA:     We have several Cub Scouts tonight that have earned the Wolf Badge, the third rank in Cub Scouting.  Will the following boys and their parents come into the backyard. (Read Wolf names)


CM:    A Wolf Cub has completed his 12 Achievements.  His experiences, skills, and knowledge have begun to extend beyond his home and have become visible to others.  Parents, please present these Wolf Badges to your sons.  Lead Cheer!


CM:    The Bear Scout, the fourth rank of Cub Scouting, has continued up the Scouting trail beyond the Wolf. He has become strong and straight as a young tree, not fully grown yet, but on his way. His search extends beyond his neighborhood into the town and country. His experiences could be fishing in a creek, a hike through town, or visit to local park or zoo. We have several Cub Scouts that have met the challenges of the Bear and will receive their awards tonight.


CA:     Will the following Cub Scouts and parents join us. (Read names)


CM     The Bear Scout has matured and endured the challenges of the Cub Scout trail. His experiences and knowledge are nearly complete. His backyard is beyond his neighborhood. Parents please present these badges to your sons.  Lead Cheer!


CM:    The Webelos Scout is coming to the end of the Cub Scout Trail. He is a fully-grown tree in the Cub Scout forest. He stands straight and tall. His backyard extends up and down the highways. His fun may include Canoeing at a Cub Scout camp, hiking in the woods, and camping overnight. We have several Cub Scouts here tonight that have met the Webelos challenges.


CA:     Will the following boys and their parents join us in our backyard.


CM:    The Webelos Scouts have almost completed the Cub Scout trail. They are knowledgeable, skillful, and confident. His backyard is almost limitless. Parents please present these badges to your sons.  Lead Cheer!


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