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Baloo's Bugle

September 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 2
October 2008 Theme

Theme: Adventures in Books
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
Tiger Cub
Achievement 5


Adventures In Books

Sam Houston Area Council

Tune: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain

Cub Scouts really learn from Adventures In Books

Cub Scouts really learn from Adventures In Books

Cub Scouts really learn from adventures,

Oh they really learn from adventures,

Oh they really learn a lot from Adventures In Books.

2. You can climb the highest mountain In A Book. (etc.)

3. You can visit Mars and Venus In A Book. (etc.)

4. You can save the world from evil In A Book. (etc.)

5. You can go and solve a mystery In A Book. (etc.)

6. Fight the dragon, save the damsel In A Book. (etc.)

7. Visit great men in our history In A Book::. (etc.)

8. So lets keep on reading and learning - Read a Book. (etc.)

This song adapted from "Cub Scouts Learn A Lot From Heroes In A Book."  There is the same number of syllables but flow is not quite as good.  If you come up with something better - drop me a line, please.  Thank you.  CD

I've Been Reading The Newspaper

Sam Houston Area Council

(Tune: I’ve Been Working On The Railroad)

I’ve been reading the newspaper

All my live long days

I’ve been reading the newspaper

Just to learn what I can learn.

I read about the news and sports,

Comics and classifieds.

I enjoy reading all about it,

Just so I can know it all.

The more I read and learn each day,

The more I can grow and grow.

The more prepared I will be

For the Boy Scout I become.


I’ll keep reading the newspaper

All my live long days.

I’ll keep reading the newspaper

So just you wait and see.

Singing Frogs and Pirate Kings

Great Salt Lake Council

Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Once upon a time ago
Begins a book that we all know.
There’s one about a pirate king,
And one about some frogs that sing.
There are so many different books,
Even one, about some crooks.

Here’s a book, I’ll give a clue,
Has to do with “you-know-who”
Lighting bolt and magic wand
A really cool school and a professor who’s gone
I would join them if I might
You, should read it, start tonight.

Books can take you many places
To different times and different faces.
If you want to visit Rome, you don’t
Even have to leave your home.
Just open up an awesome book
Go ahead and give it a look!

Reading’s Fun!

Great Salt Lake Council

Tune: Happy Birthday to You

You should read every day
There’s no better way
To make your brain smarter
Reading’s fun, shout Hooray!

The Ballad of Davy Crockett

Southern NJ Council

You knew this one was going to be here with this theme and me helping with Baloo. I have two recordings of this song plus the words to all 35 verses someplace in my house.  Not to mention the Special Edition Disney DVD Davy Crockett set.  Commissioner Dave

Born on a mountain top in Tennessee,

Greenest state in the land of the free

Raised in the woods, so's he know ev'ry tree

Kilt him a b'ar when he was only three

Davy, Davy Crockett, the man who don't know fear
Davy, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier,

Fought single-handed through the Injun war

Till the Creeks was whipped

and the peace was in store

While he was handling this risky chore

Made himself a legend forevermore

Davy, Davy Crockett, holding his promise dear
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier

He give his word and he give his hand

His Injun friends could keep their land

The rest of his life he took the stand

That justice was due every red-skinned man

Davy, Davy Crockett, holding his promise dear
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier

Went off to Congress and served a spell

Fixing up the government and laws as well

Took over Washington, so I hear tell

And patched up the crack in the Liberty Bell

Davy, Davy Crockett, seeing his duty clear
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier

When he came home, his politickin' done

The western march had just begun

So he packed up his gear and his trusty gun

And lit out grinnin' to follow the sun

Davy, Davy Crockett, A leading the pioneers
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier

He heard of Houston and Austin and so

To the Texas plain he just had to go

There freedom was a fightin' another foe

And they needed him at the Alamo

Davy, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier

The Land of Make-Believe

Capital Area Council

Tune: It’s a Small World

There’s a land of wonder, a land of fun
Just behind the stars and beyond the sun.
You can come as you are, ‘cause it ain’t very far.
It’s the Land of Make-Believe.

Be a pirate, be a cowboy, a witch or ghost,
Be an astronaut or what you’d like most.
So be happy and sing – you can be anything
In the Land of Make-Believe.

Imagination’s a wondrous thing.
You can laugh and play, you can dance and sing.
Come along, have some fun – Just invite everyone
To the Land of Make-Believe.


Story Of Kim

Southern NJ Council

Tune: Beverly Hillbillies

Let me tell you a story ‘bout a boy named Kim.
Who grew up in India, they wrote a book ‘bout him.
He identified jewels by the touch and by the feel,
And helped other people, his heart was real.
A good boy, an orphan on his own.

Now Kim’s friends said “Kim, we love to have you here.
You can help us win the battle from the thugs that we fear.”
So he got an education, and when he was through.
He helped his friends, the British, cause he knew what to do.

Tricky, a spy, he could sneak in anywhere.
Rudyard Kipling told the tale of Kim’s life,
How he grew up in India in times of great strife.
You can read it on the pages that are in this great book.

To start the adventure, all you have to do is look.
Open the cover, turn the page, read!

Up On Mount Rushmore

Southern NJ Council

(Tune: Up On The Housetop)

Up on Mount Rushmore in South Dakota
Are carved four faces we know so well,
Four of our nation's Presidents,
A monument to men who made a difference.


George Washington -- he was number one,
Abe Lincoln -- freed everyone,
Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt
Helped guide our nation as it was built.

Arthur, The King

Southern NJ Council

Tune:  Frosty, The Snowman

Arthur, the King
Was unhappy as a boy
His sword was stuck in a very hard rock
So he had to play with toys.

Arthur grew up
Getting very big and strong
He could laugh and sing as he lifted anything
Even if it was heavy and long.

There must have been some magic
in his newfound strength one day.
For as he touched his sword again,
The rock melted down to clay.

Arthur was happy,
He gave his sword a name
Excalibur it was called, and it helped him to maul
All the foes that came his way.

Kings of Adventure

Southern NJ Council

(Tune: Davy Crockett)

Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee,
Greenest State in the land of the free.
Raised in the woods where he knew every tree
Killed him a bear, when he was only three!
Davy, Davy Crockett,
King of the wild frontier.

Walked across the country with a sack on his back,
Saved Ohio settlers from Indian attack.
Shared all he had with anyone who lacked,
Apple trees now mark the path where he walked.
Johnny, Johnny Appleseed,
King of the farming man.

Made his living laying railroad rails,
The strongest man who could hammer those nails,
Then he was challenged to the race of his life,
Outworked a steam drill, but didn't live through the night.
Big John, Big John Henry,
King of the railroad man.

Raised by coyotes and schooled by a bear,
His horse was a Widowmaker to those who dared,
Roped every varmint that flew threw the sky,
Even a cyclone 'cross the prairie he'd ride.
Pecos, Pecos Bill
King of the wild, wild west.


John, John, Johnny Appleseed

Southern NJ Council

Hear the tune

John, John, Johnny Appleseed
A friend of the creatures
And the birds in the trees.

John, John, Johnny Appleseed
He was a barefoot friend of the pioneers,
John Chapman, Johnny, Johnny Appleseed.

He was born long ago in the northeast woods
September 26th.
And he grew up loving those apple trees
And the fruit he loved to pick.

He pulled up stakes and headed West
With a pouch full of apple seeds
And he planted them for the pioneers
And gave them apple trees.

John, John, Johnny Appleseed
A friend of the creatures
And the birds in the trees.
John, John, Johnny Appleseed
He was a barefoot friend of the pioneers,
John Chapman, Johnny, Johnny Appleseed.

He lived in the woods like the Indians
And was friends to all he'd meet.
With a pot on his head, he didn't tote a gun
He lived a life he said was sweet.

Now through the years
When the blossoms bloom,
And we smell that apple pie
Apple cider, apple butter, making applesauce
Thanks to the man from days gone by!

John, John, Johnny Appleseed
A friend of the creatures
And the birds in the trees.
John, John, Johnny Appleseed

He was a barefoot friend of the pioneers,
John Chapman, Johnny, Johnny Appleseed.
John Chapman, Johnny, Johnny Appleseed.

Hear Here!!



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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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