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Baloo's Bugle

September 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 2
October 2008 Theme

Theme: Adventures in Books
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
Tiger Cub
Achievement 5


From Program Helps via 

If you follow the grid on the inside of the cover in the front of Cub Scout Program Helps, your Cub Scouts can complete earning their Rank Awards (Tiger, Wolf, Bear) by the Blue and Gold in February.

Tigers –
Den Meetings - 1d, 1g,
At Home - 5f
Elect. 2, 21

Den Meetings - 1a, 1b, 2b,
At Home - 7a-f, 9a-e
Elect. 6c, 11c

Bear –
Den Meetings- 4a, 4c, 8a, 8c, 11g
At Home - 4b, 8g, 18a, b, f, g, h

Alice, Golden Empire Council

This month would be a great time to begin work on the BSA Family Award, as families read together each night. ( BSA Family Award.aspx) It’s also a good time to introduce the Boy’s Life annual Reading Contest   (See it in the Special Opportunities section or at New Cub Scouts should be encouraged to read the stories in Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book with a parent.

Tiger Cub Achievements:

Ach. #1G – Go to the library; Ach. #2F – locate the library and other places where you might find books;

Ach. #4F – you might decide to put your daily stories in a book called a journal; Ach. #4D – play the “Tell It Like It Isn’t” game – do you think that’s how some folklore stories got started or exaggerated?   Ach. #4G – visit a place where books are published or stories are read or printed (such as radio shows or a series in the newspaper) Find out how many people can hear the story using media.

Tiger Cub Electives:

Elect. #8 – Ask the religious leader or teacher to talk about what books are used in their place of worship;  Elect. #10 – you might offer to bring over books or magazines or take back books they have checked out of the library.  If they have a lot of books, you could offer to dust the books and bookshelves. Elect. #11 – you could also collect books to donate to a library book sale or for people to enjoy in a shelter; Elect. #14 – If you read a book and enjoy it, you might enter the Boy’s Life Reading contest; Elect. #16 – if the hobby is reading, or if you have books about your hobby, share them with your den;  Elect. #21 – choose a character from a favorite book and create a puppet to “show” your book to family or your den; Elect. #31 – choose an animal you want to know more about and read a book about that animal;  Elect. #36 – go see a play based on a favorite story or book, such as Pinochio;  Elect. #39 – if the den visits a place where a parent or other adult works, and where they have books.

Wolf Achievements:

Ach. #1 – See if any of the Feats of Skill remind you of characters in a book and do the actions;  Ach. #2d – find a book that tells about your state and its flag;  Ach. #7e – find and read three stories about how people are protecting our world;  Ach. #8b – find a book that can help you plan your family meals for a day;  Ach. #10d – Read a book or Boy’s Life magazine – enter the Boy’s Life reading contest; Ach. #10e, f – Find a TV program, concert or play that is based on a book;  Ach. #11c – if you choose to read a book used to practice your religion;  Ach. #11d – if you help your religious center by putting hymnals or other books away, patching tears and cleaning the books and shelves where they are kept.

Wolf Electives:

Elect. #1 – As a “code” use one of the unusual arrangements of text shown under the Theme-related section, such as the way Chinese writing is arranged on a page; Elect. #2 – if you do a skit for the pack meeting – try one based on a book; Elect. #6 – Books, Books, Books; Elect. #12a – if you make a freehand sketch for your own bookplate design, or as a drawing of a book cover or character from a book;  #12f – make a poster about books; Elect. #14c – read a book about a pet and tell your den about it;  Elect. #21 – visit the library or a business that uses computers and find out how they are used; use a program to write a report about a book;  Elect. #22c – read a story in Boy’s Life or another magazine and tell it to your den, den leader or an adult;

Bear Achievements:

Ach. #1b and Ach. #2 – explore how special books or religious texts are used in your religion and do required reading;  Ach.#3b – learn about two famous Americans in books; #3e – use a reference book to find out about a state;  Ach. #4 – do the requirements about tall tales and folklore;  Ach. #5a – read a book about a bird or other animal, then make a poster;  Ach. #6a, c and g – recycle newspapers and other paper – it’s the best way to make paper; take part in a den or pack clean-up and use the money from recycling to make a donation of books to a library or children’s center; Ach. #8e – find out some local history using books and other resources at the library;  #8f – start your own “history book” – a journal;  Ach. #16 – choose exercises that remind you of a character in a book and do them;  Ach. #17a – choose a TV show based on a book or story – you could even talk about how closely the show followed the book;  #17b – play charades with a twist – use book titles or phrases that have to do with characters in a book; #17d – use the computer to write a report about something to do with books;  Ach. #18f, g – write a story about some activities with your family or den, put them together in a book form or write a “report” for a pack newsletter; Ach. #24c – plan and conduct a den activity with the approval of your den leader – how about visiting a bookstore or library?

Bear Electives:

Elect. #9a – use collage, drawing or painting to decorate a poster about a book or to decorate a book cover;  Elect. #10 – make a mask to represent a character in a book;  Elect. #16c – read a book about a farm animal and tell your den about it;  Elect. #21b – help with a garage or rummage sale to make funds buy books for a library or community organization – or help with a book sale; Elect. #22c – start your own library, organizing them by subject and making a record as well;  Ach. #24a – learn about local Indian people native to your area using a book.

Webelos Activity Pins:

P Citizen – Use a book to find out about the required facts in #3, #6, or #11.

P Showman – Puppetry #3, #4, #5, #6 – use a story from a children’s book or another favorite as your subject. Drama #16, #17, #18, #19 – use a book to help complete these activities or choose a play adapted from a book or story; #23 – read a book about William Shakespeare

P Artist #8, #9 – if your choice is based on a character or characters from a book;  #10 – create a collage based on your favorite books; 

P Scholar # 9 – use a book to gather information; 

P Communicator # 6 – visit a library; #9 – find out how a person with an impairment can use books to communicate; #12 – under supervision of a parent or trusted adult, connect to 5 internet web sites about a subject that interests you – look up information about books, libraries or the history of books.


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