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Baloo's Bugle

September 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 2
October 2008 Theme

Theme: Adventures in Books
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
Tiger Cub
Achievement 5


Boys’ Life Reading Contest for 2008



Enter the 2008 Boys’ Life Reading Contest

Write a one-page report titled “The Best Book I Read This Year” and enter it in the Boys’ Life 2008 “Say Yes to Reading!” contest.

The book can be fiction or nonfiction. But the report has to be in your own words — 500 words tops. Enter in one of these three age categories:

­  8 years old and younger

­  9 and 10 years old

­  11 years old and older

First-place winners in each age category will receive a $100 gift certificate good for any product in the Boy Scouts official retail catalog. Second-place winners will receive a $75 gift certificate and third-place winners a $50 certificate.

Everyone who enters will get a free patch like the one shown above. (And, yes, the patch is a temporary insignia, so it can be worn on your Cub Scout or Boy Scout uniform shirt, on the right pocket. Proudly display it there or anywhere!) In coming years, you’ll have the opportunity to earn different patches.

The contest is open to all Boys’ Life readers. Be sure to include your name, address, age and grade in school on the entry.

Send your report, along with a business-size, self-addressed, stamped envelope, to:

Boys’ Life Reading Contest


P.O. Box 152079

Irving, TX 75015-2079

Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2008 and must include entry information and a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

For more details go to

Maybe this contest sounds too big to your Cubs -
Then try the following -

Reading Contest

Southern NJ Council

Have a contest lasting from Pack Meeting to Pack Meeting to see which boy in each den can read the most books. Give awards at the end to all boys who participate (book marks, etc.) and a nice award to the winners. OR, challenge each den to read a certain book (appropriate for age level). Have them do a skit or a made up song about the book at the next pack meeting.

Communicating Belt Loop & Pin




The requirements listed below are taken from the Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program Guide (34299B) 2006 Printing.


Webelos Scouts that earn the Communicating Belt Loop while a Webelos Scout also satisfy requirement 15 for the Communicator Activity Badge.

Belt Loop

Complete these three requirements:

1.       Tell a story or relate an incident to a group of people, such as your family, den, or members of your class.

2.       Write a letter to a friend or relative.

3.       Make a poster about something that interests you. Explain the poster to your den.

Academics Pin

Earn the Communicating belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:

1.       Write an original poem or story.

2.       Keep a journal of daily activities for at least seven days.

3.       Listen to a news story on television or the radio. Discuss the information with an adult.

4.       Go to the library. Use the card catalog or computer reference system to find a book, and then check it out.

5.       Read a book that has been approved by your parent or teacher. Discuss the book with an adult.

6.       With a friend, develop a skit. Perform it at a Scout meeting, family meeting, or school event.

7.       Learn the alphabet in sign language. Learn how to sign 10 words.

8.       With an adult, use the Internet to search for information on a topic of interest to you.

9.       Watch three television commercials and discuss the information in them with your parent or den leader.

10.    Read the directions for a new game. Explain to a family member or friend how to play it.

11.    Learn about "reading" materials for people who have poor vision or who are blind.

12.    While traveling, make a list of road signs, animals, or license plates that you see.

Knot of the Month

Spirit of Scouting Service Awards


Kommisioner Karl


The “Scouting…Vale la Pena” (left) and Asian American (right) Spirit of Scouting awards recognize distinguished contributions to scouting in the Hispanic and Asian-American communities respectively.  Nominees are chosen for outstanding services and demonstrated involvement in developing and implementing Scouting opportunities for Hispanic-American/Latino and Asian American youth.  These are similar in scope to the Whitney M. Young Award – and are approved by the National Office’s Scoutreach bureau.


Many packs and troops have opportunities to reach out to less fortunate immigrant families and bring scouting to boys that might otherwise be left behind. 

If you your unit, sponsoring organization or an outstanding volunteer works hard to get these youth involved – you may go to:

to print a nomination form and for more guidelines.



Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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