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Baloo's Bugle

September 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 2
October 2008 Theme

Theme: Adventures in Books
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
Tiger Cub
Achievement 5


A Book Is A Friend Closing

Sam Houston Area Council

This could be done as shown or as a Cubmaster (CM) Minute with the Cubmaster reciting (hopefully) or reading the poem.

CM:            This month we’ve focused on the adventures we can have while we are reading. The places we can go, the people we can meet and the fun we can have without leaving our chair are great if we will take the time to read. Here’s a poem we would like to share with you.

Cub Scout #1:         “What is a Book?” by Lora Dunetz

Cub Scout #2:         A book is pages, pictures, and words

Cub Scout #3:         A book is animals, people, and birds;

Cub Scout #4:         A book is stories of queens and kings,

Cub Scout #5:         Poems, and songs - so many things!

Cub Scout #6:         Curled in a corner where I can hide,

Cub Scout #7:         With a book I can journey far and wide.

Cub Scout #8:         Though it's only paper from end to end,

Cub Scout #9:         A book is a very special friend.

Bird Watchers

Great Salt Lake Council

Tiger Cub:                   I am a Tiger Cub. Like a hummingbird, I search, discover, and share.

Bobcat Cub Scout:     I am a Bobcat. Like a sparrow, I work hard to learn about Cub Scouting.

Wolf Cub Scout:         I am a Wolf. Like a swallow, I swoop and learn many new skills.

Bear Cub Scout:         I am a Bear. Like a robin, I have colors on my chest to show my accomplishments.

Webelos Scout:           I am a Webelos Scout. I learn much along the Scouting trail that makes me strong and independent like the hawk.

Arrow Of Light recipient:       I am earning the Arrow of Light, which is the highest award in Cub Scouting. As the eagle is a proud bird, I am also proud of my accomplishments.

Cubmaster:                  Just as we watch the many birds that are around us, we also watch our Scouts grow as they walk the Scouting trail.

Thanks for Coming

Southern NJ Council

Personnel:    6 Cub Scouts

Equipment: 6 cards spelling out the word THANKS on front and the boys' parts on back in LARGE print.

Cub Scout #1:    We hope you liked our show tonight.

Cub Scout #2:    We tried real hard to do things right.

Cub Scout #3:    It's easy to do good, you see,

Cub Scout #4:    When you have the help of your family.

Cub Scout #5:    Thanks for coming!  Come again!

Cub Scout #6:    Enjoy this time.  We'll soon be men.

Just Imagine

Southern NJ Council

Leader:               Rudyard Kipling, the famous English author, who wrote the story of the Jungle Book, wrote a little poem. It begins like this:

Cub Scout #1:     I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.

Cub Scout #2:     If you make these six your servants imagine the things you could do! Just imagine for a minute that a little green man from outer space lands in your backyard. Now he wants to know how the picture gets in the television? What causes thunder? Why does night come? Where did your parents live before you were born? Could you answer his questions?

Cub Scout #3:     From this moment on you can decide to be an investigator. Ask questions about everything that you have ever wondered about. What are clouds made of? Are all of the lights in the night sky stars? How would I take care of myself if my parents were gone all day? What can I make by myself? How old are my pets compared to me? What kinds of insects live in the field behind my house? How do they protect themselves? What is the street made of? Why is it cooler in the mountains than down in the valley? If the mountains are closer to the sun shouldn't it be hotter? If your parents, teachers and leaders can't give you the answers, then look to books and computers. Just imagine!

Cub Scout #4:     Look around and you will find hundreds of things waiting to be investigate. You've only one life and future -- make the best of both!

Folklore Closing

Southern NJ Council

Personnel:         Seven Cub Scouts or Five Cub Scouts and 2 Lady Leaders

Equipment:       Costumes for Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, Pecos Bill, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Charlie Parkhurst, and Molly Brown.

Cub Scout #1:   I'm Paul Bunyan, the lumberman who leveled a forest in one swing of my ax.  My constant companion was Babe the Blue Ox.

Cub Scout #2:      I'm Johnny Appleseed, a missionary who planted orchards in the wilderness.  My friends were settlers and Indians alike.

Cub Scout #3:   I'm Pecos Bill, I was raised by the coyotes.  I fought a ten-foot rattlesnake, tamed it and used it for a whip.

Cub Scout #4:   I'm Daniel Boone, hunter and trailmaker who led settlers over the Allegheny Mountains in Kentucky.

Cub Scout #5:   I'm Davy Crockett, backwoods hero, member of Congress, and one of the defender of the Alamo.

Cub Scout #6:   (May use a lady leader*) I'm Charlie Parkhurst, a stagecoach driver before there were railroads.  I'm unusual because I'm a lady.

Cub Scout #7:   (May use a lady leader*) I'm Molly Brown, I lived in Leadville, Colorado.  Denver society never accepted me, but I was on the Titanic when it went down in 1912 and helped save the survivors. 

All:                         We are folklore characters.  But you can see, we all had adventure and as much fun as can be.  Goodnight!!!

* Gray Area Alert - cross dressing is not allowed for Scouts.


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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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