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Baloo's Bugle

December 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 5
January 2008 Theme

Theme: Cub Scout Car Show
Webelos: Fitness & Scientist
Tiger Cub Requirement 3


Cub Scout Roundtable Leaders' Guide

Sports cars, trucks, race cars, classic cars - car have fascinated every generation since their invention in 1769.  this month the boys will learn how these vehicles are built, repaired, and sold.  Dens could visit a car dealership, auto repair shop or automobile museum.  Boys can build car or truck models or create a model of a showroom.  Or they can run their derby cars at the pack Pinewood Derby.


Cub Scout Roundtable Leaders' Guide

Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting developed through this month's theme are:

  • Personal Achievement, Boys will gain confidence and get a sense of satisfaction by working on their Pinewood Derby cars.
  • Sportsmanship, Boys will learn fair play from the Pinewood Derby and respect for others in victory and defeat..
  • Fun and Adventure, Boys will enjoy learning about cars and building and racing their own cars. 

The core value highlighted this month is:

  • Positive Attitude, Cub Scouts will learn to take pride in their accomplishments and know that doing their best is more important than winning or losing.

Can you think of others??? Hint | look in your Cub Scout Program Helps.  It lists different ones!! All the items on both lists are applicable!!  You could probably list all twelve if you thought about it!!


It's been a long time since I did an issue with Pinewood Derby   I wasn't sure on the approach to take in Baloo and did not want anyone to think I knew how to make a car.  The cars my son and I made always finished but we were never in the top 3.  So I gave you some basic guidelines and suggest you google "pinewood derby" and be prepared to be overwhelmed as you search for the way to make the perfect racer.  And then watch the movie, "Down and Derby,' and go have fun making and racing your cars WITH your sons.

Since this is the first time BSA has featured only cars the Pow Wow Books I reviewed tended to include other transportation, too.  And so there is a little general transportation in Baloo this month.

Thanks to all my regular contributors for coming through again - Bill Smith, the roundtable Guy (who has already sent me the January Training Topic!!!), Scouter Jim in Utah (especially for the Great Salt Lake Pow Wow CD), and Alice in California. 

Next month there will be a feature article by Bill Smith on the Philmont Training Center and the first ever Cub Scout Extravaganza.  Do not miss it!!! (The CS Extravaganza at the Philmont Training Center that is, it's okay to miss Baloo's BugleJ J )

Pow Wow CDs are arriving.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I always worry a little in the Fall when my books start running out.  Great book from Capital Area Council, via Cubmaster Chris (Have you hear his podcasts??  Check out his website and you can link to podcasts and other media presentations), Sam Houston from Rachel at Rice arrived today so it will be featured in next month's issue.  I attended the Baltimore Pow Wow and finally met Pat who has been sending me their book for years and the chair, Pam and quite a cast of other characters.  Their cooking instructor is fantastic!!  Grand Teton from Kathy in St Anthony, ID, looks like it will regularly be featured in this year's editions. 

Theme patch for January 2008,
Cub Scout Car Show not available yet

National makes a patch for every Cub Scout Monthly theme.  However, they have not yet posted any of the 2008 patches so I cannot show hem to you!!!  But here are two of the many Pinewood Derby patches available from I like the idea of special patches for your Pinewood Derby Committee - See the Pit Crew patch above.

Months with similar themes to
Cub Scout Car Show
Dave D. in Illinois

There has not been a monthly theme specifically for Cars since Cub Scouts began using themes in September 1939.  There have been many themes that a den could use for cars (e.g., Things That Go, Transportation) and so I gave those here.  Also, almost every year there is one theme that is the recommended month for the Pinewood Derby.  I could not sort the spreadsheet that way, but if you have CS program Helps for previous years you may find the months with Pinewood Tips.  CD






Things That Go






Things That Go



Things That Go






Things that Go



Cub Scouts on Wheels






Things that Go



Things That Go






Things that Go



Things that Go



Fun on Wheels



Things that Go

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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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