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Baloo's Bugle

December 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 5
January 2008 Theme

Theme: Cub Scout Car Show
Webelos: Fitness & Scientist
Tiger Cub Requirement 3


Note on Word Searches, Word Games, Mazes and such | In order to make these items fit in the two column format of Baloo's Bugle they are shrunk to a width of about 3 inches.  Your Cubs probably need bigger pictures.  You can get these by copying and pasting the picture from the Word version or clipping the picture in the Adobe (.pdf) version and then enlarging to page width.  CD

Road Sign Game
Grand Teton Council

Road signs like these are important to drivers, Can you think of some games that can be played to help you learn the signs??  Or maybe have your Cubs create a game or three??

HHHMMmmmmm - this looks like the start of a BINGO board to me  Just add in a few more signs and produce some cards with the signs in different orders.  CD

How about Road Sign Dominoes for gathering?

Hide the signs around your meeting area and then have the boys find them and mark them off on a card.

What else can you think of creating??  Please send me a note about what you created.  Thanks  CD


Do You Know Cars?
Grand Teton Council

Each of the definitions below describes a car. Can you name them?

(You may need your parents' help, some of these are no longer manufactured!! CD)

1. Our 16th President?

2. River in New York?

3. First Colony in New England

4. Indian Chief

5. Theater in which Lincoln was shot

6. A spotted horse

7. A hawk

8. A motherless calf

9. A wild horse

10. One who travel and finds new things


1. Lincoln; 2. Hudson; 3. Plymouth; 4. Pontiac; 5. Ford; 6. Pinto; 7. Falcon; 8. Maverick; 9. Mustang; 10. Explorer


Transportation Quiz
Grand Teton Council

  • A form a transportation that does not run on wheels is_____.
                Skateboard                     Snow-mobile
                Blade skates                               Tank
  • The inventor of the wheel is unknown, but the first record of a wheeled vehicle goes back 5,000 years to ancient ______.
                Babylonia                                Sumer
                Egypt                                     Greece
  • The wheel is a form of a simple machine called the______.
                Pulley                                    Wedge
                Screw                                       Lever
  • The earliest wheels were made of ______.
                Joined wood slabs                    Bronze
                Chiseled stone                             Iron
  • The first important improvement in construction was the ______ wheel.
                Wire                                         Disk
                Welded                                  Spoked
  • A major improvement in the wooden wheel was _______      
                An iron rim                     Harder wood
                Flat area elimination     Axle lubrication
  • Starting with the 13th century, a person who made and repaired wheels was called a _________
                Wheelwright                          Wheelie
                Wheeler-dealer                   Wheelsman
  • Around 1830, a new kind of wheeled vehicle began to appear, the ________.
                Steamboat                   Stanley steamer
                Shaftmobile             Steam locomotive

Answers: (1) Snowmobile (2) Sumer (3) Lever (4) Joined wood slabs (5) Spoked (6) An iron rim (7) Wheelwright
(8) Steam locomotive

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