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December 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 14, Issue 5
January 2008 Theme |
Theme: Cub Scout Car Show
Fitness & Scientist
Tiger Cub Requirement 3
Car Show
Capital Area Council
Have 7 boys hold up the letters to spell, "CARSHOW."
The fronts should have the letter and an appropriate picture.
The back (toward the cub) should have his part in LARGE letters.
One at a time, in order, have them read their part.
- C | Cub Scouts
- A | Are
- R | Ready
- S | to Show
- H | How
- O | Our Cars Go!
- W | Welcome. Please join me in the Cub Scout Promise.
Destination Cub Land
Capital Area Council
People: 6 Cubs with speaking parts and two Cubs holding the bus
Props: Large cut out cardboard bus with open windows or windows set as flaps from which a Cub can stick out his head
Set Up: Have two Cubs walk onto the stage carrying a cardboard cut out of a bus.
Have the 6 Cubs with speaking parts walking along on the side of the bus away from the audience.
As their turns occur the Cubs stick their heads out of the windows
- Ladies and gentlemen, the destination of this bus is Cub Land. It's an attraction which offers more than Disneyland, Kings Island, and television combined.
- When you get to Cub Land, you will find fun and crafts projects to make
- You'll find games and songs.
- Cub Land has great treats such as weekly den meetings and trips.
- Each month there is fun filled pack meetings with awards, skits, and songs.
- Webelos Scouts in Cub Land work on exciting Activity Pins and visit Boy Scout Troops.
(Proceed with a patriotic ceremony).
A History of Transportation
Capital Area Council
Materials: Narrator and 6 boys with a model or picture of the following: Foot, wheel, boat, engine, airplane and rocket.
- (foot) Man learned to get from place to place, running set a faster pace.
- (wheel) Then he invented the wheel to show how much further he could go.
- (boat) The boat helped us carry more. Now we travel from shore to shore.
- (engine) Engines helped us travel far. Almost everyone owns a car.
- (airplane) On airplanes we travel fast. The jet age has arrived at last.
- (rocket) Rockets fired into space, have taken us past the moon's face.
Narrator:Transportation has changed our lives and so have the vehicles used. These vehicles play an important part in our lives, either taking us places or bringing us goods and services. Cub Scouting is also a vehicle. It takes us places by inspiring us to look for new adventure outside our homes. And just as cars and engines need fuel to go, so do we. We need new ideas, new incentives, and new opportunities. Trains, planes, buses and ships need crews to keep them going. We do to. We need our parents and leaders to work together to keep the dens and pack going. I'm glad you are on board. We have a wonderful ride in store for you.
Pinewood Derby Opening
Capital Area Council
Have 8 boys hold up the letters to spell, "PINEWOOD."
The front (toward audience) should have the letter and an appropriate picture.
The back (toward the cub) should have his part in LARGE letters.
One at a time, in order, have them read their part.
- P A Pinewood Derby is fun for all,
But the whole family must answer the call.
- I I will enter the competition real soon
To win or lose or whatever my doom.
- N Neatly I painted my car with dad's expert help,
But please let me run it all by myself.
- E Excitement runs all though the night,
No matter who wins, it will be alright.
- W We would all like to come in first,
But if not, our bubble wouldn't burst.
- O On with the races, don't hesitate,
For this Pinewood Derby can't wait.
- O Open the gates, down the track; then we can rest.
For, being Cub Scouts, we've done our best.
- D Don't mind tonight, where your car places;
Cub Scouting will help you through all life's races.
Pinewood Derby Opening
Capital Area Council
With a little modification, this would be a great Cubmaster's Minute for closing. CD
If you take a moment tonight to contemplate these cars, you will realize that an awful lot of painstaking work went into each one. There is much creativity and ingenuity represented here. I don't know, but I imagine that each car was designed to be the fastest. Of course, not all cars will win. As we begin our pack meeting, keep in mind that in Cub Scouting, as in life, the victors are those who put forth earnest effort. As a great marathon runner from Kenya, a country in Africa, once said "To win is to finish. To finish is to win." Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Things That Go
Grand Teton Council
Cub Scouts line up and hold their posters up as indicated below. On the front (facing audience) is the appropriate picture. On the back in LARGE print is the Cub's part.
- (word "GO") Wheels, wings, and rudders make many things go, All invented by men I'm sure you all know.
- (Model-T Ford) Henry Ford was an important man, for he helped invent n car, He made it in mass production, and made it to go long and far.
- (Spirit of St. Louis plane}"'Lindberg was a man whom we've all read about, He helped build a plane that made the world all shout.
- (Steamship) Robert Fulton did his part in making something that would go, The steamship made him famous, about steam he sure did know.
- (Steam Engine) James Watt, too, became famous, for something that would go, His improvements on the steam engine, year after year did grow.
- (Large wheel with the word "THANKS" for spokes) So you see men such as these, make our country grow, And we're thankful to them, for inventing things that go.
- (U.S. map) So, as we're thinking about the men who have made our nation go, Let us now salute the flag, ever thankful for all that we know.
- Will the audience please rise. Those in uniform, salute. Those not in uniform, place your hand over your heart. Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Models for the Future
Grand Teton Council
The Cubmaster shows a model of a futuristic car and says: Cub Scouts, here is a great looking car. It is the builder's vision of what cars may look like in the future. We can't be sure that he's right. But we can be sure that the world is going to need good men in the future. And we can be sure that we will all be good men if we remember to follow the Cub Scout Promise. Let's remember that as we stand and repeat the Promise. (Leads audience in the Cub Scout Promise.)
This could also make a great Cubmaster's Minute for Closing. Your choice. CD
Wheels Opening
Grand Teton Council
Props: Each Cub has appropriate clothes or gear to illustrate his line.
Den Chief: There are a lot of ways to have fun with wheels. Let's see a few in action:
- I have fun riding my bicycle.
- I like to go rollerblading.
- Trains are my thing.
- A go-cart is the vehicle for me.
- Riding cross country in a truck is my type of fun.
Den Chief: As you can see there are many ways for Cub Scouts to have fun with things that have wheels. Trains and trucks are more than just fun, though. They are all important in the development of our country. Let's stand and honor their inventors as we say the Pledge of Allegiance.
Baltimore Area Council
Equipment: Cards with letters spelling S-P-O-R-T-S-M-A-N-S-H-I-P on the front and the Cubs' parts on the back in LARGE print.
CUBMASTER: Tonight we will have our Pinewood Derby. Will the boys who were asked to help, please come forward? (Boys hold up letters and explain what each letter stands for.)
- S Smile, even if you hurt inside
- P Plan to have a good time
- O Only use kind words
- R Respect the feelings of other Cub Scouts
- T Try your best
- S Speak positively of others
- M Master the art of self-control
- A Anger has no place in our meeting
- N No pouting
- S Success in "doing your best" is possible for every Cub Scout
- H Hush those words of bragging
- I Inappropriate comments and actions are not welcome
- P Participate in the derby for FUN!
CM: Let's remember the word SPORTSMANSHIP throughout our Pinewood Derby tonight. Please stand and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance.
Cars & Wheels
Great Salt Lake Council
Welcome to our Pack Meeting. Our theme is Cub Scout Car Show and probably just about all of you arrived on some sort of wheels. Wheels have given us a great freedom to move about our neighborhood, our town, our state, and this great country of ours. However, with that freedom comes an equal responsibility. We have to use our wheels safely. Car wheels, bicycle wheels, scooter wheels, skateboard wheels: all come with different responsibilities and safety rules. Car drivers should obey the speed limit. Bike riders need to obey road regulations when riding, and pedestrian regulations when walking their bikes.
In the same manner, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution give all citizens certain rights, but with those rights, come responsibilities. Let's all stand and say the pledge to the flag of our great nation.
Baltimore Area Council
Equipment: Piece of wood, item carved out of wood
CUBMASTER: (holding up piece of wood) This is a plain piece of wood, but with imagination we can make many things from it. This is also true of a Cub Scout. From the beginning, you learn many skills in Cub Scouting that will make you a better person.
ASSISTANT CM: (holding up item carved out of wood) This is carved out of a plain piece of wood to become something beautiful. We hope to carve a boy into an adult who is a responsible citizen. You help us to this by learning about citizenship, love of country, and love of God as you advance through each rank.
CUBMASTER: Please stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance with me.
Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material. |