The vignette (You know that thing on page 1 labeled FOCUS), suggests the Cub can earn the Heritage Belt Loop and Pin. These were featured in Baloo's Bugle in July of this year so I did not repeat them. You can check out the July 2007 issue, look up the requirements on www.usscouts.org or get a hold of the Cub Scouts Academics and Sports Program Guide (#34299B)

and besides Christmas (and Hanukkah and all the other winter holidays) provide a perfect time for families to work on -
The BSA Family Program
Adapted from Great Salt Lake Council Pow Wow Book,
The BSA Family program is a series of activities designed to help strengthen all families - whether two-parent, single parent, or nontraditional. All family members are encouraged to participate and may earn the BSA Family Award. The BSA Family Activity Book is the primary resource for the program. It is filled with suggested activities to enhance the children's personal development and enrich and strengthen the family.
The BSA Family Activity Book is divided into the following five sections and is a great resource!
- Learning Through Fun and Adventure (family fun, make-believe, talents, patriotism)
- Strengthening Family Relationships (mealtime, traditions, siblings, love, communication)
- Developing Character (duty to God, self esteem, success, trust, giving, differences)
- Teaching Responsibility (responsibility, being prepared, planning, organizing, money)
- Handling Difficult Situations (obstacles, moving, illness, loss of loved ones)
Families are the basis of society. In the family, children learn about love, values, and social interactions while they prepare for today's world. The family is vital to the future of our community and our nation.
The Boy Scouts of America has a great interest in the strength of the family. Scouting's aim is to develop boys, young men, and women into participating citizens of good character who are physically, spiritually, and mentally fit.
The organization recognizes that it is the responsibility of parents and family to teach their children. However, Scouting is an available resource that can help today's families accomplish worthy goals while building and strengthening relationships among family members.
The purposes of the BSA Family program are twofold:
- To strengthen families, and
- To encourage family involvement in Scouting.
In much the same way that Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts use their handbooks to earn their badges and awards, the family uses the BSA Family Activity Book to earn the BSA Family Award.
BSA Family Award Requirements
To earn the Boy Scouts of America Family Award, a family will complete, within a 12-month period, requirements 1 and 2 plus three more of the remaining requirements.
As a family:
Decide how many times each month you will meet to achieve the Boy Scouts of America Family Award. Make a commitment.
Improve skills discussed in six or more of the 14 Family Talk areas.
Plan and participate in one or more family outings.
Start one new family tradition.
Do a "Good Turn" for an individual, a group, or your community (elderly, needy, handicapped, nursing home, charitable fund-raisers, cleanup days, etc.)
Attend religious services of your choice at least monthly.
Attend or participate in at least two Scouting activities or functions (Scouting shows, pinewood derby, Scouting banquets, flag-raising ceremonies, etc.).
Identify your local BSA council and neighborhood Cub Scout pack.
Ideally, the award will be presented to the family in pack meeting. If this is not possible, it may be presented by a member of the pack committee in an appropriate setting mutually agreed upon. If these options are not possible, the award may be mailed to the family
Boys' Life Reading Contest
Enter the 20th Boys' Life Reading Contest Now!

Write a one-page report titled "The Best Book I Read This Year" and enter it in the Boys' Life 2007 "Say Yes to Reading!" contest.
The book can be fiction or nonfiction. But the report has to be in your own words\500 words tops. Enter in one of these three age categories: 8 years old and younger, 9 and 10 years old, or 11 years and older.
First-place winners in each age category will receive a $100 gift certificate good for any product in the Boy Scouts Official Retail Catalog. Second-place will receive a $75 gift certificate, and third-place a $50 certificate.
Everyone who enters will get a free patch like the one above. (The patch is a temporary insignia, so it can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform shirt. Proudly display it there or anywhere!) In coming years, you'll have the opportunity to earn the other patches.
The contest is open to all Boys' Life readers. Be sure to include your name, address, age and grade on the entry. Send your report, along with a business-size, self-addressed, stamped envelope, to:
Boys' Life Reading Contest, S306
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, TX 75015-2079
For more details go to www.boyslife.org
Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 31, 2007
Knot of the Month
District Award of Merit
Kommissioner Karl

The District Award of Merit is awarded by a District to volunteer and professional adults for service to youth in the District or Division. Normally, the award is presented for service in excess of five years. Candidates for this award must be nominated (Self-nomination disqualifies the candidate). Guidelines are:
A nominee must be a registered Scouter; rendered noteworthy service to youth in Scouting, outside of Scouting, or both (Note: This may consist of a single plan or decisions that contributed vitally to the lives of large numbers of youth or it may have affected a small group over an extended period of time, and should be beyond the expectations of that Scouting position. The nominee's attitude toward and cooperation with the district, division, and/or council is to be taken into consideration as well.
Each district in the BSA sets their own calendar for when nominations are due and where the presentations are made. So if you know someone deserving of this award, check with your Unit Commissioner to find out when and how to make a nomination. Many districts will be seeking nominations the beginning of 2008, so start thinking about who you would like to see receive this honor!
A good friend of mine who "Scoutmastered" the first Wood Badge course of which I had the privilege of serving on staff, NE-IV-80, once said, "When you look at the District Award of Merit, you see it is only half a knot. It is not a square knot like almost all the other awards. It is an overhand knot, the first step in creating a square knot. The reason for this is, those who receive this award are not done, they are just beginning to serve Scouts and therefore, the knot is not complete as more service is still expected." He told me he made this up off the cuff, but I still use it when involved in presenting this award. CD