Let me know as soon as your date is set. I will post whatever I receive. I am hoping to retire in 2007 and visit lots of Pow Wows!!! CD
Southern NJ Council
Rock Around the Pack
Commissioner Dave is the Pow Wow Chair this year!!
January 19, 2008
Lakeside Middle School, Millville, NJ
Call Southern NJ Council, 856-327-1700, extension 32, or visit the website, www.snjscouting.org for more information
Great Salt Lake Council
Get a C.L.U.E.
"Cub Leader Ultimate Adventure"
Scouter Jim is going to be there!!!
November 3 and 10, 2007
Juan Diego Catholic High School, Draper, UT
Contact Scouter Jim Jones at bobwhitejonz@juno.com for more information.
Utah National Parks Council Pow Wow
"China Goes for the Gold"
Saturday, October 27, 8am|3:30 pm
Mountainview High School
665 West Center Street in Orem, Utah
More Information: (801) 437-6222. or http://www.utahscouts.org/
Saturday, November 3, 8am|3:30 pm
Desert Hills Intermediate School
936 E Desert Hills Drive, St. George, Utah
More Information: (801) 437-6222. or http://www.utahscouts.org/
Buckeye Council Pow Wow
"Reflections of the Future"
Kommissioner Karl is part of this Big Show!!
Saturday, November 10, 8am|3pm
Our Lady of Peace School
1001 39th St NW, Canton, Ohio
More Information: 330 580 4272
Baltimore Area Council
Cub Carnival
November 3, 2007
Overlea High School
5401 Kenwood Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21206
Contact Lil at (443) 573-2500 or go to www.baltimorebsa.org
Del-Mar-Va Council
Super Cubs
November 17, 2007
Dover High School, Dover, DE
More information.- www.delmarvacouncil.org (Be sure to type the word council!!) or 302 622 3300 or
1-800-766-SCOUT (7268)
National Capital Area Council
Pirates of the Potomac

November 17, 2007
Annandale High School in Annandale, VA
For more information. 301-214-9156 or http://www.boyscouts-ncac.org or write adonfor@boyscouts-ncac.org
Santa Clara County Council
University of Scouting
January 19, 2008
Some where in Santa Clara county Council territory
Sakiko or Gary, please help!!
More information.- www.scccbsa.org or 408-280-5088 or 302 622 3300 or write jonathan@scccbsa.org
San Gabriel valley Council
Long Beach Area Council
Verdugo Hills Council
The Save the Date Flyer makes me think it will be a western theme
February 2, 2008
Somewhere in Southern California???
More information.- The San Gabriel Valley Council site was the only one with any info | www.sgvcbsa.org or
Maybe Julie will fill me in with all the needed info!!