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Baloo's Bugle

November 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 4
December 2007 Theme

Theme: Celebrations Around the World
Webelos: Craftsman & Scientist
Tiger Cub Requirement 2


Note on Word Searches, Word Games, Mazes and such | In order to make these items fit in the two column format of Baloo's Bugle they are shrunk to a width of about 3 inches.  Your Cubs probably need bigger pictures.  You can get these by copying and pasting the picture from the Word version or clipping the picture in the Adobe (.pdf) version and then enlarging to page width.  CD

Celebrations Around The World Word Search
Trapper Trails

BELLS                   CELEBRATE           CHANUKAH

CHRISTMAS          DECEMBER                  FAMILY

FRIENDS                  GOODIES                  HOLIDAY

KWANZAA                  LOVE                         MUSIC

NOEL                         PEACE                  PRESENTS

RAMADAN              ROHATSU                  SERVICE

SNOW                   TRADITIONS                     YULE

Holiday Word Searches
Alice, Golden Empire Council

If you go to you can find word searches (and craft ideas) for all the December holidays |

and more!!!

(Sorry, I cannot print them here because of copyright restrictions CD)

How Many?
Baloo's Archives

Fill a clear container filled with red, green and white jellybeans, holiday M&Ms, counting as you fill.  Everyone makes a guess on a slip a paper (be sure they include their first and last name) as to how many treats are in the jar.  The winner gets the container & candy.

Scouting Around the World Word Search
Baltimore Area Council

Here is a list of some of the countries around the world in which Scouting is found. Circle the countries in the puzzle below. You may go across, up and down, diagonally or backwards.

AUSTRALIA                HAITI                    BELGIUM

OMAN                      ICELAND                 PANAMA

COSTA RICA              BENIN                PORTUGAL

PERU                      THAILAND                     ITALY

CANADA                  KUWAIT        SOUTH AFRICA

INDIA                  LUXEMBOURG                 JAPAN

DENMARK                 SPAIN                    SWEDEN

EGYPT               UNITED STATES             MEXICO


FRANCE                   BRAZIL         NEW ZEALAND


Gingerbread Person Photo Shoot
Baloo's Archives

Get a refrigerator or wardrobe box.  Decorate the front with a gingerbread man.  Cut a hole in the front of box so cubs can show their faces while having their picture taken.

Santa's Bag
Trapper Trails Council

Number ten brown paper bags from one to ten. Put a familiar Christmas - related article in each bag and staple shut.  Each boy is given a pencil and paper on which he lists numbers one through ten.  He tries to guess what is in each bag by feeling through the paper, and records on his paper his guess.  Boy with greatest number of correct answers is winner.

Santa Maze
Baltimore Area Council

This has a suggested time limit of 4 minutes. Start at the "in" arrow at Santa's boot and exit at the "out" on his pack.


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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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