There are several of the Opening Ceremonies for this theme that would make excellent closing ceremonies with a few tweaks. Try your hand at it, then drop me an E-mail with your revisions and the results. Thanks CD
Make Good Use of Time Closing Ceremony
Trapper Trails
Set up: Give 10 Scouts each a line of the poem to repeat.
Narrator - Time is the most valuable thing in the world. It's not possible to stretch a day longer than 24 hours, nor a year longer than 365 days (except in a Leap Year!). Time wasted is time lost. Time lost can never be found. Tomorrow, today will be yesterday.
Making good use of your time doesn't mean you have to rush about every minute. There are so many things to do that you'll need to think about how you're going to spend your time, so that you make the most of it, and live your life to the fullest.
- Make time to helps to bring God near and washes the dust from your eyes.
- Make time for family and friends... it is the source of happiness.
- Make time for is the price of success.
- Make time to is the source of power.
- Make time to is the source of knowledge.
- Make time to eases life's problems.
- Make time to is the reason for life.
- Make time to hitches the soul to the stars.
- Make time to is the secret of youth.
- Make time to is the fountain of mental and physical strength.