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Baloo's Bugle

November 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 4
December 2007 Theme

Theme: Celebrations Around the World
Webelos: Craftsman & Scientist
Tiger Cub Requirement 2


The House Where Santa Claus Lives

Is the greatest Audience Participation at this time of year.  It is found in the Cub Scout How To Book.  I do it every year at Roundtable and Pack Meeting and if I need Ice Breakers at Training sessions.  Get out your How To Book, read it then do it!  !CD

Christmas with the Wright Family
Baltimore Area Council

The boys (and girls, if you include siblings) are seated in a circle and they start with their own present.
As the story is read and a direction is given, they pass their gift that way.

Mrs. WRIGHT eyed her Christmas list carefully. "There won't be anything LEFT of our budget after Christmas! Dear me!" she sighed.

Mr. WRIGHT looked up from his paper. "That's all RIGHT, my dear, there isn't anything LEFT of it anyway at the end of the month. I'll be happy if it just sees the WRIGHT family through the holidays."

As Mr. WRIGHT turned to his paper, he said, "Have you the RIGHT gift for Aunt Hattie WRIGHT this Christmas? She's been pretty lonely since her daughter married and LEFT home. Uncle Harry WRIGHTLEFT her a lot of money, but she doesn't know how to enjoy it."

Eddie WRIGHT was studying in the corner LEFT of the fireplace. "I wish Aunt Hattie WRIGHT would ask me the RIGHT way to spend it," he said.

Eugenia WRIGHT sniffed, "She wouldn't have much LEFT if she did. Your allowance is almost gone before you get it."

"And I suppose you have all of yours LEFT, Miss Miser!" returned Eddie WRIGHT.

"I don't have all of it LEFT, but I've enough LEFT to buy presents, all RIGHT, without having to borrow from Mother," she snapped.

Eddie WRIGHT looked downcast. "That's RIGHT. Christmas is mighty near, only two more shopping days LEFT."

"Have you a present for Rose, Eddie WRIGHT?" asked Mrs. WRIGHT. "She gave you a nice tie last year, remember?"

Eddie WRIGHT groaned, "That's RIGHT! Gosh, a fellow can't do RIGHT by his family and a girl, too, and have anything LEFT on two dollars a week. What shall I do?"

Just then the doorbell rang. Eugenia WRIGHT ran to answer it and the postman LEFT a special delivery letter for the WRIGHT family. She took it to Father WRIGHT and he opened it. Inside was a letter, along with four RIGHT new ten dollar bills!

Mrs WRIGHT whistled, "It's from Aunt Hattie WRIGHT! She LEFT town and has gone to her daughter's for Christmas and wished us who are LEFT here to spend it on each other."

"Say, she's RIGHT!" Eddie WRIGHT shouted.

"Bless her heart," said Mother WRIGHT.

"It has made her RIGHT happy to give it to use before she LEFT," declared Father WRIGHT. So, I guess it's all RIGHT with everybody LEFT here."

Once the story has ended, each child may open the present he/she ends up with.

(Personal experience has shown you will have to stop several times during the story, because some boys will be holding two presents, and some boys will have none.  The best arrangement is to station the parents around the circle behind their child/children to keep the flow of presents going. | Pat)

My Aunt Came Back
Baltimore Area Council

In this audience participation stunt the leader chants the words and at the end of each stanza he adds a motion which the audience also does. Begin by having the audience stand then they "fan" themselves "cut" with shears etc. until at the end the audience is constantly doing all six motions at the same time and laughing so hard they can hardly stand up. This is a great stunt to try at your pack meeting show.

My Aunt came back from old Japan:
She gave to me an old silk FAN.
(Make fanning motion with right hand)

My Aunt came back from old Tangeers:
She gave to me a pair of SHEARS.
(Make cutting motion with left hand)

My Aunt came back from the New York Fair:
She gave to me a ROCKING CHAIR.
(Rock back and forth on your heels)

My Aunt came back from Holland, too:
She gave to me a WOODEN SHOE.
(Stomp right foot repeatedly)

My Aunt came back from old Hong Kong:
She gave to me the game of PING PONG.

(Move head to right and then to left)

My Aunt came back from Kalamazoo:
She gave to me some GUM TO CHEW.
(Make chewing motion with mouth)

My Aunt came back from Timbuktu:
She gave to me some.....
(leader points to audience)



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