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Baloo's Bugle

November 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 4
December 2007 Theme

Theme: Celebrations Around the World
Webelos: Craftsman & Scientist
Tiger Cub Requirement 2


Recognition Ceremony For Trained Leaders
West Michigan Shores Council

Materials: large pine bough, bucket of dirt, Trained Patches, pins (straight or safety).

Akela: Old Wolves, you were charged with teaching these Cubs in the ways you have been taught.  Has this been done?

Old Wolves: Aye, old lone one, it has been done.

Akela: Baloo, do they know the ways of the Pack?

Baloo: Aye, Akela

Akela: Bagheera, have you taught them the ways of our Program?

Bagheera: Yes, Akela, it has been done.

Akela: Then let the ceremonies begin.  (Plant pine bough in front of you)  By completing your training, you have become acquainted with the Cub Scout program. 

      Let this pine bough represent that program.  The heavy main stem represents the Aims of the Cub Scout Program.  The smaller stems are the Ideals.  (Point out each, as you explain)  Each needle is a part of the Program; the Den Meetings, Pack Meetings, Outings, Advancement, etc.  The needles grow in clusters.  The clusters need many needles to appear healthy and beautiful. 

      Let us keep in mind as we return to our own Packs, the need to develop all parts of the Program.  As I read the names of those to be recognized, would you please come forward. 

Read off each name, pin on trained patch, give card and have Committee Chair or Pack Trainer give each a needle cluster from the bough.  Have the participants form a "U" in front of you.

When all have received their recognition, go on.

Akela: You have each received two tokens here today. The pine needle cluster is to keep you ever mindful of the many parts that make up a healthy Cub Scout program. The trained patch is for you to display on your uniform to alert others to your knowledge and dedication to the Cub Scout program. 

      Do you pledge to accept the responsibility of seeing that the Cub Scouts in your own Packs, put in your charge, benefit from the lessons you have learned here this weekend?  If so, answer "I will". 

Wait for answer

      Then you have achieved the right to join the Old Wolves and take your place as leaders of Cub Scouts.  Do this with dignity, dedication, and honor.  Do not let the Tabaqui and Shere Khan distract you from your task.

Lead cheer

Then participants return to their seats

Be careful at this time of year when presenting awards.  The boys have EARNED the awards.  If you incorporate too much Santa Claus and Christmas into your ceremony, the awards will come out as gifts.  Gifts although given out of love, are not earned, or deserved (just as the greatest gift to mankind -- the birth of our Savior was an undeserved gift of love).  That is one reason why I do not show ceremonies with Santa or with gifts.  Please be careful to maintain this distinction in your award presentations CD

'Twas the Night of the Pack Meeting
Baltimore Area Council
Have narrator read this poem as awards are presented:

'Twas the night of the pack meeting and all through the place,
Not a boy was stirring, anticipation on each face.
It was time for advancements and they all turned an ear,
So when their name was called, they would hear it loud and clear.

The Cubmaster was checking his list, not only once but twice,
To see which boys had worked hard and earned awards this night.
When all of a sudden the Cubmaster as ready with helpers nigh,
To pass out awards as the boys called were filing by.

First came the Bobcats all new to the pack.
Akela is ready, with the guidance and experience they lack,
Come up all you new Cubs, Youre our Bobcats tonight.
Your final step as a Bobcat is to say the Promise and you must do it right.

(Call boys and their parents forward and present awards.)
We cant forget Tigers, with parents in tow
Theyre new to our pack, and theyll help it grow.
With orange hat and scarf, theyre easy to spot,
But keeping up with them is, most decidedly not!

(Call boys and their parents forward and present awards.)
Next are the Wolves, experienced that is true
But there is still much to learn, Akelas not through
Come up all our Wolf Cubs, you are Wolves to be praised,
Achievements and electives youve done
So with Wolf Badge and arrow point, to rank you are raised.

(Call boys and their parents forward and present awards).
Fourth are the Bears most experienced so far,
Akelas teachings theyve heeded, theyre way above par.
Come all our Bear Cubs, your work and learning is applauded,
For completing achievement and electives, tonight youre rewarded.

(Call boys and their parents forward and present awards.)
Last are the Webelos, but not least to be sure,
Akelas lessons theyve learned, now Boy Scouts is their lure.
Come up all our Webelos, your activities are harder,
Your accomplishments you wear so proudly on your shoulder.

(Call boys and their parents forward and present awards).

Now, lets give all these Cubs our Santa applause for a job well done.

Advancement Ideas from Holland
Alice, Golden Empire Council

Take a page from the fun-loving Dutch | wrap each boy's award in tissue, then tie with yarn and before the Pack Meeting begins, string the yarn all over the room , under and over other yarns leading to other boy's a'ards, between the rungs of chairs | when the boy's nam' called he is given the end of his yarn string and must follow it all the way to the end.  You could use a different colored yarn for each boy, or make it even harder and use the same color yarn!  If it seems to difficult for a boy, invite his parents to come up and join the fun!

Along the same lines, the Dutch like to plant notes with riddles leading to the final prize, in this case, a box or envelope with the boy's awards inside.  This will take some extra time before the meeting | either use rhymes or riddles | again, the boy can get help from his den, his parents, or the whole audience.

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