Sargeant and the Private

This is a GREAT one.

Need: 2 scouts (Private and a Sargeant).

Sarge and private walking.

Private: "I want to rest!"

Sarge: "No! we have to finish this hike. Keep going!"

Private: "But my feet hurt" etc. (Whining.)

Here you can be creative, add a few more excuses..

Sarge: "Absolutely NOT!!!"

Private: "Ill cry.."

Sarge: "Go ahead!"

Private: "WaaaaaaHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!"

Here Sarge gives in and they rest. Next the private wants to stop and ' take a wee' (you can always use the "Weeee!" when the Sarge finally gives in after the same Rigmarole. and next a drink, and finally food. But this is only a day hike so there is no food. After more tears, the sarge finds a worm and the private will only eat it (on the threat of more tears) if the sarge eats half. Of course when he finally does, the private starts bawling again and screams

Private: "You ate my half."

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