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Skit - Rowing
This works well as part of an organized meeting. This skit should
not be announced.
Need: 4 boys with 4 chairs
Four or more people sneak up behind the speaker and set chairs down so
that "the speaker can't see them." They then begin to go through the
motions of casting a line and reeling it in. After a while the audience
is watching what the group is doing and then the "speaker" looks over
and asks, "What are you doing?"
"We're fishing!" is the reply of the fishermen, after which they go
back to their motions and the speaker resumes talking. After a short
time the speaker looks over and says - "But you can't fish here!"
"Why not?" asks another fisherman.
"Because there's no water here!" (speaker)
"Oh, well, they weren't biting anyway!" (fisherman)
The fishermen then turn their chairs so that they are lined up in
a single line, facing in the same direction. They go through the
motions of putting their gear away, and then, acting as if they are
rowing a boat, slide their chairs backwards across the stage."
It worked well in a gymnasium and at the hall where we showed it
to the leaders at roundtable. Perhaps the fishermen could sit on
plastic garbage bags, or pieces of plastic sheet such as that which
is used for ground cloths and simply scoot across the ground when it
is time to "row" away.
Also, the speaker could be starting what looks like the introduction
to another skit when the fishermen interrupt his narration.
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