Puppy in the Box

Get ready to gag.

Need: 5 scouts (1 as announcer)

Props: A cardboard box, and a stuffed dog (or rabbit, etc.)

Announcer: This scene takes place on the street outside a grocery store.

(Several participants are gathered around outside the store, chatting.)

Scout 1: (Enters holding the box) Hi guys, would you please hold this box for me while I go into the store ? (Exits)

Scout 2: I wonder what's in the box ?

Scout 3: I don't know, but something is leaking out !

Scout 4: (Rubs finger against the bottom of box, then licks finger) Hmmm, it tastes like lemon soda.

Scout 3: (Also rubs box and tastes finger) No. I think it's more like chicken soup.

Scout 1: (Returns, looks in box and pulls out stuffed dog) Oh, you naughty puppy !

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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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