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The Lost Lollipop
Here is a crowd teaser.
Need: 2 scouts.
Small boy is sitting, crying
Passer-by #1: (Enters) What's wrong little boy, why are you
Boy: (Sobbing) I lost my lollipop !
Passer-by #1: Have you looked for it ?
Boy: (Continues to sob) Oh, yes, I've looked under my
bed, in my sock drawer, and even in Charlie's
Passer-by #1: I've heard that chanting often works. You think
very hard about the lollipop until you can see it
in your mind, and chant 'lollipop' over and over
Boy: (Closing eyes tightly) Big red yummy lollipop, big
red yummy lollipop, big red yummy lollipop.
Passer-by #1: (Nods approval and strolls out)
Boy: (Continues chanting for a while, then starts crying
Passer-by #2: (Enters) What's wrong, little boy ?
Boy: (Sobbing) I lost my lollipop, and I hunted and
hunted, then this man told me to chant, and I did,
and it didn't work !
Passer-by #2: Chanted ?
Boy: Yeah, like this (Demonstrates, then starts to cry)
Passer-by #2: Don't cry little boy. Maybe we need more help.
Boy: (Turns to audience) You're my only help to get my
lollipop back. Everybody, very softly now, chant
with me, "Big red yummy lollipop, big red yummy
lollipop, big red yummy lollipop." (Gets everyone
doing it in unison) Great ! I think it's working,
keep going now.
Passer-by #1: (Re-enters) Hi little boy. Did it work ?
Boy: (Loudly) No, it didn't, but I did find a whole lot
of suckers !
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