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Go Cart
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Need: 2 scouts (1 participant is on hands and knees as the 'Go Cart').
Driver : Oh, this fool Go Cart is always giving me trouble ! Now
the front wheel has come off. (Selects member of
audience) Would you come over and give me a hand.
Thanks. (Selected person may have some comments to
respond to - then they are led to the cart.)
Driver : Here, if you would just be the wheel I need. That's
right, get down on your hands and knees up there and be
the front wheel. Now let me try it again. (Driver gets
on car, tries to start it up.)
Go Cart: (Makes sputtering noises, starts, moves forward, then
sags and sputters out.)
Driver : Now what is it ? (Driver moves to rear, lifts cart,
lets go and cart sags again.)
Driver : Now that old suspension has gone, I need more help.
(Selects someone else) Please come over here and be the
suspension. That's right, just hold the back end up
there. Now I'll try it again. (Gets on car, starts
Go Cart: (Sputters to life, moves forward, wobbles, and stops)
Driver : (Getting off) Oh, no. Now the rear wheel is loose.
I'll go and get more help. (Selects more help) (New
help is positioned at rear wheel.)
Driver: This wheel is loose. If you will just hold the wheel
(indicates leg) tightly so it doesn't fall off, you'll
be a big help. Thanks. (Driver gets on cart, starts
Go Cart: (Starts up, runs fine, moves forward)
Driver : (Braking to halt) Oh, that's perfect now ! All I needed
was a few NUTS to get it going !
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