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Over the course of time some skits that were in widespread use by Scouts have fallen out of favor because they are no longer regarded as appropriate.  We have a increased awareness of the importance of diversity.  We as Scouters have come to recognize that some content was inappropriate in a Scouting setting or not consistent with Scouting's goals.   These old skits are retained for historical purposes only and should not be used in your Scouting program.

Skit - The Submarine

This skit is no longer appropriate due to cultural insensitivity and references to death and suicide.

Here is a simple yet popular one.

Need: 4 to 8 Scouts. Have them stand in a line.

A line of submarine officers on a japanese sub during WWII . Captain sights a ship in the parascope

CAPTAIN; "Tanker bearing 259, Range 1 mile"

He yells this to the first mate, who in turn tells second mate, down the line until finally the torpedo opperator is told. The torpedo operator just shrugs his shoulders.

CAPTAIN: "Load main tube # 1 and stand by to fire."

He yells this to the first mate, who in turn tells second mate, down the line until finally the torpedo opperator is told.

TORPEDO OPERATOR: "I don't know How."

Next the captain gives the order to fire down the line, but the

TORPEDO OPERATOR: "I dont know How..."

This message is returned up the line to the Captain who SCREAMS.

CAPTAIN : "Press the red button."

When this message finally gets down to the TORPEDO OPERATOR. he follows it, but it took too long so they miss the ship. (More message passing if you want.) Finally after about three ships (each time the TORPEDO OPERATOR doesnt remember how to fire.) The Captain feels disgraced and pulls out a knife and commits Sepuku (or incorrectly, Hari Keri) Each officer in turn picks up the knife and follows the Captains example until at last the knife comes to the Torpedo Officer Who looks at the knife and says;

TORPEDO OPERATOR: "I dont Know How..."

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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