December 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
15, Issue
January 2008 Theme |
Fitness and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 3 |
Boy Scouts Bridging Ceremony
I picked
this up at Del-Mar-Va Council Pow Wow a few years ago and it has become my
favorite bridging ceremony. The bridge I made for this ceremony generally gets
used several times each year as other Packs in my district borrow it for the
ceremony. CD
Props –
4 - 5 to 6 foot 4 X 4's (or 2X6’s) for foundation notched to
5 - 4 foot 2x10's - one plain, one yellow, one blue, one green,
one red
Ceremony -
All words are spoken by same
person (Narrator, Cubmaster) but you could divide them up amongst several
WEBELOS leader, will you
please place the first post on the stage in a North/South direction. (WL places
WEBELOS Asst. leader, please
place the second post on the stage three feet away from the first post in the
North/South direction. (WA places post)
These two posts placed here
are symbolic of the foundations of Scouting that these WEBELOS leaders have
instilled in their WEBELOS Scouts through activities and outings as represented
by the natural brown color.
Scout Master (name) and
Assistant Scout Master or Senior Patrol leader), please place your posts in an
East/West direction 3 feet apart over the North/South posts that are already in
place. (SM and SPL place posts)
As represented by the
structure assembly, Boy Scouting will build on the Scouting foundation begun in
WEBELOS. These leaders have set the stage for bridging the boys from Cub
Scouting into Boy Scouting.
WEBELOS Scout (name), will
you and your parents please bring the unfinished plank forward and place it
across the east/west posts. (Scout places plank)
This unfinished plank
represents the boys as they arrived in Cub Scouting, full of potential but
WEBELOS Scout (name), will
you and your parents please bring the blue plank forward and place it snuggly
against the unfinished plank. (Scout places plank)
This Blue plank represents the
Wolf and Bear years of Cub Scouting where with the help of their parents the
Scouts became true blue and loyal friends.
WEBELOS Scout (name), will
you and your parents please bring the gold plank forward and place it snuggly
next to the blue planks. (Scout places plank)
This Gold plank represents
their golden years in Cub Scouting as Webelos learning important skills through
activity badges and culminating in the Arrow of Light.
WEBELOS Scout (name), will
you and your parents please bring the green plank forward and place it next to
the gold plank. (Scout places plank)
This green plank represents
their new beginning as Boy Scouts, who will soon be green Tenderfoot scouts,
anxious to begin the Boy Scout trial toward Eagle.
WEBELOS Scout (name), will
you and your parents please place the final plank onto the bridge. (Scout
places plank)
This last plank is red the
predominant color in the Eagle Scout Badge and represents the fact that as they
step off the bridge from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting they are beginning of
their journey to becoming Eagle Scouts.
Webelos entering Troop
(number), please assemble with your parents at the unfinished board of the now
completed Bridge to Scouting?
As we present you with your
Pack graduation Certificate, will each parent please remove your sons Webelos
neckerchief and slide.
Scoutmaster invites boys
across the bridge, calling each by name and (performing whatever ceremonies are
customary for your pack and troop)
After all have crossed - Pack
(number) please stand and show your pride to the new Boy scouts from this Pack.
(Cheer (Blast Off), Applause)...
We are very proud of you all.
Heart of America Council
Have the boys read a story in the
newspaper or magazine about a drug or alcohol related incident. Have them report
back to the den and discuss what happened.
Invite a nurse, doctor, dentist, or
E.M.T. to talk about the effects of tobacco, drug, or alcohol abuse as well as
the positive effects of eating a healthy diet. Have the boys write questions on
cards so they are anonymous.
Invite a local sports figure or coach
to come and discuss fitness with the boys.
Invite the grade school gym teacher to
your meeting. Get to know them on a personal basis: Why did they become a
teacher? What kind of background do they have? What sports are they currently
active in? What do they like about teaching kids?
Let boys design posters on how to say
no to drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. Display at a pack meeting.
Show films (approved by parents and
pack committee) on drug and alcohol abuse.
Invite a dietician to come and discuss
the benefits of a balanced diet.
Take a field trip to a fitness or
recreation center.
Have the boys collect advertisements
for tobacco and alcohol. Help the boys see that the activities in those ads have
nothing to do with tobacco or alcohol. Have them read the warning labels on
cigarette advertisements, note the size of the warning in relation to the ad.
Can people do the activities depicted in the ads without smoking or drinking?
Invite the grade school gym teacher to
your meeting. Get to know them on a personal basis. Why did they become a
teacher? What kind of background do they have? What sports are they currently
active in? What do they like about teaching kids?
Have your den write a skit depicting
ways to say ‘NO’ to drugs & smoking.
Have a police officer involved with
drug prevention attend a den meeting. Have the boys interview him and ask
questions concerning drugs and alcohol.
Have the boys find out what the
policies are in their school about drugs and what would happen to students with
drugs in their lockers, etc.
Collect newspaper and magazine articles
about accidents and crimes that are drug or alcohol related.
Find out what some organizations are
doing to stop use and availability of drugs, especially to, children.
Arrange a visit to the YMCA or local
health club. Tour the whole facility looking at all the machines. Meet briefly
with various instructors to find out what they do. Look at a schedule of
classes. Get some fitness tips from a personal trainer. Ask what they do for
Test Your Heartbeat
you know that you can’t actually hear a heartbeat? The heartbeat itself is just
a contraction of muscle and is perfectly quiet. What you can hear is the sound
of heart valves snapping shut.
Here’s how to test your heartbeat:
Press the first two fingers of one hand
over the radial artery in the opposite wrist. The radial artery is located
under the depression just below the base of your wrist.
Sit very quietly and move your fingers
until you can feel the pulse of your blood.
Using a watch or clock with a second
hand, count the number of beats in 10 seconds.
Multiply that number by 6. Now you
know the number of beats per minute.
Run, exercise, or jump rope for 10
Take your pulse again to see how much
faster your heart is pumping.
Magic Circle
you and all your friends all sit down without touching the ground and without
using a single chair?
You need at least 3 people, similar in
size to do this.
Everybody stands in a circle facing the
same way with his or her hands on the next person’s waist.
On signal, everybody bends their knees
until they are sitting on the knees of the person behind them.
Lead your entire pack in this activity
at the next pack meeting.
What is the largest Magic Circle you can make? All the workers at a Japanese car
factory formed the world’s largest Magic Circle of 10,323 people!
Jumping Rope
Jumping rope is wonderful aerobic exercise, which
means that it exercises the heart. Professional athletes such as boxers skip
rope to build endurance and coordination.
See how many jumps you can do before making a
How long can you jump rope?
The world record is over 12 hours.
How fast can you jump rope?
Fast jumping is best done boxer style with both feet together all the time. It
is helpful to have a short rope so that it just misses the ground as you jump.
Can you jump backwards?
With practice, you will find this almost as easy as skipping forward.
Cross hand jump:
Jump in the normal way but, as the rope
passes over your head, bring your hands forward and cross your wrists. Quickly
uncross them before jumping over the rope.
Two jump:
Jumping with a friend using only one rope.
Smell Test
Everyone knows what a taste test is, but have you
ever had a smell test?
One way to cook healthier meals is to replace some
ingredients like salt or fats, which are used primarily as taste enhancements,
with healthier alternatives.
Herbs and spices have strong and distinctive smells
as well as flavors. Many of the smells can be associated with favorite or
special food memories from even very early childhood, like mom’s apple pie or
grandma’s cookies.
This introduction to herbs and spices will come in
handy in a year or two when your Webelos will be responsible for cooking their
own meals in Boy Scouting. It also provides a meeting full of surprising
Before the meeting, gather a number of
herbs and spices. Try to have a few examples of an herb in both dry and fresh
Also, look for prepared food items in
your kitchen that have the distinctive aroma of one or two of the items you have
During the meeting, have the boys sniff
the herbs and spices (one at a time) and try to think of a food that often
smells the same. Have them sniff a dried herb, than crush or break off a fresh
piece of the same herb so they can see the difference in the strength of the
aroma and taste.
Finally, open a container of a prepared
food and see if they are able to identify which herb or spice gives the food a
distinctive flavor.
Activities That Will Help The Boys Understand The
Harmful Effects Of Cigarette Smoking
Define "pollution.”
"Pol-lu-tion: to make unclean,
impure, or corrupt; desecrate; defile; contaminate; dirty”.
Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language
Discuss pollutants in the air in
the outside environment. Use pictures from magazines or newspapers.
Include: factory smoke, car
exhausts, rocket launches, and smoke from someone else's burning cigarette & so
Explain how all living things need
air to breathe.
Put a plant under an airtight
container. What begins to happen?
Put ants or other insects in an
airtight jar. Give them everything else they need to survive. What happens?
When the ants' activity begins to decrease,
open the jar and set them free.
Talk about the fact that smoking
cigarettes is harmful to our health and how it "pollutes" the internal
environment of our body (the lungs).
Blow smoke from a cigarette through
a tissue. What did you observe? Wouldn't that also make your lungs "dirty?"
Hold your breath and have someone
check the time. Did you have to breathe very soon after you started holding
your breath?
Demonstrate the effects of sick or
injured lungs:
Light a candle. Ask a boy to stand a
reasonable distance from the candle. Instruct the boy to take a deep breath, and
then blow out the candle.
Relight the candle. Ask the boy to
stand at the same distance from the candle. Instruct him to take a deep breath
and blow out at least half of the breath before attempting to blow out the
candle. With the breath that is left, ask the boy to blow out the candle. What
Nutrition Connection
Nutrition and fitness go hand in hand.
Teach the boys the four basic food groups and what each does for the body.
Have the boys make a poster or collage
showing foods that belong in each group. Use magazines and advertisements from
the Sunday papers for these.
Let each boy make up a menu for a meal
and let the other den members check it for balance. This would be good to do
for a campout menu. They need to be balanced also.
Milk Group
Builds teeth and bones
Milk and Milk Products including cheese, cottage cheese and ice cream
Fruit-Vegetable Group
Builds energy and helps your body
defend against disease
kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables
Protein Group—
Builds muscles, bones, and blood.
Beans, rice, meat, cereal, grits, fish, bread, peanut butter
Bread-Cereal Group
Quick energy builders, helps to make
your body work better.
Flour products, eggs, spaghetti.
Jump the Beanbag
A small beanbag is tied on the end of a
rope or heavy cord.
The leader stands in the center of the
circle made up of the players facing him.
The leader swings the beanbag around
the circle at ankle height.
Once a player is hit he must leave the
The last player left is the winner.
players hold the end of a rope about 10 feet long.
With rope lying flat on the ground each player jumps over the rope.
rope is then raised about four inches high, which is ‘B,’ and every body, jumps
Continue raising the rope four inches with each letter of the alphabet until
only one player is left.
Shuttle Run
Area and Equipment - You'll need
blocks of wood, 2 inches by 2 inches by 4 inches
Set Up:
Mark two parallel lines on the ground 30 feet apart.
Then put the blocks of wood behind one of these lines.
child will start from behind the other line.
The timer should raise his arm and say, "Get ready!"
Then the timer simultaneously says ‘Go!', lowers his arm, and starts the
The Webelos Scout runs from the starting line to the wooden blocks, which
have been placed just behind the second line.
He picks up one of the blocks, runs back with it to the starting line,
and places the block behind the line.
The block must be placed, not thrown, on the ground.
Then the Webelos Scout runs back to get the other wooden block. He picks
up the other block, and carries it back across the starting line.
As the Webelos Scout crosses the starting line with the second block, the
timer should stop the stopwatch.
The child's time should be calculated to the nearest tenth of a second.
The child should then be given a chance to do the event again. The
better of the two times will become his time for the shuttle run.
Indian Star Reach
Materials needed:
Long piece of rope,
Six cardboard stars,
Six clothespins.
Tie the rope overhead at an angle,
starting just out of reach of the shortest person.
Space the stars along the line with
The first boy jumps to touch a star,
starting at the lower end. He must tag one star before moving on to the next
Count how many stars he can reach.
Repeat with the next boy.
This can be a team competition, or a
personal quest.
In the Garden
All Webelos stand in a circle.
The leader calls out the name of a
garden vegetable.
If it grows below ground, boys sit down
(beets, carrots, potatoes).
If it grows above ground, boys remain
standing (peas, tomatoes, beans).
If boys do the wrong action, they are
Toward the end of the game use less
common vegetables such as okra, eggplant, peanuts, endive.
Last boy left is the healthiest eater!
Balanced Diets?
Make up a chart with the food groups
plus "junk." listed across the top.
On the side make six lines and list
breakfast, lunch, and dinner for yesterday and today.
As the Webelos arrive, ask them to
complete the form by filling in the name of the foods they ate. (Boys do not put
their name on the paper.)
Collect the forms and hang them up.
Ask boys to circulate reading them and
then vote for the most balanced diet shown.
The winner can receive a gift
certificate for ice cream at a local store.
Betcha Can’t
Put a paper on your forehead.
Write your name on it.
Twirl one thumb clockwise and the
other thumb counterclockwise.
Write a sentence with one hand and
at the same time use the other hand to put coins into a cup.
Write your name with your
non-dominant hand (the opposite hand than you normally use.)
Pick up a piece of paper from the
floor without bending your knees.
Give each boy two six-inch strips of
adhesive tape.
Ask them to help each other taping
their thumb and forefinger together. (Both hands)
Next ask them to untie their shoelaces,
unbutton a button, peel an orange, thread a needle, etc.
Find out how essential the thumb is for
manual dexterity!
Footprint Mural
Work in a large area like a garage.
Roll out mural paper on the floor.
Have pans of paint set up around the
Boys take off their shoes, step in the
paint and start walking slowly!
The only rule is they cannot walk on
top of another footprint.
Have pans of water and towels available
for clean up.
Talk about proper foot care.
Take the mural to the pack meeting as a
backdrop far your skit. etc.
Fancy Writing
Give each boy two pieces of paper and a
Ask him to remove both shoes and write
his name using the pencil in his toes.
Try each foot on a different paper.
Is one easier?
Can you read it?
Fitness Stations
Invite den parents to one of your
Set up stations around the house and
yard with one parent at each.
Give boys an index card which the
adults will sign upon completion of their activity.
Stations could include:
How many jumping jacks can you do in 1 minute?
Push a balloon five feet with your head.
Shot-put six beans into a can.
Walk ten feet balancing an egg on a spoon.
Think up some other fun ones to use.
Water Bugs & Surface Tension
Alice, Golden
Empire Council
Here’s a fun
way to investigate surface tension on water, using coated copper wire.
Shallow pan,
coated copper wire,
wire cutter,
plastic forks,
paper towels
Fill a shallow pan with water.
Then do the following
experiments –
Let the boys
try and explain what is happening and why –
Don’t just immediately give them the explanation.
Take a short length of coated copper wire and lay it on the
water – it will sink.
See if the boys know why.
(it has greater density than the water)
Now, give each boy some varying lengths of the wire.
Have them bend the wire into fun shapes – water bugs, worms, etc.
(Quarter size flat shapes will float best, but have the boys try various shapes
and sizes)
Use a plastic fork to slowly lower a shape onto the surface of the
water – it takes a steady hand, but if you keep the shape as horizontal as
possible, it will float.
Why did it float? (If the shape sinks, be sure and dry it
before trying it again) Let the boys work on perfecting the technique and
making different shapes.
Let the boys decide which shapes and sizes worked best.
See if they know why. (Any ideas are OK – remind the boys that Edison made
hundreds of attempts before he was successful, and scientists and inventors
think about all kinds of possible solutions!)
See what happens when several of the shapes are put on the surface
some distance apart - (even though the water is not moving, the motion caused by
the very small depression in the water made by the wire shape will cause shapes
to eventually slide “downhill” towards one another. When they collide, they
stick together.
Here’s the science behind the fun:
Surface tension is actually
caused by water molecules being attracted to one another. Surface water
molecules don’t have other molecules on all sides, so they stick more strongly
to the other molecules next to them on the surface. This makes a kind of “skin”
on the surface, and a shape or object that doesn’t exert a strong force will
float on the surface – they lack the force to break through the skin.
For more fun, boys could also
look for some real “water skimmer bugs,” or make some 3-D shapes out of the wire
to see which ones will still float. Take some pictures and/or share the
activity at the Pack Meeting.
Heart of America Council
Talk about the various branches of science and how they differ.
Do the atmospheric pressure tests or balance tests in the Webelos
Make Fog.
Make Crystals.
Do the inertia experiments in the Webelos Book.
Invite a local Weatherman to your den meeting to talk about the
climate during the year.
How is weather different in the Southern Hemisphere?
Plan a scientific experiment to be demonstrated at the pack
Visit an industrial lab
Visit the Museum of Natural Science
Visit a planetarium
Visit a TV news weather station
Visit a high school or college science lab
Go to a community science fair
Have a magic show with each boy doing an optical illusion
Visit an eye specialist and learn how the eyes work.
Visit the control tower of the Metropolitan Airport or visit a
Municipal Airport.
Learn about the principles of fight.
Tour an airplane and look at all the control dials.
A sheet of paper about 11
inches long.
What to do:
Roll the paper into a tube
one-inch in diameter.
Hold the tube to your right
eye and place the side of your left hand against the middle of the tube, with
your left palm directly toward your left eye.
Keep both eyes open as you
look through the tube and you will "see through" your left hand.
What is happening:
Since one eye is looking
through the tube and the other is looking at the hand, the two views blend to
form an optical illusion of a hole in the center of the left palm. A slight
shifting of the tube may improve the illusion.
or poster board,

With a circle compass, draw a circle on the cardboard, about 4 to
6 inches around.
Cut out the circle.
Draw two of the three patters shown, one on each side of the
The pie-like design is colored in using two different colors
The other two patterns should be partially colored in black, as
Find the exact center of the circle by finding the compass hole.
Punch two small holes on opposite sides of the point with a pencil
point – about 3/8” from the middle works the best. It’s important that each hole
is equal distance from the center or the wheel will wobble.
Find two big buttons whose holds line up with the holes in the
Cut a piece of strong string about 3 feet long.
Thread the string through the circle and the buttons.
Tie the two free ends of the string together.
Hold one end of the string loop in each hand.
The illusion circle should be in the middle.
Have a friend wind up the circle or it can be done by holding the
string a little slack, and winding the edge of the circle against the body.
When the circle is wound about ten or fifteen times, pull the
string. The circle will spin as the string unwinds, and as the string winds
again the in the opposite direction.
By alternately pulling the string taut and giving some slack, the
illusion circle is kept spinning back and forth.
Observe under bright light and experiment with the various color
combinations the boys have picked and the different designs.
Pendulum Phenomenon
Fasten a white disc 3/4 inch in diameter on a 3-foot piece of
white thread. Most any small object on a string will do.
Have someone hold the thread so the disc can swing like a
Start the disc swinging in a perfectly straight line and view it
from distance of three feet against a plain wall.
Notice how the disc swings in a line like a pendulum.
Hold a sunglass lens over one eye only. Any plain sunglass will
Observe the path of the swinging object again.
The movement will no longer be in a line but in a circle.
If you switch the dark lens to the other eye, the movement will
appear to be in the opposite direction. For example, coming closer to you rather
than farther as it swings from right to left.
The Principle:
You see best if your eyes are
as nearly equal as you can get them. Shows the importance for the two eyes to
receive similar images.
Materials needed:
Drinking Glass
Cut a raisin into four equal pieces and drop all the pieces into a
glass of clear soda.
They should sink to the bottom.
After a few minutes of observation, you will note that the raisins
will rise to the surface, dive to the bottom, then rise and dive repeatedly.
Look closely at the raisins.
What do you see?
Tiny gas bubbles have become
attached to each piece of raisin.
The raisins and their
accompanying gas bubbles rise after their combined weight becomes less than the
weight of the water they displace.
Eventually, when enough gas
bubbles break loose and escape, the raisins sink to the bottom of the glass and
the process repeats.
Condiment Diver, World’s Simplest Cartesian Diver
Materials needed:
condiment packet (soy sauce, ketchup, etc.) From fast food or take out order
plastic bottle with tight fitting lid (water bottle, soda bottle, etc.)
Glass or
cup of water
First, you have to figure out
if your condiment packet is a good Cartesian diver candidate.
Fill a glass with water and
drop in your packet.
The best packets are ones that
just barely float.
After you have found the
proper packet, fill an empty, clear plastic bottle to the top with water.
Shove your unopened condiment
packet into the bottle and replace the cap. You’re done! Squeeze the bottle to
make the diver sink and release to make it rise. Why? Many
sauces are denser than water,
but it is the air bubbles at the top of the sauce that determines whether the
packet will
sink or swim. Squeezing the
bottle causes those air bubbles to shrink. These smaller bubbles are less
buoyant and
the packet sinks.
"Inertia is the tendency of a
thing at rest to remain at rest and a thing in motion to continue the same
straight line.”
Get a small stick about 10 inches in length and the diameter of a
pencil. Fold a newspaper and place it near the edge of a table. Place the stick
under the newspaper on the table and let about half he stick extend over the
edge of the table. Strike the stick sharply with another stick. Inertia should
cause the stick on the table to break into two parts.
Get a fresh egg and a hard-boiled egg. Give each of them a spinning
motion in a soup dish. Observe that the hardboiled egg spins longer. The
inertia of the fluid contents of the fresh egg brings it to rest sooner.
Pressure -
The Upside-down Glass That Won't Spill
Fill a drinking glass to the very top with water.
The water should spill over the top a bit.
Carefully lay the cardboard square to completely cover the top the
Holding the cardboard on top, turn the glass over until it is
straight upside down.
Stop holding the cardboard on. It will stay on by itself.
Undrinkable Drinks
Using a can opener make a small hole in a can of juice. Try to
drink the juice.
What happens when you punch another hole in the can?
Open a bottle of juice.
Add enough water to fill the bottle to the very top.
Put in a straw.
Use clay to completely block the opening of the bottle around the
Try to drink the juice.
What is happening:
There is no air in the glass of water to punch down on the cardboard. The air
pressure pushing up on the cardboard is greater that the weight of the water.
And the juice won't come out of the hole unless air can get in to push down on
it. You need a second hole to let air in. Juice won't go tip the straw because
no air is getting in to push down on the juice.
Cannon Hockey
This game will demonstrate air
pressure. Use round cardboard oatmeal boxes.
Cut a hole the size of a penny
in the top.
Fasten the lid back to the box
Use a table for a field, with
a goal at either end.
Have a boy sit at each end of
the 'field' with a cannon (box) and put a Ping-Pong ball in the middle of the
table. By tapping the back of the box and aiming it at the ball, try to score by
putting the ball through your opponent's goal. The Webelos leader can
demonstrate the effectiveness of his oatmeal box cannon by using it to put out a
Fill cannon with smoke, then
aim at candle, tap back of box, and flame will be put out.
These cannons are effective up
to about six feet.
milk bottle,
a soda straw,
a piece of a penny
a balloon,
a length of string.
Cover the mouth of the milk
bottle with the piece of balloon, tying it in place with the string.
Glue one end of the soda straw
to the middle of the balloon.
Make a scale on a piece of
cardboard, by making 1/2 inch long marks about 1/8 inch apart.
Superimpose the free end of
the straw across the scale, but don't let it touch the scale.
Mark the scale from 1 to
whatever number of lines is on the scale.
Ask one of the boys to be in
charge of the barometer for a month.
Have him mark the number on
the scale that the barometer points to each day at a certain time.
This way there can be a check
between your barometer and the actual air pressure as given in the newspaper
each day. Remember that as the air pressure increases, the straw will point
higher on the scale.
Bottle Target
take turns seeing how many toothpicks they can land in a milk bottle that is
placed on the floor an arm's length away,
drop the toothpicks one at a time. They may lean forward, but can't move their
Scientists Quiz
(True or False?) (This makes a
good gathering activity)
copies of this quiz for all the Webelos to try.)
Electric current was discovered in Italy in 1781.
Vulcanized rubber was an accidental discovery by Charles Goodyear.
Madame Curie was the second woman to win the Nobel Prize.
Mark Twain was the first author to submit a typewritten manuscript to
a publisher.
"Disks for the Eyes" was the original name for contact lenses.
To Scientists Quiz
True, by Luigi Galvani
True, in 1839
False, she was the first woman. It was in Chemistry, for the
discovery of radium.
True, Life on the Mississippi in about 1875.
False, the name for eyeglasses that were made in Italy in 1280
A Real
Inflate a balloon and affix 3
- 4 squares of plastic tape to it.
Have a boy stick a pin through
the center of each piece of tape.
To everyone's amazement, the
balloon will not burst.
When the pins are removed the
balloon still will not burst.
What is happening: The
adhesive substance on the tape acts like a self-sealing automobile tire,
adhering to the pin as it is pressed inward. When the pin is removed, the
adhesive is forced outward by the air pressure from within the balloon,
automatically sealing the tiny pinholes.
Hang two apples about 1/2 inch
Blow between them - as hard as possible -
You will discover that the force of breath alone won't blow them apart.
Instead, it will cause the apples to bump together.
Take a small wad of paper
(paper should be a little over 1 inch square), and put it about 1 inch inside
the neck of an empty soda bottle.
Now lay the soda bottle on its side and blow into the bottle.
You would think that the paper would be blown into the bottle, but will come
flying out.
Get an ordinary kitchen funnel
and blow into it while holding a lighted match opposite the center of the
Your breath will blow the flame toward the funnel instead of blowing it out or
away from you.
Line up three glasses.
Hold your mouth about 2 inches in front of the first glass and a lighted match
behind the last glass (about 2 inches from it).
When you blow you will be able to blow the match out.
bottle (1 for each player)
(1 for each player)
To Play:
Into each pop bottle put three
tablespoons of vinegar, and into each balloon put two tablespoons of baking
At the word go, have each boy
put his balloon on his pop bottle.
When the soda mixes with the
vinegar the balloon will expand.
Have the boys tie off the
balloons to see which is the largest. (Suggestion: Do this outside)
Bernoulli's Principle
Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss
scientist born in 1700. He discovered that fast moving air exerts less pressure
than slow moving air. This same principle makes airplanes and gliders fly.
Paper Strip Experiment
Cut a piece of paper 2" by
Hold the narrow end, with the
other end hanging down, in front of your mouth and blow across the top.
Most people think the paper
should go down as you blow across the top but surprisingly the paper rises up.
This is because the air you
blow is moving faster than the air under the paper.
That means there is more
pressure on the underside than the top.
Ping-Pong Balls Experiment
You need:
Ping-Pong balls,
Two 12”
pieces of string,
Tape, and
A ruler.
Tape one end of the string to
the Ping-Pong ball and do the same on the second one.
Tape the other ends of the
strings to the ruler so that the Ping-Pong balls are hanging about 1” apart.
Hold the ruler up so that the
balls hang freely.
Now, blow between the balls
from a distance of about 3.”
The balls should pull toward
each other.
This is because the air
traveling over the curved surfaces of the balls is faster and therefore has less
pressure than the air on the outside of the balls.
Wing Experiment
Cut a 4” by a 8 1/2” piece of
paper and fold it in half.
Tape the narrow edge one-inch
from opposite edge so that a wing with a flat bottom and curved top is formed.
Slip a ruler through the wing
loop end opposite the taped end with the curved side up.
Now, blow directly at the
folded part.
The wing should rise up.
This shows how Bernoulli’s
principle applies to wings and flight.
The Ball and Funnel Challenge
A few
large funnels
Let the scouts know that it is
time to have a little contest--you are going to see who can blow a Ping-Pong
ball out of a funnel the easiest.
All you must do is give a ball
and funnel to each scout, and have them place the ball in the funnel.
Then try to blow the ball out
as far as they can.
The ball won't move!
In order to blow the Ping-Pong
ball out of the funnel, you must blow across the top of the funnel.
This activity can also be done
by hooking a blower hose to the end of the funnel in order to provide a constant
blowing air supply.
The funnel can then be held
upside down, swung around, etc., and the ball still will not fly out!
Water Up
a Straw
A tall
glass of water,
Place one straw into the glass
of water, holding it upright and keeping the bottom of the straw just off the
bottom of the glass.
Next, blow a short, hard blast
of air through the second straw, holding it so that it is perpendicular to the
first straw and their ends are touching.
Water will come spraying out
of the first straw into the air.
By blowing over the top of the
first straw you decrease the pressure in that area (due to the increased air
This causes the water to be
pushed out of the top of the straw by the higher pressure at its base.
Egg in
the Bottle
Peel one or two hard-boiled
eggs just before doing the demonstration.
Set a small piece of paper on
fire and drop it into the bottle.
Place the hard-boiled egg on
top or the opening of the bottle, small end first.
The egg will be pulled into
the bottle after the heated air from the fire has contracted. (As the air was
heated, it began to expand.
When the fire was
extinguished, the air began to cool and contract.
The egg sealed the bottle.
There is less air in the
bottle causing unequal pressure to occur between the air in the bottle and the
air outside the bottle.
The air pressure on the
outside pushes the egg into the bottle equalizing the air pressure inside and
outside the bottle.
Air pushes on all surfaces
that it touches. This push is called air pressure.
In A Cloud?
This activity will help you
understand how clouds form and what is inside them.
small clear plastic cups,
Flashlight (optional),
Magnifying Lens
Fill one of your plastic cups
1/3 full of hot water.
Take the second plastic cup
and place it upside down on the first cup.
Make sure the rims meet evenly
and the cups are sealed.
Observe what is happening in
the cups.
Turn the lights out and use a
flashlight to observe your cloud. You may also get a better view using a
magnifying glass.
A cloud contains billions of
tiny water or ice droplets that form around dust or salt. Clouds form when water
vapor (a gas) changes into liquid and warm or cold air meet.
In this activity, the warm
moisture-saturated air in the bottom of the cup moved upward and met the cooler
air at the top of the cup.
This activity will create
static charges from a variety of materials.
Inflate one balloon, knot it,
rub it on your head or with a wool cloth, and try to stick it on a wall.
Observe what happens.
On your paper plate make a
combined pile of salt and pepper.
Then, rub the already inflated
balloon with the wool cloth and place it just above the salt and pepper.
Observe what happens.
Put 6-12 Rice Krispies inside
the second balloon, inflate it, and knot it.
Then rub it with the wool
cloth, touch one of your fingers to the balloon where the Rice Krispies are.
Observe what happens.
What Happened?
Rubbing the balloon on your
head or with a wool cloth creates a negative charge.
The wall, which has a positive
charge, attracts the negatively charged balloon, allowing the balloon to stick
to the wall.
The same thing occurs with the
balloon and the pepper.
The Rice Krispies jump inside
the balloon because the balloon has been given a negative charge from the wool
As your finger approaches the
balloon it picks up a positive charge through magnetic induction just like the
Rice Krispies and the two like charges repel each other.
Heart of America Council

How many octagons (eight sided
figures) can you find:
Heart of America Council

There are 28 hexagons (six
sided figures) hidden in the figure. Can you find them all.
Heart of America Council

Place the numbers
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 in the circles so that any three numbers in a straight line
add up to 15.
Picture the block below as the circle. 5 is in the center
8 – 6 – 7
1 – 5 – 9
3 – 4 - 2
Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material. |