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Baloo's Bugle

December 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 5
January 2008 Theme

Theme: A-MAZE-ing GAMES
Webelos: Fitness and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 3

Cubmaster’s Minutes

The Value of a Badge

Sam Houston Area Council

A badge in Cub Scouting is a piece of embroidered cloth. If you were to try to sell one of these badges, you’d find it wouldn’t bring much money. The real value of the badge is in what it represents; the things you learned to earn it; how to keep healthy, how to be a good citizen, good safety practices, conservation and many new skills.

Does your badge truly represent all these things? Were you prepared to meet each test at the time you passed it, or did you try to get by? Maybe you were prepared when you passed the test, but have you forgotten the skill now?

If this is true, then the badge you wear has little value. Don’t wear a cheap badge. Wear one that has real value… one that represents what you can really do and know.

Six Million

Sam Houston Area Council

Today in our country there are over six million young men and adults in Scouting. That's a good thing to know...a good thing to think about when we get to wondering about the future.

Six million, keeping a promise to “do their best,” to “help other people,” and to “respect God and country.”

Six million, following Baden-Powell's admonition “try to leave this world a little better than you found it.”

These six million can make the difference in tomorrow.

These six million WILL make the difference in the future of this country and in the future manhood around the world.

A Maze of Possibilities

Alice, Golden Empire Council

As leaders and parents, we often feel we are navigating a “maze” of possibilities – and hazards.  By following the ideals of Scouting, and helping our boys learn to be good citizens, loyal friends, active learners and healthy young men.  By providing uplifting and fun Scouting activities and supporting each boy in his chosen goals, we can help our sons navigate through the possibilities and avoid the hazards all around them.  As we leave tonight, let us commit to helping each of our scouts become young men of good character – to navigate the “maze” successfully.

Pinewood Derby Lessons

Alice, Golden Empire Council

As we leave this exciting pack meeting, let us remember that each boy ran a good race tonight.  While designing and building their derby car, each boy was able to use his imagination and creativity, hone his skills with tools and materials, and practice perseverance as he put the finishing touches on his car.  And each of us learned something about good sportsmanship, loyalty, and giving encouragement to everyone as we watched the races.  Let’s continue to teach and learn these lessons in all we do in Scouting.  Remember our motto – “Do Your Best!”



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