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Baloo's Bugle

December 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 5
January 2008 Theme

Theme: A-MAZE-ing GAMES
Webelos: Fitness and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 3


Wendy, Chief Seattle Council

Chief Seattle On-Line Pow Wow Book -

Tabletop Games:

Catalina Council

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Here are some sites where you can find a maze about almost any subject, available free for use:  Printable Maze worksheets for kids  Interactive puzzles and mazes to play online (Java). Also included in special galleries are many hand drawn mazes of the "print and solve" variety.  Lots of different types of maze puzzles, including Wriggle, plank, many others.   Printable mazes for kids range in size from very small and easy for young kids to more difficult larger printable mazes; all kinds of categories, from sports to seasonal, special occasion, all kinds of “shape” mazes, even number mazes  A simple program that creates images of random mazes. Print them out and play them later! (Like, with a pencil.) No Java needed! Just add an image at the start and finish to create your own. Free printable mazes, educational puzzles for kids; scroll on left to learn all about mazes throughout history

Mazed Things  A truly fantastic collection of hand drawn mazes.  Really unbelievable in their intricacies. 

Where to find a “real” maze:   Great way to find the location of mazes OR labyrinths – click on a country and then look for all kinds of mazes; fence, stone, turf, corn, tile, even mirror mazes; some photos included, and site is kept up to date.  Find out all about mazes and labyrinths by reading the text at each section. They even have information about ancient rock carving mazes! 

Adrian Fisher has created over 175 mazes in seventeen countries on five continents, designed the world's first cornfield maize maze, has set four Guinness World Records, and is the world's leading designer of mirror mazes;  online mazes to be played either with your finger on your screen (not interactive) or to print out.  To see his handy work go to and enjoy.  Also, learn where you can take your Cubs next fall to enjoy a corn (maize) maze.


There is a great example at .  This maize maze is right around the corner from where I live!!!  Our Cubs love it!!   where to find corn mazes in the United States – keep this in mind for the Fall season!  where to find labyrinths all around the world

How to make a labyrinth:   information about labyrinths, history; also instructions for making a labyrinth: Click on Enter> What is a labyrinth?,
Scroll to bottom and click on “How to make a labyrinth” (see example in Theme related section)


Pinewood Derby Tips Websites   list of all kinds of tips, design ideas, building and racing helps; links to lots of expert advice  great simple tips to help boys with their car This is a great site with lots of tips and links for more information.  A shame the "old guys" have given up their track and retired from racing.

The Pope's Place - Barb and Stan Pope's Place - Pinewood Derby Car racing has been an obsession for me for many years. I have shared the tips and techniques for making pinewood cars faster with my pack members through "work shops" and with other council Scouters through Pow Wow sessions on "Design for Performance."  This site has my text book on the science and technology of Pinewood Derby Race Cars. Where the other books end, this book is just picking up speed. Others tell you what; I tell you what and why and how and where to look for more! For example, did you ever notice the standard advice to "align the wheels?" But my book tells why and how, step by step.  Others tell how to make a fast car using methods that require adult skills. Almost all of the steps presented here are within the skill range of a typical Cub Scout, and the time to accomplish them is within a typical Cub Scout's attention span!  If your car is built and Race Day is nearly here, go directly to the section on Wheel Alignment. It WILL make a BIG difference.

I met Barb and Stan at the Philmont Training center one summer!!  Never can tell who you will meet there,  Check out their site for other great Scouting info, too - CD



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Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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