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Baloo's Bugle

December 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 5
January 2008 Theme

Theme: A-MAZE-ing GAMES
Webelos: Fitness and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 3


Mazes & Puzzles

Alice, Golden Empire Council

tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Mazes, puzzles, labyrinths, too

Try them on for size

If you do your very best

You can win the prize!

I’m A Scout

Sam Houston Area Council

Tune – I’m a Little Teapot

I’m a little Tiger Scout, honestly,
And I have my parents, they’re helping me.
I’m a bigger Wolf Cub, with loyalty,
‘Cause my den leader is helping me.

Now I’m a Bear Cub, don’t you know,
And then next year I’ll be Webelos.
I’m a Webelos Scout, have no doubt,
And I can’t wait to be a Boy Scout

What a Game!

Sam Houston Area Council

Tune: Ten Little Indians

Uno, Candyland, Scrabble and Yahtzee
Chutes and Ladders and Monopoly
Battleship, Boggle, oh I’m Sorry
What an Outburst – Cranium.

Apples to Apples and Operation
Twister, Connect Four, Concentration
Scene It, Dominoes, here comes Trouble
Hi Ho Cherrio, Clue and Chess!!

The Games We Play

Sam Houston Area Council

Tune – Clementine

There’s Monopoly, and Chutes and Ladders,
Even board games with a twist.
But the games that are the most fun,
Are the games we can’t resist.

We make them up and then we tell our friends,
Sometimes running, sometimes chase.
By using our imaginations
These cool games you can’t replace.

Once we get started, we could play all day
Except for when we stop to eat,
We have fun with all the games we play,
But boy at night, what sore, sore feet!

So let’s get started with another game,
Tell me what you like to do.
Then we’ll figure out just how to play, and
A new game will soon debut.


Rotten Reeboks

Catalina Council

(Tune: Clementine)

Rotten Reeboks, dirty sweat socks,
Generating toxic fumes,
I’ve seen flies dead, struck in mid air
Fatal venture to his room.

In my brother’s bedroom closet
Stinkarooning like refuse
Dwelt a size 10 pair of sneakers
With a smell you couldn’t lose.

Aging tennies, in a corner
Turning the air a bluish green,
Hope the county doesn’t visit
They’d condemn us sight unseen.

I’ve tried bug balm, lemon air scent
Even spray that smells like pine,
Must be something that can cut it,
Something strong, like turpentine.

Even weirdo, crazy mutt dog
Who has breath you can’t adore,
Makes a wide turn, cuz his eyes burn,
Every time he nears the door.

“What’s the big deal?” asks ol’ big foot
None of his friends notice it.
“Proves they’re brain dead,” says my sister,
“Doesn’t surprise me a bit.”

“Not to worry,” says my father
“Could be money after all,
“Pentagon might pay a bundle
“For the secret to it all.”

The Athlete

Catalina Council

(Tune: My Bonnie)

They gave me a suit and a number,

And sent me out on the field.

They gave me a ball called the pigskin,

And shoes with some cleats, toe and heel.


Muscles, and cramps,

wracking my body with pain, with pain,

I stand, wondering,

If ever I’ll do this again !

Next time they gave me a racquet,

Then sent me out on the court

Funny the things you encounter,

While trying to learn a new sport.


The ordeal was finally over,

At least, that’s what I thought.

When they shoved me the soccer equipment,

I fainted dead on the spot !




Cub Scout Sports Song

Catalina Council

(Tune: My Bonnie)

My baseball went over the fence

My arrows are broken to bits

My volleyball been deflated

After riding a horse I can’t sit


Belt loops, belt loops,

I’ll earn my sports pin today, today.

Belt loops, belt loops;

My letter is not far away

My bicycle has a flat tire

My boomerang just won’t return.

They say that I’ve lost all my marbles

And I still haven’t gotten my turn.


My dog ate my ping pong paddle.

My badminton birdie has flown.

I sprained my right ankle while jogging

And was stranded ten mile’s from home.


They say that Cub Scout sports are fun.

Some day I would like to know.

I’ve been wandering around for an hour

Just waiting for my Den to show.

Bowlin’, Bowlin, Bowlin’

Catalina Council

(Tune: Rawhide)

Bowlin’, Bowlin, Bowlin’

Keep those balls a rollin’

Keep those strikes a rollin’, alright!

We’re laughin’ and a grinnin’

Cause our team is winnin’

Soon we’ll be in first place.

Head ‘em up, roll ‘em down

Roll ‘em down, make a strike

Make a strike, so we win, alright!

Roll ‘em down, knock em off,

Get a mark, make a strike.

We’re gonna win tonight!

This is My Baseball

Catalina Council

(Tune: This is My Country)

This is my Baseball

I’ll share it with you.

This is my baseball

Bring your bat and mitt too!

I’m playing with my friends,

I’m gonna hit one home.

Cause this is my baseball

To share and to hold.



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