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Baloo's Bugle

December 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 5
January 2008 Theme

Theme: A-MAZE-ing GAMES
Webelos: Fitness and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 3


A Puzzling Ceremony

Sam Houston Area Council

Materials –

1)         A large poster of the Cub Scout logo or a Cub Scout poster cut into puzzle piece shapes (as many as you have Scouts with awards for – so your pieces may be small or large depending on how many Scouts are receiving awards). Attach a boy's awards to each puzzle piece (Optional).

2)         An easel with a blank poster board for the Cub Scouts to eventually mount all of their puzzle pieces as they build a puzzle for everyone to see.

Cubmaster: This month we’ve been playing some amazing games together and with our families. You have also been working on your rank advancements, arrow points and activity badges.

ü  The Cubmaster calls up each Scout and his parents.

ü  As the Scout receives his award, he takes his puzzle piece and puts it on the blank poster board on the easel. Scouts may end up having to rearrange the pieces... and they may need some help to get the first pieces started... since there probably isn’t the “picture on the box” to help them build this puzzle.

Cubmaster: Once the puzzle is completed, depending on what logo or poster was used, discuss the significance of the picture and of completing the puzzle – like completing requirements for their awards – and doing their best... and how great the completed puzzle is.

Assistant CM:      Lead cheer

A Maze of Advancement

Alice, Golden Empire Council

At the Pack Meeting, put a large Maze up as a backdrop.  You could use the “Maze Generator,” but you could also make your own. 

Place a label for each boy at places along the path, according to how far they have gone along the Scouting pathway.  Or you could label areas along the path with Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light – whatever awards or advancements are being given. 

Call up boys and parents as their awards are to be given, so that parents can help give the award and the boy can give his Mother the parent’s pin.

If you are having a Pinewood Derby, make the following alteration: Create a flat, cardboard or heavy paper car for each boy.  (The cars should be based on a standard size that will work with the size of the maze) Or let boys choose between several styles of  proper size racer shapes in a den meeting, then decorate with markers.  Be sure to add their name on a small label.  All cars begin at the outside of the maze. As boys are called up with their parents, their car can be moved along the maze while the leader or Cubmaster reviews what the boy has done to earn the award.

Poetry in Motion

Catalina Council

Here are ideas you could use to have the Cubs describe their ranks. These are short poems. Don’t feel limited by these. Maybe your Cubs would want to write their own lines. They need not rhyme.


You have to make some promises to become a Bobcat Scout. To follow, help and give goodwill, that's what Cub Scouting's all about.


I really enjoyed working in the den

And the Go-See-Its were great

My Adult partner helped me out a lot

And to be a Wolf, I can’t wait


The back and front rolls were easy; making games was fun. But when it came to giving directions, I almost didn't get done.

I had to earn the Wolf badge; it meant a lot to me.

Finally, I learned my directions, and a Wolf Cub Scout I would be.



I never wrote a letter before, let alone a 100-word essay,

Or ever learned to throw a rope, to hit a marker 20 feet away.

And now that I've earned the Bear badge, all that and a whole lot more

makes me feel that much smarter than I ever felt before.


Now that I'm a 9-year-old, I belong to a Webelos den. Activity badges I'll try to earn, like Athlete, Forester and Outdoorsman.

Arrow of Light:

The Oath and Law are memorized,
graduation day is in sight.

I am prepared for what's ahead;
I've earned the Arrow of Light!

It's hard to say goodbye to friends.
Cub Scouting's meant a lot to me.

But it's time I start the upward trail,
for it's an Eagle Scout I want to be.


Now that we have had the ranks explained, we would like to recognize those boys in our Pack who have earned those ranks. (At this time have the advancing boys come forward with their parents and award the badges.)

Deliver Advancements by Derby Car –

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Each boy and his parents are called up by the Cubmaster.

Using an old derby car, or one made for the purpose, awards can be delivered by being sent down the raceway to the awards ceremony – awards should be in a plastic bag (Yes, for this one, a plastic bag is a good starting point) that can be attached to the top of the car. Or just attach a label with the boy’s name on it to the top of the car. 

Have an official “Announcer” who introduces each car with great ceremony and a description of the race “run” by the boy to earn the award.

To make this more effective, the announcer should use racing terms as much as possible –

P “starting lap” for Bobcat,

P “rounding the turn” for Wolf,

P “speeding down the track” for Bear,

P “taking the final lap” for Webelos,

P “way out in front” for the Arrow of Light

Use your own imagination!


Catalina Council

Set Up –

ü  Get helium balloons for the number of boys advancing.

ü  Before blowing them up, insert the cloth badge of rank into them then blow them up.

ü  Decorate them to be sports balls: White for soccer, baseball or volleyball; orange for basketball; yellow for tennis. Use your imagination. Use the same type of ball for the same rank to help avoid confusion - especially if you have many boys who are advancing.


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