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Baloo's Bugle

December 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 15, Issue 5
January 2008 Theme

Theme: A-MAZE-ing GAMES
Webelos: Fitness and Scientist
Tiger Cub
Achievement 3


From Program Helps via

If you follow the grid on the inside of the cover in the front of Cub Scout Program Helps, your Cub Scouts can complete earning their Rank Awards (Tiger, Wolf, Bear) by the Blue and Gold in February.

Den Meetings - 3G, 4D
At Home - 4F
Elect.  3 19

Den Meetings - 2b, 10b
At Home - 5 a-e, 10 a-e
Elect. 1b

Den Meetings- 10b, 13f, 15b, 15c
At Home - 11a, b, d, e, 13f

Alice, Golden Empire Council

This would be a good month to focus on the family, as cold weather brings families together to play board games and work puzzles – Suggest each family begins work on the BSA Family Award, which can be used throughout the year and awarded more than once. The Heritage Belt Loop also focuses on family background.  Chess is a game that requires good “thinking” skills, so the boys could work on the Chess Belt Loop. Work on the Honesty Character Connection – check out the “Trustworthy” video at . for some real-life examples of how honesty affects everyone.

Tiger Cub Achievements:

ü  Ach. #2D – participate in a flag ceremony;

ü  Ach. #2F – Look at a map of your community – it looks like a maze, but you can locate special places and try to find three ways to get there

ü  Ach. #2G – Visit a fire station; make sure they talk about family fire drills and how to exit a room safely; then try the Family Fire Drill Maze under Den & Pack Activities

ü  Ach. #3F – Plan and do a family fire drill – to get an idea how hard it might be in the real situation, try doing it at night with all the lights out, and crawl through the “maze” from different rooms; let everyone try from several places

ü  Ach. #3G –learn the rules of a sport and go watch a professional game (if you don’t understand the rules, it is almost as confusing as a maze)

ü  Ach. #4D – Play “Tell It Like It Isn’t” – it’s almost like getting directions for a maze secondhand and then trying to do it!

ü  Ach. #5G – Take a hike with your den – you could do it on a visit to a maze or labyrinth

Tiger Cub Electives:

ü  Elect. #2D - make and/or display decorations for the pack meeting, using either mazes or Pinewood Derby theme

ü  Elect. #3 – play a board game, a card game, or make a puzzle with your family

ü  Elect. #6 – with your adult partner, teach a song to your family or den and sing it together; you could try the “Maze” song as a round

ü  Elect. #14- with your adult partner, read a story about mazes or Pinewood Derby; the Librarian can help you find one

ü  Elect. #17 – make a model Pinewood Derby racer, or a maze or labyrinth

ü  Elect. #19 – learning and showing magic tricks helps you and others use “thinking” skills, just like a maze

ü  Elect. #22 – have a picnic with your family or den; that could be part of a visit to a local maze

ü  Elect. #25 - make and share a snack with your family or den; try one from Cub Grub, like the Edible Maze

ü  Elect. #35 – play a game outdoors; or make a maze or labyrinth outdoors and do it

ü  Elect. #48 – use public transportation to get to a maze

Wolf Achievements:

ü  Ach. #2b – Lead a flag ceremony in your den – decide on a pattern for the boys to stand in

ü  Ach. #4F – Visit an important place in your community; before the visit, use a map to locate the place and find several ways to get to the location

ü  Ach. #6b, c – Make a neat collection of mazes or puzzles and explain them to another person

ü  Ach. #9c – with an adult, check your home for fire danger; follow up with a family fire drill or the Family Fire Drill Maze activity

ü  Ach. #9d – Walk an area around your home or den meeting with an adult, using the sidewalks as a “maze” path – point out and demonstrate good rules of street safety as you go

ü  Ach.#10c – plan a walk with your family; do it while visiting a maze, or use a trail map of the area to “walk” the trails as if they were a maze, finding different ways to arrive at the destination

ü  Ach. #10d – read a book about mazes or labyrinths

ü  Ach. #10g – have a family board game night or do a big puzzle together

Wolf Electives:

ü  Elect. #1 – Use a secret code to tell boys what game you are going to play, where you are going to go, or the secret to solving a puzzle

ü  Elect. #4a,b,c – play the games and see how you could rearrange them in a different pattern

ü  Elect. #4e – play marbles – notice how you can set them up in a pattern like the beginning of a labyrinth

ü  Elect. #4f – play a wide area game, or make a maze or labyrinth; play it with your den or pack

ü  Elect. #5g,h,i– if you make or put together a model boat, plane, train or Pinewood Derby car

ü  Elect. #6b – choose a book about mazes, puzzles or labyrinths; the librarian can help you find one

ü  Elect. #9a – help plan and decorate for the Pinewood Derby or a special pack meeting

ü  Elect. #11c, f – learn and sing three scout songs – try doing the Maze song as a round

ü  Elect. #12a – make a free hand drawing of a maze or a Pinewood Derby car design

ü  Elect. 12e – make a stencil pattern that can be used for the Pinewood Derby, such as letters or shapes for the wall

ü  Elect. #12f – make a poster about mazes, labyrinths, or to publicize the Pinewood Derby

ü  Elect. #16 – talk about emergency family plans; try the Family Fire Drill Maze

ü  Elect. #18b,c, d – with an adult, help plan and run a family or den outing; you could lay out a labyrinth as a treasure hunt, or an obstacle course as a maze

ü  Elect. #20d – if you go skiing, understand safety and courtesy codes and practice basic skills

ü  Elect. 20e – know safety rules for ice skating and demonstrate basic skills

ü  Elect. #20f – know safety rules and demonstrate skills for roller skating

ü  Elect. 20g – go bowling and practice rules and skills

ü  Elect. #20k – show how to dribble and kick a soccer ball and play the game

ü  Elect. #20m – show basketball skills, then play a game

ü  Elect. #21b, c – use a computer program to write a report about mazes or puzzles

ü  Elect. #22 – learn to say it right in another language – a really A-Maz-ing feat!

Bear Achievements:

ü  Ach. #8b – talk with an old-time scouter; find out what kind of games, riddles and “thinking” games he liked to play and try a few of them

ü  Ach. #8c – add to a create a den or pack scrapbook about favorite puzzles, games and maze activities

ü  Ach. #8d – make a family tree – it has a form just as a maze does, and until you learn about family members, they can be just as mysterious as a maze

ü  Ach. #9b – with an adult, make a snack for a den meeting – try one of the Cub Grub recipes like the Edible Maze

ü  Ach. #10a – go on a family day or evening trip – you could visit a museum, maze or labyrinth; help plan the route to take

ü  Ach. #10b – have a Family Fun Night at home and play some board games or work out some puzzles

ü  Ach. #11b – go over water and winter safety rules

ü  Ach. #11e– go over fire safety, help make a family fire drill plan, and practice the Family Fire Drill Maze

ü  Ach. #12a, b – some families continue to do Family Camping during the colder months; learn and practice how to be safe and what to do if lost (check out the ideas at Hug A Tree)

ü  Ach. #12e – plan a family outdoor day; it could be a visit to an established maze, or your could go to a beach or park and lay out one of your own

ü  Ach. #13f – play a family board game using play money

ü  Ach. #14a, b – know the rules for bike safety, then lay out a bike “maze” to test your skills

ü  Ach. #14g – plan a take a family bike ride; use a map of the bike path or route to compare the various possible routes to a maze; keep a mental record of the path you take and see if you can show it on a map afterwards

ü  Ach. #15 – do any of the games activities and try some new ones from this packet

ü  Ach. #17a – choose and watch a TV show with your family and discuss it

ü  Ach. #17b – play a game of Charades with your den or family; this is a game that makes you think and observe, just like a maze does

ü  Ach. #17d – use a computer and spell-check to write a report about mazes, labyrinths, or board games

ü  Ach. #18f, g – write a story about something you have done with your family, or a den activity such as making a labyrinth

ü  Ach. #18h – complete the Character Connection for Honesty

ü  Ach. #21a, b – build a model from a kit, such as a Pinewood Derby racer; build a display for your model

ü  Ach. #22b – learn to tie various knots, using your “thinking and solving” skills

ü  Ach. #22e – learn and demonstrate a magic rope trick

ü  Ach. #23a, b, c – choose a sport you can do in the winter and learn the rules and play the game

ü  Ach. #23d – watch a sport on TV with family

ü  Ach. #23e – attend a professional, high school or college sporting event with family or den

ü  Ach. #24a-e – do any of these activities; choosing a path in a maze is like choosing what you will do when there are several possibilities; you could even draw out the choices on a blackboard to show the consequences of the choice made

Bear Electives:

ü  Elect. #9a – make a silhouette of a family member to display; or make a mosaic of a labyrinth pattern design – for ideas, check the website section

ü  Elect. #13a, b, c, d – learn and show some of the magic puzzles, tricks and rope tricks

ü  Elect. #14b – make a sketch of a landscape labyrinth or maze and tell what plants you would use to make it

ü  Elect. #18c – plan an outdoor game, such as a Maze for your den to use; do a paper sketch of how it will be laid out

ü  Elect. #20b – learn safe skiing rules and demonstrate skills

ü  Elect. #20c – learn safe ice skating rules and demonstrate skills

ü  Elect. #20e – learn safe roller skating rules and demonstrate skills

ü  Elect. #20f – earn a new Sports Activity Pin

ü  Elect. #22b – start a collection, display it neatly and display it at the pack meeting (you could even make a collection of mazes, puzzles, “thinking” games)

ü  Elect. #22c – start and organize your own library

ü  Elect. #23d – make a map showing the route from your home to your meeting place; to make it more interesting, set it up like a maze, with different possible routes to the same place

ü  Elect. #25a – if your family or pack do winter camping, list and assemble ten essential items you will need.


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