Achievement 3 Family Activity
3F Plan a family fire drill and
practice it.
Be sure to
plan a safe meeting place outside so that you will know when everyone in the
family is safe. Go to that place as part of your practice.
Tell your
Tiger Cub that if he ever feels that he is lost, he should stay where he is and
hold onto something like a bench, a post, or a tree. Assure him that because
you love him, as soon as you realize that he is not with you, you will quickly
begin looking for him. Explain to him, that if he does not stay where he is
when he is lost, it will take you a lot longer to find him. Practice a game
with him where he pretends that he is lost, he holds onto something stationary,
and you walk out of sight, wait a 3 to 5 min., and then come back for him.
Achievement 3 Den Activity
To keep your
body healthy, it is important that you eat a well-balanced diet. The food
pyramid in your book helps you by showing how many servings of certain kinds of
foods you should have each day.
Also, check out last month’s
Baloo for Nutrition ideas. Be sure to visit
www.5aday.org to learn
about eating your fruits and vegetables by the color and
www.3aday.org to learn
about your dairy needs. CD
3D Make a
food pyramid.
Draw a food pyramid on a big piece of paper or a
poster board. Using old magazines donated by the den families cut out pictures
of food and glue them in the appropriate place on the pyramid. You can also
draw pictures of different foods to add to the food pyramid.
Achievement 3 Go and See It
It’s fun to play games and to take
part in sports. It’s also good exercise, which helps to keep your body
healthy. Some games and sports are for one person, and sometimes people play
games or sports on teams. It’s also fun to watch others play games or
demonstrate their abilities. Understanding the game or sport you are watching
makes it a lot more fun.
3G First, learn the rules of a
game or sport. Then, go to watch an amateur or professional game or sporting
Local High School, Community College and other teams are
great for this. We have a minor league Hockey team, The Philadelphia Phantoms,
www.phantomshockey.com , which runs several Scout nights each year at reasonable
cost!! You can get to all the other AHL team websites from their site. CD
More Ideas for Keeping Myself Healthy and Safe
Southern NJ Council
Emergency information is available
from local libraries, the American Red Cross and the local fire departments.
Some free handouts can include family disaster supply kits from the local fire
department and the Red Cross.
Preparedness Ideas to consider:
Does your
group have emergency supplies at the meeting site? Are there food supplies, warm
blankets, flashlights, and water tucked away, just in case?
At home,
how do you shut off the gas, the water and the electricity?
neighbors can help? Have a neighborhood emergency plan ready. Who can be called
when needed?
Tiger Cub will experience fire drills and storm drills at school. Do you have
one established at your meeting site?

No program concerning fitness should leave out the subject of NUTRITION! Tiger
Partners should plan to have some discussion of the importance of good
nutrition. You might have a den discussion of the variety of good food for
proper growth and development. The following chart about the 4 basic food groups
might be helpful.
Tune: On Wisconsin
Hurry, Tigers, Build your muscles,
Get in shape for play.
When we feel our very best
We will do our best each day.
Hurry, Tigers, Build your muscles,
Get in
shape for play.
Keep on running, keep on jumping,
Trying to improve.
When we’ve grown a little older,
We will still be on the move.
Keep on running, keep on jumping,
Trying to improve.
*4-Display a picture
It’s nice to have pictures of your
family on display—especially when some of your family members are not close by
all the time.
*Make a frame for a family picture.
Glue tongue depressors or craft sticks together in a shape to fit your picture.
Attach a string or ribbon to the upper corners to use as a hangar. Tape your
picture to the back of the frame and display. You may want to use a photograph,
or a picture that you draw of your family.
*10- Helping Hands
When people grow older, or if they
become sick or have an accident, they sometimes have a hard time doing every day
things. If you know an elderly person or if you know someone who is ill or
recovering from an illness or accident, try to think of what things would be
hard for them to do by themselves.
Along with your adult partner, help an
elderly or shut in person with a chore. You might offer to do things such as
helping to take out trash, rake leaves, mail a package, or bring in the mail.
Ask first, and do it with a big Tiger Cub smile!
*32- Feed the Birds
Pop-bottle bird feeder
Materials: one plastic 2-liter
bottle, two plastic lids about 5” in diameter (from coffee cans, large margarine
containers, whipped topping, etc.), 30” heavy twine or rug yarn, scissors
Have your adult partner help you cut
the bottle in half, crosswise. Poke a hole through the centers of the plastic
lids with the point of the scissors or a nail. Tie a large knot in the end of
the twine. Refer to picture and put your feeder together by stringing together
one plastic lid (curved side up), then the inverted bottle, and then the second
lid (curved side down). Fill the bird feeder with seed and hang it outside.
Pinecone Bird Feeder
Materials: 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup shortening, 1-2 cups bird seed,
large pinecone, thick twine, paper bag
twine around the pinecone and tie it securely. Mix the peanut butter and
shortening together. Spread the mixture between the petals of the pinecone,
filling in as much as you can. Put the pinecone along with the birdseed in the
paper bag. Close the bag and shake, coating the pinecone with birdseed. Hang
the feeder on a tree where you can watch the birds enjoy it.