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Baloo's Bugle


December 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 5
January 2005 Theme

Theme: Cub Scouts Spread the News
Webelos: Fitness & Readyman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 3 & Activities




Reporters Opening Ceremony

Baltimore Area Council

Set Up: Cubmaster comes out followed by several Scouts dressed as press (hats w/press passes, some can carry cameras, etc.). The “press” are throwing out questions at random and generally making a lot of noise.

Cubmaster stops and holds up his hands for quiet)

CM:        Ok, ok. We’ve only got time for a few questions.

REP1:    Mr. Cubmaster, is it true that at the meeting tonight we’ll be doing songs, skits and other fun stuff?

CM:        Yes, that’s true. Next.

REP2:    Is it also true, sir , that you’ll be handing out awards to some of the Scouts?

CM:        Yes, that’s also true. One more.

REP3:    Sir, is it true that the committee chairman is an alien who has Elvis locked up in her garage? (at this point all the reporters get excited and run off stage as the Cubmaster in vain tries to deny this).

Opening Ceremony

Baltimore Area Council

Personnel: Cubmaster, Color guard, 5 Scouts to read the following parts.

PROPS: Make up names of 5 newspapers and put one of the following headlines on each paper. You can put the lines that go with each headline on the back of each paper in LARGE print so it is easier for the Scouts to read. After each line is read, the Color guard only advances a few steps until the last line is read and the colors are posted.

Cub # 1:      Here are some headlines from the past.

Cub # 2:      Headline - July 4, 1776 - America Wins Independence, The headline says, as you can all see, The British are gone, and we are now free.

Cub # 3:      Headline - April 9, 1865 - North and South End War. A sad time in history is finally done. We put out a hand and set down our guns.

Cub # 4:      Headline – November 11, 1918 – WW I is Over. This day began with the laying down of arms, blowing of whistles, impromptu parades, closing of places of business.  All over the globe there were many demonstrations; no doubt the world has never before witnessed such rejoicing.  Our flag of 48 stars was flying high.

Cub # 5:      Headline - September 2, 1945 - WW II is Over! The World War is over, many are free. Our flag was still flying, as high as could be.

Cub # 6:      Headline - April 29, 1975 - USA leaves Vietnam. As we leave this foreign land, we end a sad, sad story. But we still hold in our hand, a banner called Old Glory.

Color guard - posts colors.

Cub # 7:      Our flag has been around for over 200 years. Let’s honor it by standing and saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Hear Ye! – Hear Ye!

Circle Ten Council

Setup      Scout is dressed in colonial outfit befitting the town crier.  Walks to the front of the pack assembly with old school bell and scroll.  He rings the bell to draw everyone’s attention.  Unrolls the scroll and reads:

“By decree of the Continental Congress on this _____ day of January in the 2005, this Pack _____ assembly is now in session.  All rise for the presentation of the flags.”

Den assigned to opening parades in the flags, flag bearers flanked by color guards to positions in front of the group. 

Town crier continues:
As Americans, we have freedoms and responsibilities.  Our founding fathers described these in the Constitution of the United States and in the Bill of Rights.  One of the freedoms – or rights – is the right to Free Press.  This means that our Government cannot keep us from saying and writing what we want.  But with this freedom comes a responsibility – we must be responsible for what we say and write.  We cannot tell lies about people or events.  We cannot write and publish information without making sure that it is true.  It is a balance that we must keep level.  With every freedom comes a responsibility.  Let us all join together in saluting out flag – the symbol of our country, the freedoms in which we believe, and the responsibilities by which we live.”

The Evening News!

Circle Ten Council

At the opening of the Pack Meeting, one of the leaders can open the newspaper and read off special “articles of interest.” Or after the flag is presented and the Pledge of Allegiance is recited, have everyone sit down and one of the boys or a leader open the newspaper to entertain the group with your own special news articles.  You can have the den assigned to Opening prepare these.  They can be news items like:

Alien Sightings – Several town residents have reported seeing strange-looking Blue/Gold and Tan creatures meeting mysteriously at _____ (Pack Meeting place).  These sightings have been reported about once a month.  Mayor _____ is quoted as saying “We will let these strange creatures into our community so long as they remain friendly and if they promise to do their best to serve the town.”  Many of the creatures are reported to be decked out in animal badges with arrow points below them.  We will continue to monitor and report on this situation.

Weather Report – Today’s weather is rainy and cloudy with snow in the mid 90’s.  If you have an umbrella, do not open it in really windy conditions.  If you see a rainbow and follow it to its end, make sure you share some of the Pot ‘o Gold with the Cubmaster.

News Flash! – [Here is where the boys can “go after” some of the more notorious leaders in their den or pack.  They can make special reports about funny things that happened at a pack event or anything else that would strike the groups’ funny bone.

Who knows!  Maybe the Evening News could become a regular part of your Pack Meeting!

Stop the Presses Opening

Trapper Trails Council

Personnel: Five Cubs

Equipment: A rolled newspaper for each boy

Set Up: The Cub Scouts run onto stage.  As each Cub Scout repeats his part, he opens the paper to "read"

All Cubs:       Extra!  Extra!  Let us read to you all about it!

Cub # 1:             Wow!  The headline says there's going to be a great Pack meeting for Pack (number) tonight!  Sounds like fun!

Cub # 2:             Hey! The Who's Who page says there's going to be some advancements and awards given out.  That sounds neat!

Cub # 3:             Would you look at the sports page?  It says there's going to be fun games and activities for everyone.  This is sounding exciting!

Cub # 4:             Cool!  The food section talks about the great refreshments that will be served.  I know I can't wait!

Cub # 5:             Hey Guys!  In the comic section it says there's going to be some hilarious and funny skits and jokes.  You know, that reminds me of a joke.  What's black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white and read all over?  A zebra, skunk, and Dalmatian reading a newspaper!  Great joke, huh?!

All Cubs:       Now that we've let you know what's going on we hope you'll enjoy  the pack meeting as much as we will!!


Southern NJ Council

Equipment: Seven pieces of construction paper each with one letter from the word WELCOME written on it.  Cubs arranged to spell out the word their arts in LARGE print on the back of the cards.

Cub # 1:       W - We've come here tonight to communicate with you.

Cub # 2:       E - Each boy showing and telling what he can do.

Cub # 3:       L - Let's all lend an ear for the message.

Cub # 4:       C - Come now and direct your attention this way.

Cub # 5:       O - Opening this meeting we're doing right here.

Cub # 6:       M - Making for you a message soon dear.

Cub # 7:       E - Everybody welcome is what we wish to communicate now to you and to tell you this meeting has now started, too!

Go into Flag Ceremony, Promise or Law, and Prayer

Maybe a Patriotic song, too

It Takes Work To Communicate

Southern NJ Council

Equipment: Eleven pieces of construction paper each with one letter from the word COMMUNICATE written on it and the Cubs part written on the back in BIG letters.  Each Cub should draw a communications picture on the front around his letter.  Make sure the Cubs are arranged to spell out the word.

Cub # 1:       So often we have problems in our lives because we don’t “Get the message.”  Tonight our Cub Scouts will review some basic rules needed to communicate properly.

Cub # 2:       C stands for “Carefully” – Carefully listen when someone is telling you something.

Cub # 3:       O stands for “One” – One and only one person is “transmitting” at a time; other person should be “receiving.”

Cub # 4:       M stands for “Message” – Make sure you send the right Message when you communicate.

Cub # 5:       M stands for “Minute” – Give the message a minute to sink in before responding.

Cub # 6:       U stands for “Understand” – Make sure you understand the message before ending a conversation.

Cub # 7:       N stands for “Noise” – Noise is what keep you from getting the message—noise from outside and inside your head.  Avoid the noise!

Cub # 8:       I stands for “I” – I am responsible for getting the message straight.

Cub # 9:       C stands for “Carefully” – Carefully choose your words when you are sending a message

Cub # 10:    A stands for “Attention” – Pay attention when you are sending and receiving a message.

Cub # 11:    T stands for “Time” – Take your time to say things clearly and to hear things clearly.

Cub # 12:    E stands for “Everyone” – It is everyone’s job to make sure the message gets across.

Cub # 13:    If we follow these rules, we will always be able to Communicate!

Cub # 14:    Lead Flag Ceremony, Promise or Law, and Prayer.  Maybe a Patriotic song, too

Note: Cubs 1, 13 and 14 may be Adults or Den Chiefs who are helping with the ceremony. Cub 14 maybe several Cubs


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