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Baloo's Bugle


December 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 5
January 2005 Theme

Theme: Cub Scouts Spread the News
Webelos: Fitness & Readyman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 3 & Activities




Stop The Presses Closing Ceremony

Trapper Trails Council

If you want double up the parts or have the Narrator read them all.  Make up a few of your own, too!!!  CD

Narrator:  Stop those presses.  Some of the stories we've been hearing for years aren't quite right.  Did you know…?

Cub # 1:                         An apple did not fall on Newton's head, he saw one fall from the corner of his eye.

Cub # 2:                         In old England, coins were saved in "pygg" banks which were dishes or jars made from a clay called "pygg".  In 1600, a potter started the craze of making them into pig shapes.

Cub # 3:                         French fries are really from Belgium.

Cub # 4:                         Walt Disney started drawing characters with three fingers to save time.

Cub # 5:                         Napoleon started the tradition of buttons on uniforms so soldiers would not wipe their noses on the coat sleeves.

Cub # 6:                         The 4 and 20 black birds baked in a pie was actually a huge pie crust with 24 African musicians hiding inside to surprise a King Charles VII of France in the 1400's.

Cub # 7:                         Mice might eat cheese, but they like peanut butter and fly stuffed celery better.

Cub # 8:                         Elephants are not afraid of mice, which they can't even see or smell.

Cub # 9:                         Antidisestablishmentarianism is not the longest word, it is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

Cub # 10:                      Ostriches don't bury their heads in the sand.  They eat rocks to help their digestion.

Cub # 11:                      The British arrested and took Paul Revere's horse before he finished his ride.  He had to walk home.

Cub # 12:                      Camels store fat not water in their humps.

Narrator    So stop those presses, we need to make a few changes.

Stories Of The Flag (facts or fiction)

Baltimore Area Council

A different boy could be used to read each paragraph:

Since there was a war going on when the United States flag was first designed, there was little written down about its origins. Only recently have we learned that Francis Hopkinson was probably the designer of the thirteen-star thirteen-stripe flag. 

Other places and persons have been named as the first to display the United States flag and as flag designers. A very popular story is that about Betsy Ross of Philadelphia. She is supposed to have sewn the first United States flag at the request of George Washington. 

The claim is based upon family tradition and was first mentioned in 1870 by her grandson, William J. Canby. Mrs. Ross was indeed a flagmaker and no doubt did sew American flags in her day. Yet, there is no mention of her sewing the first American flag in public records, newspapers, or private diary. Recently scholarship indicates that though Betsy Ross did sew flags at an early date, she probably did not design or make the very first one. 

Another interesting story about early American flags is that of the Pickersgill family. Mrs. Mary Young Pickergill, a widow, was an expert maker of flags. She and her daughter Caroline lived and worked in Baltimore City. Her flags were flown on many of the ships that used Baltimore Harbor. 

Mrs. Pickersgill was commissioned to sew a huge flag to fly over Baltimore’s Fort McHenry. It was a massive task. Finally, the work had to be moved to the floor of a local brewery to get room enough to assemble it. When completed it was thirty feet wide and forty-two feet long. This is the flag that is on exhibit today in the Smithsonian  Institution’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. 

Another story about our American flag is that made popular by John Greenleaf Whittier, a poet and abolitionist. He wrote a poem called Barbara Frietchie in 1863, as the Civil War raged. It was set in September of 1862, in Frederick, Maryland. 

In the poem an old woman, Barbara Frietchie, was supposed to have defied Confederate Army invaders by flying the American flag from her home. The Confederate leader, “Stonewall” Jackson, is supposed to have gallantly spared the old lady and her flag. Whether or not this is a true story is not known. There was, however, an older woman of that name in Frederick. Today we can visit the “Barbara Frietchie House” there. Her name is sometimes spelled “Fritchie.”

Pieces of material sewed together form a design. Created by man, it is an object with no life of it’s own. Yet, throughout history, men and women have given their lives for it; poems, songs, and stories have sung it praises; children have been taught to revere it; and hardened men have broken down in tears at the sight of it. It is called a flag.  Now, please retire the colors.

Or you could use this information when talking about the flag in your Dens. CD

Here are some classic Cub Scout Closing Ceremonies I found in Pow Wow Books for this month.  CD

Thank You

Viking Council

Let the Cub Scouts prepare eight large placards, each with a large letter painted on it to match the initial letter of each verse.  As each verse is recited by a Cub, the proper letter is displayed so that at the end of the eight verses, the words "Thank You" are visible to all.

Cub # 1:       T- stands for teacher, ours bear the test, as a Pack - we promise "We'll do our best".

Cub # 2:       H - is for helpful, which we try to be as each helps the other in the highest degree.

Cub # 3:       A - for advantages we all enjoy, we try to be grateful and wisely employ.

Cub # 4:       N - is for nation whose future depends on all of us in the pack who want to be friends.

Cub # 5:       K - is for knowledge we're going to need.  We'll work hard to gain it and hope we succeed.

Cub # 6:       Y - is for youth all over the land.  God bless and keep us and steady our hand.

Cub # 7:       O - for opportunity around everyone.  We’ll grasp and hold tightly until we have won.

Cub # 8:       U - stand for usefulness, we like to serve.  We do what we can all praise to deserve.


Southern NJ Council

Arrangement: Pack flag is placed in center of stage. Ten Cubs in uniform, in turn, come on stage, stand near the Pack flag and recite one of the statements below. Upon finishing, each Scout salutes the Pack flag and retires to rear of stage, where a horseshoe is formed.

Cub # 1:       May I grow in character and ability as I grow in size.

Cub # 2:       May I be honest with myself and others in what I do and say.

Cub # 3:       May I learn and practice my religion.

Cub # 4:       May I always honor my parents, my elders and my leaders.

Cub # 5:       May I develop high moral principles and the courage to live by them.

Cub # 6:       May I strive for health in body, mind and spirit.

Cub # 7:       May I always respect the rights of other.

Cub # 8:       May I set a good example so that others may enjoy and profit from my company.

Cub # 9:       May I give honest effort to my work.

Cub # 10:    May I regard my education as preparation for the future.

After all Cubs are finished with their lines, all present can join hands for the Living Circle and repeat the Cub Scout Promise.

Cubmaster’s Minute

The History Of Scouting

Baltimore Area Council

In 1910, newspapers featured Model T Fords chugging along rutted roads at 8 miles an hour; Detroit’s center fielder, Ty Cobb, batting .385; and Tom Swift hitting the book market with a bang. Buried deep in one newspaper, it was reported: “William D. Boyce, a Chicago publisher, incorporated the Boy Scouts of America in Washington, D.C. on February 8.” 

That was all it said.

We can’t blame reporters for missing the biggest story of the day, because who could have guessed that from such a small beginning, Scouting would become the giant it is today? From about 2,000 Boy Scouts and leaders in 1910, Scouting in the United States has grown to nearly 6 million strong. Although changes have been made in Scouting over the years, the ideals and principles have remained the same since its beginning--service to others and duty to God and country.  Please join me in rededicating ourselves to Cub Scouting by reciting the Cub Scout Promise.

Free Press Closing

Baltimore Area Council

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “When the press is free and all men are able to read, all is safe.” A free press was so important to the fathers of our country; they included it in the First Amendment. This month our boys have had the opportunity to learn about the importance of free speech and a free press. The American press reports all the news. It may be news that is embarrassing to our government or in praise of it. There are few places in the earth which the importance of knowledge over rides the desire of a government. Let us stand up now and sing “God Bless America” (or other Patriotic song) remembering that while we may not like every individual’s opinion, our country will defend every person’s right to voice and embrace it.

Robert Frost Closing

Baltimore Area Council

Robert Frost was a great poet. He once worked for a newspaper and he said “I got something out of working on a newspaper. I learned that I had to wind things up. I used to leave things half-written you know. But things couldn’t go into the paper until they were rounded out”. You boys are still “half-written” Your life ahead will have many stories to round out. Remember to carry the Cub Scout Motto with you as you grow so everyone will say.. . . “He did his best.”

Freedom of the Press

Circle Ten Council

Needed: A poster with the Pledge of Allegiance. Have several key words covered with pieces of dark paper.

Cubmaster: “If it had not been for freedom of the press (show poster) much of our freedom that we enjoy today could have taken on a very different meaning.  Even our well-known Pledge of Allegiance might have looked quite different.  (Remove the pieces of paper covering key words).  Let us stand now and close with a prayer of Thanksgiving for our Freedoms (or by singing “God Bless America” or another patriotic song)

Cubmaster’s Minute

Circle Ten Council

 “Freedom of the Press” and “Freedom of Speech” are two of the freedoms granted to us as citizens of the United States through the first amendment in the Bill of Rights.  Through it we have the right to express ourselves and to tell what we think about things that affect us.  We cannot be punished for saying or writing what we believe.

But the first amendment also includes a big responsibility, too.  We cannot abuse our right to “voice” our opinions by telling lies or hurting other people’s reputations by saying and writing things about others that aren’t true.

Tonight, as we leave our Pack Meeting, let’s recommit ourselves to live by the cub Scout Motto – Do Our Best – especially in how we use our Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech; to be honest and true in all that we say, write, and do.  Good Night!

Town Crier Closing

Circle Ten Council

Setup      Scout is dressed in colonial type outfit befitting the town crier.  He walks to front of pack assembly with old school bell and scroll.  He rings the bell to draw everyone’s attention. Unrolls the scroll and reads:

 Hear yea!  Hear yea!  “By decree of the Continental Congress of this _____ of January in the year 2005, this Pack _____assembly is now closed.  All are dismissed until we  meet again on the _____ day of February in the year 2005.

Closing Thought

Baltimore Area Council

When our founding fathers were building this great nation of ours, they gave the citizens of the newly formed United States of America many freedoms:  Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom of press. By giving us the freedom of press they allowed us to have journalism that could print the truth without the government interfering. In many countries around the world the government tells the newspapers what to print, therefore the people only know what the politicians want them to know. In America, the newsmen and women can go out and find the truth so that we can know the truth and make informed decisions on that.

As Scouts, it is our jobs to search out the truth on many subjects and to make the right choice on these. Subjects such as drugs, prejudice, gangs, and many more are easier to make decisions on because our forefathers had the foresight to allow the journalists to bring us the truth. So stay informed.

A Good Thing Said About Newspapers

Baltimore Area Council

Gutenberg invented the movable type printing process.  Reducing the “time to press” that documents had to endure.  The Wolf, Bear, and Webelos books that you have are made from this method of print.  Ideas and information can be given to many people at the same time.

Imagine having to write down the entire book by hand from a copy that was hand written from another copy.  Or get your information from town criers and minstrels that simply holler or sing the news of the day.  News from afar would both be late and quite probably mixed with other stories that have joined in the mind of the crier or minstrel.

In times of peace, our daily, weekly, and monthly papers and magazines can be full of fluff.  But in times of need, the information is priceless.  Think about all the great things said by great people and remember that newspapers bring that to you.

Closing Thought

Circle Ten Council

 “Our newspapers have different sections to make them complete, like the front page headlines, the funnies, and classified sections.  Our Cub Scouting program has essential sections that make a successful Pack Meeting.  Out front page is our gathering or opening time.  Out games and activities are like the funnies.  Our announcements are like the classified.  You families that come to Pack Meeting each month are like the subscribers to the newspaper.  Without your support, it would not be successful” 

This would be a good time for to express appreciation to the Cub Scout families for supporting the pack.



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Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2004 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.