Advancement Ceremony
Baltimore Area Council
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster and 1 Scout for each badge or
achievement being presented.
PROPS: 1 Newspaper for each
Cub # 1:
“Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Cub Scout makes Bobcat!” (hands paper to
According to this, these boys have
achieved the rank of Bobcat! (calls boys and their parents forward and gives
badges to-parents to present to boys.)
Cub # 2:
off the Press! New Wolves in the Pack! (hands paper to Cubmaster)
Cubmaster: It says here, we have some boys that have
earned their Wolf Badge. (call new Wolves forward with parents and has parents
present badges to boys. Can also present any arrow points earned to current
Wolves at this point.)
Cub # 3:
“Headline news! Bears emerge from their Pens!” (hands paper to Cubmaster)
Cubmaster: Well, looks like we have some new Bears among
us! (call new Bears and parents forward. Have parents present badges to their
boys. Again, present any arrow points to current Bears at this time.
Cub # 4:
“Special edition! Webelos spotted!
Webelos! What’s a Webelos?
Cub # 4:
says here that it means “We’ll Be Loyal Scouts!” (hands paper to Cubmaster)
Cubmaster: Oh, I see! Looks like these Cub Scouts are on
their way to becoming Boy Scouts. (calls boys and parents forward. Have parents
present Webelos badge to their boys. Present any other Activity pins or badges
at this time)
Cub # 5:
“Here you go! Brand new headline!” (hands paper to Cubmaster)
Cubmaster: This headline says “Arrow of Light achieved!”
This is the highest award in Cub Scouting. The following boys have earned this
award... (call forward boys and their parents. Parents present award to their
Cubmaster: We’ve sure have had a lot of good news tonight.
Let’s congratulate these boys and their parents on their achievements! (If any
ranks are not achieved, just omit that part of the ceremony.)
News Flash Advancement Ceremony
Circle Ten Council
This advancement ceremony is for all
levels of Cub Scout badges (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos), the Arrow Points
for Wolf and Bear, and Webelos Activity Badges. It does not include the
Arrow of Light award as this is a very special award that should be handled with
a separate ceremony. This ceremony can be tailored to the number and types
of awards you pack is presenting, by leaving out the award segments that are not
Setup: A “news table” is set
up off to the side of the stage. It can be decorated with a radio station logo
and an old-fashioned mike – fancy things up as much as you want. The awards
presenter (Cubmaster) has a walk-around microphone with the radio station logo
on it.
At the appropriate time, the Announcer
walks on stage to the news table and the Cubmaster picks up the mike
Announcer: We interrupt this
Pack Meeting to bring you this late-breaking story. This is your news anchor,
(name), with an important News Flash! (Radio Station name – WCUB, perhaps) has
been following the progress of the Cub Scouts in Pack _____ over the past
month. As reported by their Den Leaders, many of these Cubs have been working
hard on their advancements and have earned special badges for their hard work.
With more on this story, we take you to our roving reporter, Cubmaster (name).
Cubmaster: Thanks, _____.
That’s right! We do have some Cub Scouts tonight who have worked hard and have
earned advancements.
I have been talking with the Den
Leaders for the Tiger Cubs and they have reported that ___ Tiger Cubs have
earned their Tiger rank. Will the following Tigers and their Adult Partners
please come forward?
(Call names, Boys and parents
come forward)
Announcer: Now, these Tigers
that have been growled and clawed their way through the Tiger handbook deserve a
Cubmaster: I have also talked
with the Den Leaders of Den _____ and Den _____ and learned that the following
Cub Scouts have been working on the Bobcat rank. Would (names) and their
parents please come forward?
(Call names, Boys and parents
come forward)
Announcer: Now, Cubmaster
_____ as I understand it, in order for the Cub Scouts to earn the Bobcat badge,
they must learn about Cub Scouting. They have to know the Cub Scout Promise and
the Law of the Pack. They also have to learn the Cub Scout sign, Salute, and
Handshake; the Cub Scout Motto and the Webelos Code. Is that correct?
Cubmaster: That’s right,
_____. And, with their parents, they also study “being safe” so that they know
what to do to protect themselves if someone is bothering them.
Announcer: And the Cub Scouts
here tonight have done all of that? Wow! For our viewing audience, could we
get the Bobcat’s to give us an example of what they’ve learned? Maybe they
could repeat the Cub Scout Promise with you.
Cubmaster: Sure!
[Instruct the Cubs to repeat the Promise] One other important note for
your listeners. A Cubmaster does not give the badges to the Cub Scouts because
it is the parents who have worked with the Cubs to earn the badge. So I will
ask the parents to please pin the Bobcat badge on tonight. (Parents
awards Bobcats and the Cubmaster congratulates them and directs them back to
their seats.) Back to you, _____.
Announcer: Thanks Cubmaster
_____. But I also understand that the advancement trail includes this thing
called Wolf. Does this have anything to do with the Boy Who Cried Wolf?
Cubmaster: Yes and No! Yes
the advancement trail does include the Wolf rank and, no, it has nothing to do
with the boy who cried wolf.
Announcer: So these Wolf
Scouts . . .my report tells me they have to complete 12 Achievements for
everything from doing physical fitness activities to learning about the
neighborhood and, again, being safe at home. Do we have that right?
Cubmaster: Yes, _____. And
tonight we have ___ Cub Scouts. who have done just that! Please come forward
with your parents.
(Call names, Boys and parents
come forward)
As with the Bobcat and Bear badges,
the Wolf badge is earned by the Cub Scout working with Akela – his parents. So
I think it is the parents who should award this badge to the Cub Scouts.
(Hand out the badges for the parents to pin on the boys. Cubmaster
congratulates the cubs and directs them back to their seats.)
Announcer: It says in my news
report that there are Bears on the prowl. Is this something we should be
worried about, Cubmaster _____?
Cubmaster : No, that means we
can award the Bear badge tonight. Cub Scouts in the third grade work very hard
to complete 12 Achievements. . .
Announcer: I thought they did
that for the Wolf badge?
Cubmaster: A different set of
achievements, _____. These are from the Bear book and cover the areas of God,
Country, Family, and Self. Sometimes it involves learning about tall Tales and
sometimes it’s about cooking in the kitchen, but it’s up to the Cub Scouts to
choose the 12 achievements.
Tonight we will award the Bear badge
to ___ Cubs if they and their parents would please come forward.
(Call names, Boys and parents
come forward)
While the Bear achievements are a
little harder than those for Wolf, the Cubs are older and can handle it. But
they still have to work with their parents, so I will ask the parents to please
award the Bear badge to the Cub Scouts. (Hands out badges for parents to
pin on. Congratulates the boys and returns them to their seats.)
Arrow Points: (This can be
combined with the Wolf and Bear Award elements, but its broken out separately
because sometimes the arrow points are earned without any badges of rank being
Announcer: Cubmaster _____, I
think the natives are getting restless. My report says there are some arrows
flying all over the place. Have you seen any signs of this?
Cubmaster: I think there’s a
mistake in you report. The Cub Scouts earn Arrow Points after they have earned
their wolf and Bear badges. And tonight some of the Cub Scouts, etc. are being
awarded their Arrow Points. An Arrow Point is awarded for every ten electives
the wolf or Bear completes – a gold Arrow Point for the first ten and silver
arrow Points for each additional ten.
(Call names, Boys and parents
come forward)
Present Arrow Points and give
handshakes. The boys return to the audience as the awards are presented.
Announcer: Now we will move on
to the Activity Badge presentation. Says here in the news bulletin that they
are awarded to “Webelos.” What’s that, some long-ago extinct animal like the
Cubmaster: No, the Webelos is
a fourth-or-fifth-grade Cub Scout who is preparing to become a Boy Scout. The
word comes from the letters in “WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts” and it’s also the name of
the Cub Scout tribe that includes all Cub Scouts in the BSA, led by their chief,
Announcer: Great! So these
Activity Badges, what’s the scoop on them? Our report is a little sketchy. It
says the Webelos can earn any of 20 different ones – almost sounds like Boy
Scout merit badges.
Cubmaster: That’s right. The
Activity Badges are very similar to Boy Scout merit badges and the Webelos get
to choose – with their Den Leader – which ones they will earn. Tonight, our
Webelos Scouts will receive the (list Activity badges they will receive)–
for having completed the requirements over the past month. Would the Webelos
Scouts, Den Leader and parents please come forward?
(Call names, Boys and parents
come forward)
Give a talk about what ever
badges are being presented, Use Webelos to demonstrate what they have learned.
The Den Leaders are going to present the badges tonight. Den Leaders hand
out badges, congratulating the boys and parents. The Cubmaster congratulates
them and asks them to please be seated.
Announcer: Thanks, Cubmaster
_____. For this last segment of our special report, the Webelos badge is
awarded. How does a Cub Scout earn that?
Cubmaster: Well, the Webelos
award is earned by completing eight requirements. Some have to do with earning
Activity Badges – specific ones, others have to do with participating in the
Webelos program as an active Scout, and the rest are about learning to be a Boy
Tonight, Webelos Scouts – (list
the names and ask them to come forward with parents and Den Leaders) –
will be awarded the Webelos badge for completing the requirements. It’s not an
easy award to earn and not all Webelos Scouts earn it, so this is really pretty
special. It shows us that they are serious about Scouting and willing to work
hard. As with the Activity Badges, the Webelos goes through his Den Leader to
earn the Webelos Badge. When the Den Leader agrees the Webelos is ready, we ask
the leader to award the badge. Cubmaster congratulates them and asks them
to return to their seats.
Cubmaster: One final word,
_____. After the Webelos has earned his Webelos badge, he works toward his
Arrow of Light Award – the highest award a Cub Scout can ever earn and an award
he even wears on his Boy Scout uniform. So we raise the challenge to the
Webelos receiving the Webelos badge tonight. Keep up the good work and let’s
earn the arrow of Light Award!
To all of the boys, who have received
special badges tonight, let’s give them the Noisy Newsie Cheer. -
Announcer: Well that concludes
our special awards broadcast for tonight. Stay tuned for more important
breaking news, as it happens. In the meantime, I’m your anchor, _____ _____.
Thank you, and good night!
Another Newspaper Advancement Ceremony
Baltimore Area Council

Use the newspaper shown (or make your own) to present the award(s). Simply tape
the award where it says, “tape award here” and present the whole thing to the
The Cubmaster could come out dressed
as a reporter (trench coat, fedora hat, press card in hat, carrying small
notebook and pencil, maybe a camera around his neck)
He could then say that tonight he is
there to interview a young man who has accomplished a great feat. He then calls
up the boy(s) and his parent(s) and leader(s). Once everyone is up front he then
commences to interview them.
Here’s some sample questions:
To parents- Did he work hard at home to earn this?
Has he been doing good deeds?
Is there something you’d like to say to him?
To Leader- Is there a funny(inspirational) story
related to this?
Do you think he’ll be getting his Eagle?
Is there something you’d like to say to him?
To Boy- What did you do to get this?
Is there anything you’d like to tell our readers?
It’s a good idea to let the adults know ahead of time
what you’ll be asking, and if the boy seems to be embarrassed, or is having a
hard time up front, don’t dwell on him.
Extra, Extra, Read All About It
Circle Ten Council
Props: A newspaper for each
boy – on the newspaper, tape the Cub Scout’s name on top of the headline, making
a new headline.
Cubmaster: (Dressed as a
newspaper reporter, pen over ear, etc.) “Extra, Extra, read all about it.”
[Cubmaster then reports the big news – Yelling] “_____ (put in the name of the
Cub Scout who is receiving the award) just earned his (name the award) award!”
(Report on some of the requirements that the Cub had to do to earn the award.
Then give the Cub scout the newspaper along with the award.)
Reporter Award Ceremony
Santa Clara Council
Cubmaster comes out wearing a 30's
style hat with the brim turned up and a "press card" tucked into the hatband.
Cubmaster: I'm hot on the trail of a story. I
just need to find the right person to interview. Let's see! Can I interview
you? (Pointing to a den leader.)
Den Leader: Yes, you can interview me.
Cubmaster: Tell me, what you have been doing
this month.
Den Leader: Well, we have been learning about
newspapers. We made our own paper.
Cubmaster: Oh, really! What else have you
been doing?
Den Leader: All the boys in the den completed
requirements for the badge.
Cubmaster: Super, will
step up with their parents and receive their awards?
Advancement Ceremony
Southern NJ Council
For the ceremony to induct new Bobcats, the Cubmaster
writes on a blackboard or butcher paper the code:
Scouting—for the whole family, written backwards. The Cubmaster then calls
forward those boys receiving their Bobcat awards and their parents. Ask the
boys if they can read the code. When they have figured it out, then speak
briefly on the parents' role in the program. Award Bobcat badge and
For awarding Wolf and Bear badges, Arrow points, and
Webelos awards have the Cubmaster act as emcee of an awards show, announcing
names of the advancing boys and explaining their achievements, while the boys
and their parents receive the badge from a pack committee member.
Place each boy’s awards in an envelope. Write the
boy’s name on the envelope containing his awards in a secret code (mixed-up
order). As each boy is called forward to receive his award, he must figure out
which envelope is his. Then present the award to his parents to present to him.
Santa Clara County Council
Use a
secret code in the ceremony. Names of the boys receiving awards or their rank
may be written in secret code.
messages written in invisible ink. Use a candle to make the message appear
(light bulb takes too long. Message should be short and written big so the
audience can see it. Practice ahead of time. For suggestions for the “ink,”
see the Wolf Book
The Pack
Advancement Chair may be a “radio announcer” who calls the boys up before the
Cubmaster with appropriate announcement and calls for applause.
talks in Pig Latin. Assistant Cubmaster introduces Cubmaster as a guest from a
far-away nation of Cubland. He says that this guest will give awards this
month. Cubmaster talks slowly and the assistant repeats in “normal” English.
Let the boys catch on
Southern NJ Council
Setting: TV News Anchor desk
(table) with Anchorman seated. Camera can be added off on the side taping the
Anchorman (Cubmaster):
evening and welcome to tonight’s broadcast of Channel (pack number), CUB
Evening News. I am your newscaster, T.L.Meanething (pronounced “tell me
anything”). We have exciting news this evening. We have learned that
there are several awards to be presented. Will the following boys and their
parents please come forward? (Call forward Cub Scouts receiving Bobcat, Wolf,
Bear and Webelos badges)
To the
Bobcats - You have just finished journalism school and like the Bobcat, you
have taken your first step towards an exciting career. I encourage you to
continue going forward in your endeavors. (Lead Cheer)
To the
Wolfs - The next awards go to our Cub Reporters, the Wolves. They are
learning the trade of reporting. Though they still have a long way to go,
they’ve made a great start. (Lead Cheer)
To the
Bears - Our next awards go to our Ace Reporters, the Bears. These guys know
how to find and tell stories of interest, but still need help along the way.
(Lead Cheer)
To the
Webelos - Finally, these awards are for our Editors, the Webelos. These
young men have learned not only how to find and report good stories, but also
what it takes to make these stories exciting and different. As all good
Editors, they are always preparing themselves for the next big assignment.
(Lead Cheer)
Congratulations to you all.
That’s all
the news we have for you in tonight’s program. Thank you for tuning in. This
is T.L.Meanething signing off for stations (Pack Number), CUB Evening News.