Story Box
Southern NJ Council
Use already-made boxes or boxes that
Cubs have made themselves. Let their imaginations go! A Storytelling Box can
also be done individually or as a group. It is a special box into which the
following kinds of items, or combinations are placed:
Small, smooth stones (or ceramic
squares) onto which words, signs or symbols are painted or written.
Small, unusual objects (e.g. toys,
things from nature, household items, small bits of clothing, coins, and so on).
Slips of paper or flat sticks with
words or pictures on them.
Cubs work in groups of 3-5. The Den
Leader can start off with a beginning, then allow one of the group members to
"set the stage", or leave it completely up to the individual storyteller from
the very start.
The first Cub begins by drawing out an
object from the box without looking (the element of surprise makes it more
interesting!). The drawn item must be used sequentially in the story and stays
out of the Box until the story is finished; i.e. it can't be put back into the
box and exchanged, or saved until later in the story, or used again.
The story continues until such time as
the Cub becomes "stumped", and pulls out another object. This process continues
until the Cub determines that the story is finished.
Southern NJ Council
The den’s newsletter can be whatever
the boys want to make it. Ask each boy to write at least one story for the
paper. Here are a few possible topics:
A report on a recent den field trip.
Brief impression of a recent den or pack event.
Directions for playing the writer’s favorite game.
A report on an interview with the den leader.
A one- or two-paragraph description of each den
member written by himself.
An interview with the den chief, who tells why he
likes Boy Scouting.
A story on what the den plans to do for the Blue and
Gold Banquet.
If you
have an artist in the den, he may want to draw a cartoon or some other
illustration. A boy interested in photography might choose to take photos of
den activities.
boys and parents who have access to a computer to help produce some or all of
the newsletter electronically using graphics and word processing programs.
Southern NJ Council
You can make designs and use them over
and over to make greeting cards, gift wrapping, banquet programs and menus and
stationary. Cover the table where you are working with newspapers because you
must press down hard when printing to make a clear print. Design will print the
reverse of what is seen on the block so if there is lettering or a design that
has a right or left, it should be glued to the block backwards. Here are some
ideas -
make good block prints, if used right away. They are easily carved, but last
only a day or two. One potato makes at least two designs.
Cut potato in half with one straight cut
Blot the surface to remove as much moisture as
With an orange stick or pencil, trace design on
Cut away all parts without any design on them. Cut
outline at least 1/3" deep to provide a good printing surface.
Again remove additional moisture.
Place paper to be printed on a pad of newspaper or a
water-soluble printer's ink on design.
Transfer potato design onto paper. Press had but do
not move the potato or the design will smudge.
Potato Stamp Tip
Circle Ten Council
You can make the potato stamp in a
couple of ways. One way is to cut the potato in half and carve a design on
one-half. This should be a raised design, so you cut away what you do not want
to see. There is a safety issue here of using knives. Plastic ones work if the
potato is a softer variety.
Another way to potato stamp is to use
cookie cutters. You push the cookie cutter all the way into the potato and cut
off the excess with a butter knife. This can make better shapes and is a lot
safer for the Cubs.
Trees shrubs, flowering plants and
weeks offer an infinite source of leaf designs for printing. Use an inked stamp
pad, place leaf, veins side down on pad. Lay a piece of newspaper over leaf and
rub fingers over it. Remove leaf and place it on surface to be printed. Pace
clean newspaper on tap and rub.
Place leaves veins side up on paper or
textured surface, such as burlap, wood or leatherette. Cover with sheet of plain
paper and rub crayon held sideways. Outlines and veining of leaves will stand
With Sponges
On a dry plastic sponge draw or trace
your design. Cut cleanly along the lines. Place poster paint in a dish, brush
the paint onto the flat part of the sponge and stamp it on your paper.
With Erasers
Draw your design on a gum eraser. Use
a craft knife or scissors to cut away the part around the design so the pattern
is raised.
With Odds And Ends
Interesting and easy prints can be
made with odds and ends from around the house. You will be surprised with the
patterns you can make by pressing the bottom of a spice can or a bottle on an
ink pad and then stamping your paper. Other things such as:
Matchbox Half an
Onion Your hand
Buttons Coins Kitchen Utensils
"The Morning Times"
Southern NJ Council
Have a basket full of words that you
have cut out of the newspaper. Hand out a piece of 8 1/2" X 11" paper to each
boy as well as a roll of scotch tape. By picking words out of the basket, each
little editor combines words to create his own newspaper headline. Write a
short story based on your "Headline."
A-Hunting You Will Go!
Greater St. Louis Area Council
careful observation, it is hard to notice the many different things in the
newspaper. Nick K., "Cub Reporter,” amazes his friends with his ability to find
lots of hidden things written in the paper. Let's see how well you do!
Use the
newspaper to find words for each category and letter listed on the chart below.
When you find a word that starts with one of the letters and also fits in a
category, cut it out; the glue it in the appropriate box.
Person's Name |
Plural Word |
Business Name |
City or Country Name |
N |
E |
W |
S |
P |
A |
P |
E |
R |
Stop The Presses Newspaper Slide
Southern NJ Council
Shrink-It kits can be found in craft
stores. This slide uses Shrink-It.
Materials: Newspaper
plastic Cardboard
Glue Pipe cleaner or PVC pipe ring or curtain ring
Shrink a story from the newspaper to
size you want.
Glue it on cardboard and cover both
sides with clear plastic.
Glue pipe
cleaner on back.
Southern NJ Council

Craft Stick –
Materials: One large craft stick (tongue depressor); 1 spring-type
clothes pin; Markers; Glue; Strip magnet.
Glue a clothespin near the end of the craft
Decorate with markers.
Attach magnet on back.

Materials: One paint stick (for quart or gallon can, about 14” long);
Several spring-type clothes pins, Paint; Permanent markers; Glue; Strip magnet.
Paint the paint stick. Use any wood or acrylic
Attach clothespins. If desired, paint or
decorate the clothespins before you glue them on the paint stick.
Decorate with markers
Attach magnet strips on the back of the paint
Southern NJ Council

Materials: One craft stick (tongue depressor); Sandpaper; Yarn; Raffia;
Twine; Plastic lacing; Small piece of cardboard; Permanent marker; Shellac
Sand one end to a point--not too sharp!
Sand both edges until they are angled and smooth
enough for opening letters. It’s easier if you move the craft stick over
sandpaper than the other way. See Picture above.
Wrap the handle end with yarn, raffia, twine,
plastic lacing, or other material. Wrap about an inch and fasten the end. Put
a dab of glue on each end to prevent unraveling.
Fold the cardboard, draw a small, simple
design. Cut both layers. Glue them over the top of the handle, one on each
side of the stick.
Draw design on the stick with markers.
Finish with a coat of shellac (adult assistance
Circle Ten Council

Two good-sized log slices about 1”
Felt piece; Saw; Glue.
Sand the surface of wood pieces well.
Use one for the base. Glue a piece of felt to
the bottom.
Saw the other piece in half and glue the
straight edges of these halves across the base, leave space between for letters.
Paper cup Telephones
National Capital Area Council
Make a small hole in the base of each cup. Insert one string from the outside
to the inside of each set of cups and secure it with a piece of tape. Let the
Cub and his partner talk to each other. Be sure to keep the string taut but
don't pull so hard that the string comes untaped. Suggest they have a code word
to indicate they are done talking, so each knows when to change from listening
mode to speaking mode.
Communications Center
Baltimore Area
Create a message center using a wooden coat hanger and metal cup hooks.
Screw the cup hooks into the bottom of the wooden coat hanger, spacing them
equal distances and using one for each member of the family.
Decorate the hanger any way you want, using Feathers, ribbon, seeds, dried
flowers, material, etc.
Old Fashion
Telegraph Set
Baltimore Area

Supplies: 2
wood blocks 2 nails
3 screws 1 dry
cell battery 2 wires
2 metal
tin can strips (Note: These cannot be from an aluminum can. Test it
with a magnet first.)
Using supplies,
assemble, as illustrated.
Bend the metal
“Z” (sounder) so that it attaches itself to the nails when the key is pressed.
After the boys
have completed their old fashion telegraph set, they can have fun sending
messages to each other using the Morse Code chart below.

Historical Note: Samuel Morse
became interested in telegraphy in 1832, and worked out the basics of a relay
system in 1835. The equipment was gradually improved and was demonstrated in
1837. Morse developed “lightning wires” and “Morse code”, and applied for a
patent in 1840. A line was constructed between Baltimore and Washington and the
first message, sent on May 24, 1844, was “What hath God wrought!”

On May 24 2004, the 160th anniversary of the first telegraphic transmission, the
International Telecommunications Union added the “@” (the “commercial at” or
“commat”) character to the Morse character set and is the digraph “AC” (
probably to represent the letter a inside the swirl appearing to be a C).
It is notable since this is the first
addition to the Morse set of characters since World War I probably, due to its
popularity in e-mail addresses.
Newspaper Puppets
Circle Ten Council

Materials: Newspaper, scotch tape, and white paper
Pile at least five pages of newspaper together.
Fold them in half (so they are about 11 x 14) and
roll them up lengthwise. Make sure that the roll is tight.
Fold another page in half and wrap it around the
Tape them all together.
From the top of the roll, make cuts about three
inches long and 1/2 inch apart to make the hair.
Draw eyes, nose and mouth on the white paper and cut
them out. Glue the facial features on the roll just below the hair.
Paper Beads
Circle Ten Council

Materials: Old Magazines, glue, pencil or stick
Find colorful pages in the magazines and cut them
Cut triangle shapes the length of the page, having
the widest part of the triangle 1/2 inch in width.
Starting with the widest end of the triangle, roll
the triangle around the pencil or stick.
Put a drop of glue on the point and hold it in place
for a few seconds to secure the end of the triangle around the roll. Make
several beads and then string them on a string to form a chain or necklace.
Circle Ten Council
Materials: A box of Jell-O or
unflavored gelatin, old magazines or wrapping paper
Cut pictures from magazines, wrapping paper, comics,
or other thin paper.
Mix the gelatin as follows: one part gelatin to two
parts boiling water. For example, use 1 teaspoon gelatin to 2 tablespoons
boiling water. Let the mixture cool one minute.
Use a paint brush to completely cover the back of
the pictures with the gelatin mixture. Dry on a piece of wax paper.
When the mixture dries, you can lick the pictures
and stick just like stickers.
Telephone Den Meeting
Sam Houston Area Council
Practice your phone skills by holding the meeting over
the phone. Set up a telephone schedule the previous week with the time that
each boy is to call another. Give each boy a message to give to the others a
week ahead of time. Put it in a sealed envelope and put them on their honor to
open it only on the day of the calls.
On the day of the stay-home meeting, the boys should
open their envelopes and keep their calling schedule. They should write down
the messages that you gave them to share with one another. Have them bring the
messages with them to the next den meeting. Compare the messages that the boys
wrote down with the messages you gave them. Discuss how communication breaks
down and how they can make it better.
Boy 1 calls boy 5
Boy 2 calls boy 6
Boy 3 calls boy 7
Boy 4 calls boy 8
Boy 5 calls boy 2
Boy 6 calls boy 3
Boy 7 calls boy 4
Boy 8 calls boy 1
Boy 1 calls boy 6
Boy 2 calls boy 7
Boy 3 calls boy 8
Boy 4 calls boy 5
Boy 5 calls boy 3
Boy 6 calls boy 4
Boy 7 calls boy 1
Boy 8 calls boy 2
Boy 1 calls boy 2
Boy 3 calls boy 4
Boy 5 calls boy 6
Boy 7 calls boy 8
Boy 2 calls boy 3
Boy 4 calls boy 1
Boy 6 calls boy 7
Boy 8 calls boy 5
Boy 1 calls boy 3
Boy 4 calls boy 2
Boy 5 calls boy 7
Boy 8 calls boy 6
Boy 1 calls Den Leader
Boy 2 calls Den Leader
Boy 3 calls Den Leader
Boy 4 calls Den Leader
Boy 5 calls Den Leader
Boy 6 calls Den Leader
Boy 7 calls Den Leader
:56 Boy 8 calls Den Leader
Stay on time!
If a boy is missing or you
do not have eight boys, work with another den or give byes to those who have no
one to call.