News Headlines
Circle Ten Council
Pack meetings are not “just for
Kids!” How about a game for the Den Parents? The object of this game is to see
which den can field the most news/history savvy “team” to answer a set of
questions. Sort of like Jeopardy, it goes like this –
Before hand, someone from the pack has
to do some research. Using the Internet go to newspaper archive sites or go to
your local library and pick out some good famous headlines.
Have the parents within each den sit
together – don’t need to move all the parents to one place, just get each den’s
parents together – and give them paper and pencils. Using the collection of
news items/headlines, begin asking questions or reading off headlines with key
words or phrases missing. Ask enough questions to get a fairly good spread in
the scores. And let the Cub Scouts/families help as much as they want. At the
end of the questions, run through the answers and see which den gets the most
correct answers. This is the winning den. Award them with the “headlines
award” – go to an old car junk yard and ask for a piece of an old car headliner
that you can make into a ribbon or something as suitable.
I love this award idea. CD
Baltimore Area
This one
creates quite a mess, but it’s worth it. Divide into two teams and put a
divider down the center of the room (like a couple of rows of chairs,
back-to-back). The two teams are on opposite sides of the divider. Give
each team a large stack of old newspapers, then give them five to ten minutes to
prepare their “snow” by wadding the paper into balls-the more, the better.
When the
signal to begin is given, players start tossing their snow at the opposing team,
which really does look like a snowstorm.
When the
whistle blows, everyone must stop throwing. Judges determine the winner by
deciding which team has the least amount of snow on its side of the divider.
larger groups, watch out for players who lose their eyeglasses or other personal
belongings in the snow, which get pretty deep. After the game is over, provide
plastic garbage bags and have a race to see which side can stuff the snow into
the bags first.
Baltimore Area
This is a
guessing game. Any number can play.
A player
leaves the room while the others think of an activity (dancing, swimming,
cooking, reading, or something similar). The chosen activity is called
When the
absent player comes back, he tries to guess what “Newspapering” is by asking
each player a question like “Do you “Newspaper” in the dark?” or “Can cows
“Newspaper”?” until he guesses what “Newspaper” means. All questions must be
answered with a “yes” or “no”.
When the
questioner thinks he knows what “Newspaper” means, he may ask if his guess is
correct, and if it is, the player who answered his last question goes out of the
room and a new activity is chosen as “Newspaper”. But, if the questioner guesses
wrong 3 times, he is out of the game.
“Nose for News”
Baltimore Area
This is an
outdoor game for a Caller and 2 teams with equal numbers of players. One team is
called “news” and the other “nose”. One person is chosen to be the “caller”.
Teams draw
goal lines about 50 meters apart. The caller stands in the middle of the field,
between the goal lines.
When he
yells “Start walking!!!”, both teams walk slowly towards him. When they are
quite close to him, he calls out “N-n-n-ews!” or “N-n-nose!” and whichever team
he calls starts to run back to its goal line. The other team chases them and
tries to tag as many players as possible before they are safe behind their own
goal line. The tagged players join the opposite team. Both teams return to their
goal lines, and the caller calls again.
The game
is won by the team that tags the most players. The caller tries to keep the
teams guessing which team he will call by dragging out the “N-n-n” as long as
Baltimore Area
This game can be really fun! The more
players you have, the better. You need at least 3 people. The players sit in a
circle. The first player thinks of a word or phrase and whispers it to second
player. Then, the second player whispers the message to the third player, and so
on, until the message goes all the way around the circle. Finally, the last
person to get the message says it out loud, and the person who started the
message tells them if they are right!
Here’s a couple of tips;
Hearsay can get really crazy if you use more than
one word in your message. For example, a message like “Brown cats like purple
bananas.” can get REALLY mixed up along the way!
DON’T repeat the message! If the person didn’t hear
it, let them say what they THINK they heard. The results can be hilarious!
Newspaper Boy
Baltimore Area
This is played with at least eight
players and folded newspaper. One player is designated “It” and gets the
newspaper. The other players form a circle holding hands. “It” walks slowly
around the outside of the circle, chanting: “Extra! Extra! Read all about it!”
While chanting, “18’ drops the
newspaper behind a player in the circle. That player then picks up the paper as
quickly as possible and chases “It” around the circle. “It” tries to get back to
the empty spot in the circle left by the chaser before being tagged. If “It”
succeeds, the chasing player then becomes “It.”
The Newspaper
Baltimore Area
Here are some ideas for Olympic type
events using newspapers in different ways:
Javelin- Lay 1 sheet of newspaper fiat, then
lay another down so that they overlap. Roll both up together. Tape in middle.
See who can throw it the furthest.
Shot-put-Crumple a page of a newspaper up
into a small ball. See who can throw it the furthest.
Newsboy archery-Take a sheet of newspaper and
roll it tightly. Have boys throw it through a hula hoop.
Relay Race-Take a rolled up newspaper and use
it as the baton.
100 Yard Dash- Have boys put each foot on a
sheet of newspaper and shuffle to finish line.
Hammer throw-Take a piece of string and tie a
stick to one end. Put other end of string through the middle of sheet of
newspaper and tie stick to other end. crumple paper around string and keep
adding paper till you have a ball about the size of a dodgeball. Put tape around
it. Have boys swing around head and see who can throw furthest/most accurate.
Advertisement Hunt
Baltimore Area
Give each Scout seated at a table a popular magazine, containing a large number
of advertisements. Have in mind several products that are advertised in these
magazines such as toothpaste, cars, soap, etc. Start the game by calling out the
name of the product. The Scout who is first to find the product and tears it out
of the magazine and hold it up wins. If it is the right one, have him sit on it,
and continue the game by calling for another item. After about a dozen or so
calls, find out who is sitting on the most ads.
Paper Boy Relay
Baltimore Area
Materials: 2 or more trash
cans, Lots of newspaper
Divide boys into teams. Divide the room into equal sections. Have teams fold up
newspapers like they would on a newspaper route and line up as if they are going
to do a free throw.
turn each boy tries to make a basket by throwing paper at their trash can.
Winner is the team with the most newspapers in there trash can.

Circle Ten Council
Materials: Rolled up newspaper
Subscribers are in many cities and towns. Make up a list of towns or cities in
your area. Use a map for more names. You will need 1 name for each cub, even
the newsboy.
sits in a circle. Read off a city to each person, that will represent him as a
subscriber from that area. They will need to remember it.
Choose one
person to stand in the middle. He is the newsboy with the rolled-up newspaper.
He will call out one city. That subscriber must stand and call out another city
before the newsboy tags them with the rolled-up newspaper.
Then the
subscriber that was called must stand and call out another city. This continues
until the newsboy catches a subscriber before he calls out another city. Then
that subscriber becomes the newsboy in the middle.
Story Game
Baltimore Area
Give each boy a set of 10 completely unrelated words. Have each boy write a
story using each of the ten words that they have to read and/or act out at the
next Pack meeting.
Newspaper Tapper
Baltimore Area
Equipment: Rolled newspaper to use as a swatter.
One person is selected to the center man. He takes his place in the center of a
small compact circle formed by the other players standing shoulder to shoulder
around him.
The players put their hands behind them and the leader secretly places a swatter
in the hands of one of them. The player who receives the swatter either slyly
passes it on or swats the center man, if his back is turned.
When hit, the center man turns and tries to point out, not the player who hit
him, but the player who is then holding the swatter. The player who did the
striking will have instantly passed the swatter either right or left.
When the center man points out a person who is holding, touching, or passing the
swatter, they change places.
Ring the Antenna
Southern NJ Council
I love ring toss games. They can be adapted to any
theme – for December’s Food theme you could have rings made to look like
doughnuts. For Holidays – Wreaths. For water – Life Buoys.) Just use your
imagination. CD
Cut out the shape of a radio or TV
antenna, indoor or outdoor (or if no one remembers what a house antenna looks
like – a tower as seen at the station or any shape consistent with theme (or any
theme, for that matter) that the boys want to use) from cardboard or wood.
Paint and decorate the cut-out. Hammer nails into the shape at different
places. This is the target. Place it about 8 to 10 feet away. Have each
player throw rubber rings at the antenna. The winner is determined by the
number of rings that catch on the target. If you wish, you can mark each nail
worth a certain number of points.
Southern NJ Council
One player is chosen to be the
questioner. He may ask any other of the other players whatever personal
questions he might choose, such as - "What do you think your legs look like?",
"What are your shoes made of?". "To what do you attribute your handsome looks
and charm?" etc. Whatever the question, the player being asked must reply
"sausages!" The first player who smiles or laughs or giggles or smirks or grins
or guffaws or shows any other emotion other than deadly seriousness is out, and
he becomes the questioner.
Capture the Fort
Southern NJ Council
Divide players into two sides:
Attackers and Defenders.
Defenders form a circle, holding hands
and facing outward, with their captain in the center.
Attackers surround the fort at about
eight or ten paces distant. They try to kick a soccer ball into the fort; it
may go through the legs of the defenders or over their heads. If it goes over
their heads, the captain may catch it and throw it out. But if it touches the
ground inside the circle, the fort is captured and the players change sides.
Line up the Lines
Southern NJ Council
This game easily be adapted for Webelos by doing the
same thing for the Scout Oath and Law. CD
Take the Promise (or the Law of the
Pack) and write it out on strips of paper in large letters. If you want, you can
cut the lines up into chunks or half-lines. Then have a team challenge for the
whole group. Mix up the strips on the floor or in a box. One by one, a Cub hops
to the box, grabs a strip, and brings it back to the group. The next Cub hops up
and gets another strip and brings it back to the group. Hopping is done to give
the group time to arrange the strips in order. The group has to agree on how to
arrange the strips. When done, they recite the Promise together.
Gossip Game
National Capital Area Council
Have everyone sit in a large circle.
The host partner whispers a phrase or short sentence to the person on his left.
That person whispers what he heard to the next player to the left, and so on.
The last player to receive the message should repeat what the message is. The
leader then repeats the original message which is often very different from the
last person's message.
Hear, Bear Game
Southern NJ Council
This is a game of identifying sounds.
The den chief produces the sounds below from behind a screen or in another room
and the Cubs listen. As each sound is produced, the boys write down what they
think it is.
Sample sounds are:
Sandpaper rubbed on glass,
Pack of cards dropped on a table,
Egg beater whipping cream,
Golf ball or ping-pong ball bouncing on a bare
Piece of metal being filed,
Slicing bread,
Cutting glass with a glass cutter,
Bursting a paper bag.
Mysterious Message
Southern NJ Council
Mysteries sometimes include coded
messages. Let your Cubs create a code, write coded messages and then decode each
other's messages. Leaders if you have access to a computer and printer you can
use wing dings (font) or let the Cubs develop their own secret code using the
Materials: Paper and pencils
Sample Code –
Write the alphabet across a
Below the letters write the numbers
1-26, with "1" below "A," "2" below "B," etc.
Then write a simple, short sentence on
the board and write the number equivalent of the first word.
Ask your
Cubs to write the number equivalents of the remaining words.
Challenge each den group to make up a
code based on a growing number pattern (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 7, 11 . . .).
On a sheet of paper, have Cubs write
the alphabet and the number that will stand for each letter, just as you did
Now have the Cubs write a secret
message (a short sentence) and encode the message on another sheet of paper.
Sam Houston Area Council
One Cub is secretly chosen to be
Moriarty, the rest are English detectives. Everyone walks around shaking hands,
introducing themselves and making small talk. A victim is killed when Moriarty
tickles his palm during the handshake. The victim must wait at least 5 seconds
before dying in as dramatic manner as possible; he may even have time to shake
another hand in the interval. The object of the game is to discover Moriarty
and publicly accuse him before being killed. If the accuser is discovered, he
picks the next Moriarty and participates in the next game by shaking hands,
etc. He cannot make an accusation but acts as referee since he knows who
Moriarty is.