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Baloo's Bugle


December 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 5
January 2005 Theme

Theme: Cub Scouts Spread the News
Webelos: Fitness & Readyman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 3 & Activities




What the World Needs Now

Baltimore Area Council


What the world needs now, Is more cartoons

It’s the only part that there’s just too little of.

What the world needs now, Is more cartoons.

Not just  Beetle Bailey, but some Garfield too.

No, we don’t need the crossword puzzles;

There are wars and air crashes enough today.

There are crime stories, sports, news on every page.

The Dallas News needs a lot more fun.


No, we don’t need more Ann Landers.

There are want ads and cars ads enough for me.

There are stories about saving cats from trees.

So listen please, give us what we need.


I’ve Been Reading the Newspaper

Baltimore Area Council

Tune:  I’ve Been Working on the Railroad

I’ve been reading the newspaper

All my live long days.

I’ve been reading the newspaper

Just to learn what I can learn.

I read about the news and sports,

Comics and classifieds.

I enjoy reading all about it,

Just so I can know it all.

 The more I read and learn each day,

The more I can grow and grow.

The more prepared I will be

for the Boy Scout I become.

I’ll keep reading the newspaper

All my live long days.

I’ll keep reading the newspaper

so just you wait and see.

Joy from the News

Baltimore Area Council

Tune: Joy to the World aka Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog

Jeremiah threw our paper.

He worked for the Morning Star

He always threw the paper right up to our door.

Yes, that paper was always at our door.


Singin’ News to the McCoys,

To the Smiths and Browns and Troys.

News to the Jacksons on East Seventh Street.

News to you and me.

You know I love the comic

Love the sports page too.

I read the paper front to back

And I read the want ads too.


If I was the Dallas News

Tell you what I’d do

I’d add a hundred pages to the news each day

And I’d throw it for you too.


Communication Round

Baltimore Area Council

Tune: Are you Sleeping?

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,
Billy Smith, Billy Smith?
The telephone is ringing, the telephone is ringing,
Answer it, answer it!

Roll the presses, print the paper,.
Read the news, read the news.
Delivery on schedule, delivery on schedule,
Worn-out shoes, worn-out shoes!

See a movie, see a movie,
See a show, see a show.
Have a bag of popcorn, have a bag of popcorn,
It helps you grow, it helps you grow!


Baltimore Area Council

(Tune: You Are My Sunshine

Communication gets information,
Across to people both far and near.
May be letter, a TV program,
Or a radio that you hear.

Communication is conversation
Between two people or maybe more.
By telephone or walkie-talkie, or a
Neighbor standing at your door.

Communication can cross the nation,
Or cross the ocean by satellite.
The world seems smaller, news travels
Quicker than we ever dreamed it might.

The Latest News

Baltimore Area Council

 Tune: Are You Sleeping

Extra, extra, read the latest
Monday’s news, just off the press
What’s today’s disaster?
Cub Scouts worked with plaster
What a mess, what a mess.

Extra, extra, read the headlines
This weeks news. What’s the score?
Hurricane hits Elm Street,
Sixteen muddy Cub Scout feet
Track the floor. Leader sore.

Extra, extra, here’s your paper.
Read abut the latest riot
Eight Cub Scouts as Indian braves
Stomp and dance and yell and rave
Won’t keep quiet. Won’t keep quiet.

Extra, extra, what’s today’s news?
Is it sad? Is it bad?
Eight boys join the Webelos Den
Leader can relax again
We’re so glad! We’re so glad!


Southern NJ Council

Tune:  The More We Get Together

The more that we communicate,

Communicate, communicate,

The more that we communicate,

The happier we’ll be.

Then you know what I know,

And I’ll know what you know.

The more that we communicate,

The happier we’ll be.

By telephone or e-mail,

By signal code or snail mail,

The more that we communicate,

The happier we’ll be.

The Gutenberg of Old

Chris, the Original Baloo

Tune: The Grand Old Duke of York

The Gutenberg of old,
He had 10,000 books,
He stacked them up the shelves, (stand)
And he knocked them down again. (sit)
And when they're up you're up. (stand)
And when they're down you're down (sit)
And when they're only halfway up, (squat)
You're neither up nor down.

Sing three times getting a little faster each time!

The Latest News

Circle Ten Council

Tune: Are You Sleeping

Extra, extra, read the headlines

This week’s news, what’s the score?

Hurricane hit Elm Street

16 muddy Cub Scout feet

Track the floor.  Leader sore.

Extra, extra, read the latest.

Monday’s news just off the press

What’s today’s disaster?

Cub Scouts worked with plaster

What a mess!  What a Mess!

My Scout Story

Circle Ten Council

Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

My Den Leader told me to write one –

A newspaper story on Scouts.

But when I was finished the story,

My Den Leader turned and ran out!


Bring back, bring back,

Bring back my Leader to me, to me.

Bring back, bring back,

Bring back my Leader to me, to me.

The story, it talked about camping,

It told of the neat things we’ll do.

Like putting a snake in her backpack

And sinking her Grumman canoe.


The newspaper story was printed.

It ran as a headline – first page.

And now my Leader won’t come back,

‘Cause the article mentioned her age!


The coverage spread to the networks,

Today Show and Entertainment Tonight.

My Leader no longer will speak to me.

I guess I had better not write!


Circle 10 Council

Tune: Alouette


Communication, superb communication,

Communication, it’s the way to go

First you take a telephone

Never say you are alone.

Be polite, never fight,

Leader - Be polite,                              Response - never fight,



Next you take a short email

Start with “Dear” it never fails

Subject line, then you sign.

Leader - Subject line,                     Response - then you sign

Leader - Be polite,                              Response - never fight,



Last you take an envelope,

Don’t forget the stamp, nope, Nope!

Mailman comes, then your done


Leader - Mailman comes,           Response - then your done

Leader - Subject line,                     Response - then you sign

Leader - Be polite,                              Response - never fight,


Add more verses – you can do this!!!

Commercial Mix-Up

York Adams Area Council

Tune: Farmer in the Dell

Last night I watched TV, I saw my favorite show

I heard this strange commercial, and I can't believe it's so

Feed your dog Chiffon.  Comet cures the cold

Use S-O-S pads on your face to keep from looking old.

Mop your floors with Crest.  Use Crisco on your tile

Clean your teeth with Borateem, it leaves a shining smile

For headaches take some Certs.  Use Tide to clean your face

And do shampoo with Elmer's Glue, it holds your hair in place

Perhaps I am confused, I might not have it right

But one thing that I'm certain of, I'll watch TV tonight!


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Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2004 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.