Real News!
Circle Ten Council
Does your
pack get its name in the paper much? If not, now is a good time to recruit a
public relations person to take pictures and write short articles for the local
area newspaper. And if your pack does get in the paper, the Opening Ceremony
could be used to “highlight” the articles that appeared over the month before.
Have the PR person read “last month’s articles” after the flag presentation and
the Pledge of Allegiance.
One of
the ideas for Roundtables for this theme is for your Commissioner is to recruit
a member of the local press to come and talk about how to get publicity for your
pack. So come on out to roundtable and find out who to contact for your local
papers and what sort of articles they want. CD
Your Pack Newsletter
Baltimore Area
Did you ever play a game called Telephone or Hearsay (See Games Section)?
It’s a great game to play with your Den.
Have the Den stand in a circle. Tell the boys you will whisper a phrase that you
have written down to the first boy. The message should be at least 3 to 4
sentences. He in turn will whisper it to the next boy and so on down the line.
The last boy will repeat what he heard to the group. Was the massage the same?
Read the message you started to the group. How easy it is to change a message
when passed by word of mouth?
That’s why your Pack needs a newsletter!!
no one has a computer you can still “Spread the News,” Neatly written
stories can be cut and pasted to an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of typing paper. Mark the
sheet into columns leaving a ½ inch margin on all sides, a 3½” column right and
left, with a 1/2” free space in the middle Even if you are using a computer you
may choose to cut and paste to add a picture or cartoon. Make a single
photocopy. If the copy looks clean, go ahead and print enough for your Pack. If
there are lines or smudges use liquid correction fluid and white out the problem
areas before you photocopy. You may want to copy onto a special color paper so
it will be recognized as the Pack Newsletter.
Start by checking your Unit Resource sheet. Do you have someone who has a
computer, and wants to help the Pack? Ask them to be the editor and then give
everyone a job.
Lets get started -Think up a name for your Newspaper
The Blue and Gold
Pack 161 Gazette?
Akela’s Word?
Baloo’s Bugle?
Breakdown the work-load so no one has to do it all:
Publishing -
Mrs. Jones, Editor in charge of the newsletter
News Dept. -
Den Leaders and Committee who gather news and write articles
Feature Dept -
Cubmaster Smith who writes the Cubmaster Report
Calendar, Upcoming
Events Mr. Williams, Committee Chair sends in the calendar
Den of the month who
may send in a cartoon or joke or idea
Production Dept -
Mr. Brown, Makes copies for every family
Circulation Dept.-
Mrs. Johnson the Pack Secretary makes sure every family gets a copy
What do your readers want to know?
What DID happen.
What IS happening, and
What WILL happen!
The Editor will have to decide which stories get printed.
Our Pack Family Campout
Save the date for
family FUN
Reporters need to remember to include all the important information.
Who What When Where Why and How
Pack newsletter needs to be fun to read and full of GOOD
information. It may take telephone calls, e-mail and even the post office but is
important to make sure everyone really knows what’s going on.
Here’s some more ideas on a Pack newspaper from
another Pow Wow Book - CD
Pack Newspaper
Santa Clara Council
It doesn't
have to be fancy nor computer-generated. Boys can hand-write their articles and
illustrate them. Or adult can help type their articles. Cut and paste the
articles and illustrations. Involve the boys. They like to see their own names
in print.
At the
pack meeting, set aside some time for "interviewing." Boys can interview Cub
Scouts and ask them specific questions like their favorite Cub Scout activities,
and their favorite after-school snack, etc. Make it short and simple. They can
write a rough draft at the pack meeting and finish it up with illustrations at
the den meeting. Each den can have their own page in the newspaper. Don't
forget the news from the dens. (All of this ties in with Bear Achievements 8
and 18.)
How To Make Your Own Newspaper
Santa Clara Council
Get started: Think of a name
for your newspaper and decide which stories to include.
Gather the Facts: Interview
people who have information. Visit the location where the story is taking
Write the story: Make an
outline or rough draft first--all news reporters do that. Put the basics of
WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, and HOW at the beginning. Write a headline that
tells the story in a few words. (Don't insist too much on correct writing
style. If the boys enjoy writing, encourage them!)
Set up Pages: Set the words in
columns, if you wish. Most papers use a column format.
Put it together: Begin to paste
up the paper with articles and illustrations. Use glue stick or clear tape to
hold in place.
Print your newspaper: Make one
photocopy. If it looks good, make as many copies as needed. If dark lines
show, use liquid correction fluid to cover. Make photocopies from corrected
version. Deliver the newspaper to readers. (Have enough copies made for each
boy in the pack. Some copying companies will give Scouters a discount. Others
will give you a discount if you make at least 1000 copies, which is not
difficult to do with the pack bulletin.
Southern NJ Council
Don’t forget to recognize all the people who help
your Pack GO! One of the best retention tools for leaders is recognition!!!
Here are a few ideas.
Award What
to say -
First Class
envelope: “You did a first class job!”
Newspaper: “Thanks a bundle!”
Pencil: “You’re sharp and to the point!”
Toy telephone or two tin cans
connected by a string:
keeping everyone informed of changes.
For someone who
coordinates the pack phone tree.