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It is said that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. If that is true, then Scouting should be flattered by the large number of fictional works that either focus on Scouting, refer to Scouting, or imitate Scouting.


B-P Movie?Is there a movie about Baden-Powell. Look here to find out more about an existing documentary and a screenplay that didn't get produced.
FeaturesSeveral movies have featured Scouting prominently in their storylines. This is where you'll find them.
ReferencesHere you'll find movie references to Scouting.
Knock OffsIn this area you'll find movies that used imitations of Scouting.
RelatedThere are several movies about the Boer War. These movies may be of interest to students of Baden-Powell, who distinguished himself during the Boer War at the Siege of Mafeking.


BooksThis area includes a fairly large bibliography of early works of Scouting fiction.
Print MediaCartoons, Comics, and other print media.


EpisodesTelevision Episodes featuring Scouting or where Scouting was very visible as a part of the storyline.
ReferencesTelevisions Shows referencing Scouting.
Knock OffsEven when a television show can't use Scouts directly, producers often resort to imitation.


PC GamesFictional Scouts even pop-up in computer games.

Cinematography Note:

The July 13, 1998 issue of Business Week featured an article on (Eagle Scout) Steven Spielberg. The thrust of the story is obviously his Hollywood career, but there is a boyhood picture of him in BSA uniform with 8mm camera and a paragraph about his exploits with Troop 284 in Northern California as told by his former Scoutmaster.

Mr. Spielberg is very bullish on scouting and will send congratulatory letters to Eagle Scouts. In his letter, he mentions that his first "movie" was made using fellow Scouts as actors. (Source: Clay Stabler)

About this Web Area

This web area is an offshoot of a web page I originally built in 1995. The idea for thats page came from an effort by John D. Urbach, II on Scouts-L to develop a list of movies featuring Boy Scouts. Other subscribers to Scouts-L soon joined the discussion offering information. Over the months this topic has resurfaced several times on Scouts-L. Though there was a long stretch when I was unable to keep updating this page, I've finally added all the information that has been shared. This listing has been compiled for reference purposes and is not tended to be all inclusive or exclusive of any known fiction source. This is simply a compilation of information that I've gathered and information that other Scouters have offered on Scouts-L from their knowledge. If you know of a book, movie or television show featuring Scouts or referring to them, please feel free to let me know by sending me an e-mail at and I will add them to this listing.

Editorial Policy

Generally I will attempt to quote comments on works of fiction verbatim. However, I reserve the right to excise information that is not relevant or comments that could appear to be malicious in intent. Similarly, I reserve the right not to publish any comments that would be inappropriate for viewing in a family setting.

Policy on Crediting Contributors

As with many things there often is more than one source for information. In these listings I've tended to credit the person who was first to bring an entry to my attention. If a second person added more detail, you will find two or more persons given credit as information sources. If an item was already listed when it was first mentioned in a set of discussions on Scouts-L, I have stuck with giving credit to the source where I first learned about the item.

Policy on Changing Credits

If you are listed as a source person and would like to change the information you have provided or have your name removed, please advise me and I will make any changes you desire related to the entry attributed to you.

Other Sources

Another source of information about Boy Scout "genre" movies is located at [Use the search term "Scout" and you will get over 80 entries.]

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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