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Movies with References to Scouting
AMERICAN BEAUTY near the very end Kevin Spacey is thinking of the good things in his childhood and there is a B&W image of him on the grass thinking about Scout Camp. (Source: Kevin Mitten-Moore)
APOLLO 13 There was a reference to Scouting in Apollo 13 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz
Aldrin were trying to distract Jim Lovell's mother when the bad news came
through. They asked whether Jim had made Eagle Scout or not, and she said
that he had. (Source: Russ Bader)
ARMAGEDDON When Bruce Willis is told he has to train astronauts how to drill in outer space, he tells the boss (Billy Bob Thorton) something like "I can't teach these boy scouts to do this...". He then argues that it would be easier to train his drillers to be astronauts than astronauts to be drillers. Yah right.
(Source: Kevin Moore)
BUG'S LIFE There is a scene where the ladybug character, with a broken leg, has to recupuriate. All the kids come to her (him) and he acts like he hates it but really he likes having the children around him. Remember the children are baby ants. At one point adult ants looking in on him say "He makes such a good den mother..."
(Source: Kevin Moore)
Although Scouts are not mentioned, they are shown excorting the athletes in various scenes. (Source: Tim Nafziger)
In once sequence, Ritter issued the ultimate insult to Jack Ryan (Harrison Ford) when Ryan wouldn't play along with the illegal activities: "You
are SUCH a Boy Scout!" (Source: Keith Tilley)
In a weak moment I decided to watch a movie called Conspiracy Theory and
and I am sure that at one point early in the movie when the Mel
Gibson character was describing what he thought was wrong with the
socialization of children today he said....
"The boys have all been Baden-Powell'd.... the girls have all been Betty
Crocker'd...." (Source: Stan Rudnick)
(Source: Kevin Moore)
DESIRE AND HELL AT SUNSET MOTEL About 10 minutes before the end of the movie there is a man (David Hewlett) talking to Sherri Lynn Doyle in a hotel room and in their conversation says "Scouts Honour".
(Source: Kevin Moore) FULL METAL JACKET The character "Cowboy" is
a Brave in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. He apparently is wearing his
Brave's pouch and claw. Mic-O-Say is an honor Scout organization.
(Source: Philip Riley)
The opening sequences features the young Indiana Jones with his Scout Troop and his adventure in trying to get a gold cross away from some grave robbers
in the American Southwest. (Source: Peter Farnham)
The actor was River Phoenix, I don't think he was a Scout, but I'm not
sure about that.
The Scout did have a Life rank patch. Even though Steven Speilberg was
an Eagle Scout, the character was in honor of his father who achieved the
rank of Life Scout. (Source: Cliff Golden)
The several Life Scout badges made for the Indiana Jones movie are
now on display at the National Scouting Museum in Murray, KY. The
scout was played by the late River Phoenix. (Source: John Severino)
The movie, made in 1959, is called "It Happened to Jane" with Doris Day as Jane Osgood, a widow, mother of two boys, trying to make a living by selling lobsters from her home in Maine to restaurants in New York. Jack Lemmon as her friend and lawyer George Denham and Ernie Kovacs as railroad owner and mean guy Harry Foster Malone. In the movie Doris Day is a den mother to her son's den, and a group of boys, in full cub scout uniforms are shown in her backyard having a den meeting, and its not just a short scene its quite long..(Source: Manuelita White)
LAST BOY SCOUT My son saw this and said he did not remember any reference to Scouts - although I asked him to see if there was. However I think the title itself would qualify it. (Source: Kevin Moore)
MARS ATTACKS Mars Attacks had Cub Scouts running from the
Washington Monument when the aliens attacked. (Source: Ed Henderson) MR.
SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON Starred Jimmy Stewart (Source: John Nix)
OVERKILL Bad movie starring Aaron Norris (Chuck's brother.) Story is very rich bad guy who hunts people and he's after Aaron Norris. Near the end of the movie when his main henchmen has send out several men to track Norris down (and of course they've all failed), the main villian says "How are all the little boy scouts you sent out? (Source: Kevin Moore)
NATIONAL TREASURE For movies with Scouting
content, don't forget National Treasure, the scene on the Aircraft Carrier
Intrepid, near the beginning, Nicholas Cage walks by a group of Cub Scouts.
(Source: Mike Scheetz)
There is a Scouting reference in the movie Predator. Once the
commandos realize that whatever is stalking them can see human made
objects like trip wires, they start to make traps, dead falls from
natural objects. The character played by Carl Weathers turns to the
character played by Arnold Swarteneger and says "You don't think this
Boy Scout s*** (stuff) is going catch him?" Or something very similar. Not a
great quote but one none-the less.
(Source: Kevin Moore)
I recall a . . . movie about Cuban and Soviet
paratroopers invading the USA. The Soviet advisors were looking for a group of people who were
trained in undercover arts and dangerous to the occupation--Eagle Scouts. (Source: Dave Colangelo)
This movie is called "Red Dawn" stared Patrick Swayze. TBS still shows it
periodically. (Source: William J. Marose)
It was "Red Dawn" circa 1984, starring Patrick Swayze and several other
"teen stars" of the time. It was shown as a"pre-release" prior to normal
release at theatres, at the National Explorer
Conference in 1984 at Ohio State University and was well received by the
Explorers at the time. (Source: Robert Amick)
SECRETS OF JONATHAN SPERRY In a movie called The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, starring Gavin MacLeod, there is a shot of the 1965-1971 Handbook on a boy's desk in his bedroom. The movie never says that the boy is a Scout, but I thought it was an interesting detail. They even used the correct book, since the movie takes place in 1970. (Source: Ken Cromer)
SPACED INVADERS Early on in the movie when the stereotypically nasty banker is going to foreclose on a farmer, the latter comes to town with a rifle and the new sheriff has to calm him down. The old farmer refers to the sheriff as being "too old to be a boy scout". (Source: Kevin Mitten-Moore)
SPEED I was surfing through your site when I came across the section discussing Scout referrences in that is missing is Speed. The scene is in the portion where Dennis Hopper's character suprises Keanu's Reeve's and says, "Be Prepared! It's the Boy Scout marching song." (Source: Benjamin Pillow)
Robert Redford asks: "Where did you learn to shoot like that?"
Brad Ptii answers: "At Boy Scout camp." (Source: Dick Owen)
In the movie "Stripes" Bill Murry arrives to boot camp in a red scout jacket
that has the old city and state markings on the arm with a troop number.
(Source: Mike Stanclift)
Note: It seems that performing artists do like the uniform.
Linda Ronstadt wore a Cub Scout Uniform to perform several times.
More recently Tom Morello of the group "Rage Against The
Machine" has been wearing an official BSA class "A" Uniform. (Source: G. John Marmet)
Elton John performed a song (It's a Sin -
Pet Shop Boys) and had in the background professional dancers dressed up as scouts. The Performance generated controversy due to the actions of the dancers.
Dr Marcus (to his mother, also Dr. Marcus) "Remember that overgrown Boy Scout you used to hang around with ?" His mother responds "Listen kiddo, Jim Kirk was many things but he was never a Boy Scout!" (Source: Ed Henderson)
THE GREAT ESCAPE James Garner speaking to a
German Prison Guard Garner "We did a lot of camping when I was in the Boy
Prison Guard " You were a Boy Scout? So was I. I earned
19 Merit badges."
Garner " I earned 20"
Prision Guard "I was working on my 20th when
I was drafted into the Hitler Youth" (Source: Edward Poczatek)
TRUSTING BEATRICE: 1993 (Tangential Girl Scout reference) (Source: Larry Faust)