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TV Series with Knock-offs of Scouting

Bradey Bunch

Nick-At-Nite Bradey Bunch rerun: The boys are angry because Marsha wants to join "Frontier Scouts" so Bobby is recruited to join the "Sunflower Girls" as revenge. Marsha passes all the tests on the campout (putting up a tent, starting a fire w/flint and following a marked trail), but when the time comes for the initiation ceremony, she decides proving she could make it was all she really wanted. Bobby isnt much for selling Sunflower Girl cookies after 'bubba' buys a box and laughs about Bobby trying out for "Blossom of the month". (Source: Mark Riffey)


Nickelodean: Doug Funny in two different episodes of "Doug:" one episode on a camping trip and another selling chocolate bars.(Source: Ernest R. Spradling)


On the subject of fictional scouts, I think you can add, Arnold the paperboy from the Flintstones. (Source: David Conway)

King of the Hill

The character Hank Hill is an Eagle Scout.  (Source: Mike Greene)

Over the Hill

Features 2 episodes involving camping and the "Order of the Spirit" (Source: Scott Sandrock)

Pete & Pete

Nickelodean: Kreb Scouts. first, they used an old Girl Scout uniform from the 60's, then they changed it to a Kreb Scout uniform. I think Pete (the older one) was also in some other Kreb Scouts group in another episode. (Source: Ernest R. Spradling)

Ren & Stimpy

Nickelodean: Ren & Stimpy stumbling into earning their badges and entry to their scout group ( I forget the group though). (Source: Ernest R. Spradling)

Star Trek: Enterprise

The character Captain Jonathan Archer was an Eagle Scout. (Source: Mike Greene)

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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