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Movies Featuring Scouts
CHIPS1938 Sea Scouts Movie (Source: Larry Faust)
CUCKOO PATROL 1965 (Source Larry Faust)
DROOPY'S GOOD DEED MGM (1951) (Source: Michael F. Bowman)
DRUM TAPS 1933 (Source: Larry Faust) With Slim Whitaker -- Skinner and his gang are grabbing land from the ranchers. When they go
after Kerry's ranch Ken
stops them. Skinner frames Ken for rustling but the Sheriff is on Ken's
side, and with the help of his
brother Earl's Boy Scout troop they go after the gang.(Source: Randy Storms)
EDGE OF HONOR [Edge of Honor
at Amazon] 1991 (Source: Larry Faust)
FATHER AND SCOUT [Father and Scout at Amazon] Directed by Richard Michaels; New Line Cinema;
TV (1994) (Source: Michael F. Bowman) Starring Bob Saget & Brian Bonsall. It's available on video, and more info
on this move can be found at (Source: Larry Faust)
It is an Australian short movie set in 1963 on a scout camp in Victoria. I found it fascinating to see the old uniforms and badges (which were all
changed in 1972 the year I joined cubs) The story is about a Wolf Cub (who presumably is shortly due to move from cubs into the scout troop) who
attends a scout camp. The scouts try to scare him by telling a spooky story and then acting it out after lights out. Overall I didn't think terribly
much of the story itself; but I really found it interesting seeing what I have been told was a fairly accurate depiction of a typical scout camp from
another era. (Source: Grant O'Neil)
FOLLOW ME BOYS! Starring Fred MacMurry, Lillian Gish, Vera Miles,
Elliot Reid, Charles Ruggles, and Kurt Russell; Directed by Norman Tokar;
Disney (1966) (Source: Michael F. Bowman) By the way, the movie "Follow me boys" was based on MacKinlay Kantor's book
"God and my country" which is not bad,although a little sentimental. Disney
didn't follow the plot too closely (but when does Disney ever follow the plot
very closely?). (Source: Mark W. Arend)
Our review of the movie:
Follow Me Boys starring Fred MacMurray as
Scoutmaster Lem Siddons is the best inspirational
Scouting movie ever made. If you are involved in
Scouting, this is a "must see" movie. If you are burning
out as a leader and watch this movie, chances are that
you will suddenly find yourself motivated and enthused
all over again. Its one of those movies that grabs your
heartstrings and makes you laugh, cry, and cheer.
Based on the book God and My Country by
MacKinlay Kantor, this movie is a delightful trip down
memory lane for Scouters and parents and an inspiring
story for everyone. Spanning decades, this is a
wonderful story of a Scoutmaster and his Scouts.
As the movie opens, Lem Siddons is a traveling musician
who steps off the bus in a small town. He falls in love
at first sight with Vida Downey played by Vera Miles and
decides to stay, taking a job at the local general
store. Before long Lem has become the local Scoutmaster.
There is a memorable scene of the Troop hiking past the
town drunk's house where a boy named Whitey (Kurt
Russell) jeers the Scouts. Lem invites Whitey to join
the Troop. Later Whitey steals a Scout handbook from
Lem's store to read it in secret and find out about
Scouting and eventually joins the Troop.
There are wonderfully funny moments when the Scouts find
their campout site is in the middle of an Army war game
and they end up capturing a tank. And there are sad
moments like the scene where Whitey's dad has passed
away and he's become an orphan. Your heart soars when
Lem and Vida adopt Whitey as their own son.
Lem helps build the first Scout Camp for the Troop and
later must fight in court to keep the property when a
greedy relative of the wonderful lady that donated the
land tries to have the Court find her incompetent to
manage her affairs and take the land. The court drama in
some ways is a trial of Scouting. The picture below is
from the Troop's camp with Lem and Frankie, the Senior
Patrol Leader, saluting at flag raising.

Photo courtesy of Big Ed Henderson. Distributed
by Disney in 1966 as part of set of publicity
photos for theaters to use to promote the movie. |
Through his adult life Lem runs the Scout Troop as its
Scoutmaster and you'll just about want to cry when his
son Whitey back from the war as an Army doctor has to
tell him that its time to step down. But just as soon as
your eyes tear, there is a wonderful ending with a grand
parade through the town by all the Scouts that have ever
been in the Troop including the state's governor.
For nearly a decade Scouters and Scouting families have
been writing to Disney to ask for a video release of
this wonderful movie. Thanks to Disney, the movie was
made available on DVD in February 2004. Please click the
link below and order your copy. It is a movie for the
entire family.
Follow Me, Boys! - DVD
Follow Me Boys! - VHS
1938 (Source: Larry Faust)
1967 (Source: Larry Faust)
THE GREAT LOVER Bob Hope, Rhonda Fleming, Jim Backus; Disney (1949) A Boy Scout
leader falls for a duchess while on a cruise. (Source: Randy Worcester)
HENRY ALDICH, BOY SCOUT Starring Richard Haydon, James Lydon & Olive Blakeney;
Directed by Hugh Bennett; Paramount Pictures (1944, b&w) (Source: Michael F. Bowman) As a boy scout leader, Henry (James Lydon), repeatedly takes the blame for problems caused by a scout in his patrol.(Source Randy Storms)
This is an old Doris Day movie called "It Happened to Jane". The character played by Doris Day is a cub scout den mother. The movie shows Jack Lemmon in a scout uniform also. Doris and the cubs do a cute song called "Be Prepared". (Source: Dawn Walters)
JOY SCOUTS With the "Our Gang" crew (1939) The Boys Scouts give a demonstration of their camping skills, but the
Our Gang are excluded from participating because they are not yet old enough. Undeterred, the Our
Gang head off on their own unsupervised camping adventure, with comically disastrous results. (Source: Randy Storms)
MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS 1937 (Source: Larry Faust)
MISTER SCOUTMASTER Starring Clifton Webb; Directed by Henry Levin
(1953 b&w) (Source: Michael F. Bowman) A reluctant Scoutmaster and his misadventures with a pack of future
Eagle Scouts. (Source: Randy Storms).
MR. AND MRS. BRIDGE [Mr. & Mrs. Bridge at Amazon] 1990 (Source: Larry Faust)
ROOM FOR ONE MORE Staring Cary Grant
Grant's wife (played by Betsy Drake) kept bringing home foster children no one else
wanted. This included a handicapped boy with a monster chip on his shoulder.
The boy's life was changed by this family and by scouting. The movie details
his road to Eagle Scout and how he insisted on fulfilling all requirements
despite his handicap. It culminates with his Eagle Scout Court of Honor. The
movie is "Room for One More" from 1952. Cary Grant's biography says it is
also known as "The Easy Way". (Source: Denise Hayes)
SCOUTS HONOR Staring Angela Cartwright, Gary Coleman, and Katherine
Helmond; Directed by Henry Levine; TV (1980) (Source: Michael F. Bowman)
SANDWICH MAN, THE 1966 (Source: Larry Faust)
Two Reports on this One:
There is also a serial from 1939 that featured Scouts called Scouts to the
Rescue. It starred Jackie Cooper as a plucky Eagle Scout who leads his troop
while a G-Man and Eagle Scout from the FBI was pursueing conterfeiters.
Indians also become involved in the plot. The credits said that the story
was taken from Boy's Life. There are 12 episodes and each is approximately
20 minutes long.(Source: Russ Bader)
In this 1938 release Starring Jackie Cooper as an Eagle Scout,
this 12 part series captured on a two video set follows Cooper's
Troop which finds a buried treasure in a deserted village. A
G-Man investigates and the treasure turns out to be a stash of
counterfeit money. Meanwhile, the scouts are captured by a tribe
of Indians and taken to an underground temple where they find an
even more valuable treasure. Adventure, thrills, breath taking
exploits by daring Boy Scouts! Twelve blood chilling chapters
of exciting hair raising action and suspense! $19.95.
ITEM # 3052 this can be ordered from 1-800-SCOUTER which I
manage for Scouter's Journal Magazine.
We sat down to watch the video and it was actually good. (Source: Ed Henderson)
TEX RIDES WITH THE BOY SCOUTS Starring Tex Ritter (holder of the
Silver Beaver); Directed by Ray Taylor (1937) (Source: Michael F. Bowman)
THAT CERTAIN AGE 1938 (Source: Larry Faust)
THE WRONG GUYS [The Wrong Guys at Amazon] Starring Louie Anderson, Richard Lewis, Richard Belzer,
and John Goodman; Directed by Danny Bilson (1988) (Source: Michael F. Bowman)
The 1942 movie,
"Yankee Doodle Dandy," with James Cagney features a scene where the music "You're a Grand Old
Flag" is played. And there, marching onto the stage carrying the flag, was a
modest-sized (about 20 boys) Boy Scout troop--in full uniform.
(Source: Ralph V. Balfoort)
YOUNG EAGLES Another great movie was a 1937 serial called Young Eagles. The
plot in 13 parts was this:
Two Eagle Scouts are on a expidetion to the Amazon (doesn't the BSA
hold one every year?) En-route the plane crashed and the boys were stranded
in the jungle alone definding themselves against crocidlies, tigers (tons of
tigers in the Amazon), and canables (tons of them too) I hope I don't ruin it
for anyone who wants to run right out and buy the terrific serial, but the
Scouts are rescued in the end. They get a chance to make a raft which looks
better than the one in the handbook, practice lots of first aid skills, and
even rapell down a mountian using palm leaves. (Source: Brian Walter)