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TV Series with References to Scouts
Nickelodean: Ferguson Darling faked being the youngest Eagle
Scout for a magazine article (yes, he had a uniform & merit badges). (Source: Ernest R. Spradling)
CUPID This was a series, may still be on but I hope not, about a guy who may or may not be Cupid. He works in a bar and performs his "magic" on people - sometimes without success. In one episode he is walking with the main female character down a snowy street and he is being his normal energetic shelf and gives her his promise over something. He raises his fingers to his forehead in a Scout salute. I'm 90% sure he says "Scouts Honour" too. He then slides his fingers over his eyes in what is commonly known as part of the "bat dance" from the old Adam West Batman series. (Source: Kevin Moore)
DREW CAREY Was just watching Drew Carey tonight (7/1/98), and I noticed that
Oswald's girlfriend is wearing a red wool jac-shirt. No BSA patch on front,
but quite a few patches on back. Was that a 50-miler patch and a rectangular
blue Jambo patch (past Jambo, not '97) I saw?? (Source: Lawrence Foust)
ER Watching ER tonight (8/13) - which I rarely do - I heard something like, "Get
the number of the local Cub Scout pack. Some physical exercise'll do him
good." (Source: Robert Gerhard)
GILLIGAN'S ISLAND It is revealed in the first episode (pilot) of Gilligan's Island, that
the Professor is an "highly regarded" Scoutmaster. I saw it just the
other day, and I think the pilot is the only time the Character's name is
mentioned... "Hinckley" I think. (Source: Byron Hynes)
Just watched DVD of 1st season of Gilligan's Island. In the first episode, they are listening to the radio announcer who is listing the missing castaways. The Professor is referred to as a research scientist and renowned Scoutmaster.
In episode 2, the group is building a hut. MaryAnn offers to help, stating "I was a Girl Scout and I learned a lot." Ginger adds, "I once dated a Boy Scout, and I learned a lot, too."
(Source: D. J. Criste)
The Little Rascals had a Scout episode as well. The Gang Vs the Troop in camping skills (Source: Paul Romain)
MAD ABOUT YOU In the episode "I Don't See It", Jamie and Lance Brockwell are trying to figure out where Paul and Lance have met. One of the possibilites raised by Lance is "Eagle Scouts". Later in the episode, when Paul and Lance are talking in Lances office, there are several shots over Pauls shoulder that clearly show an Eagle medal in a frame on the wall. (Source: Bill Hensley)
OUTER LIMITS There is an episode where a human exploration ship lands on a charted, unihabited planet to carry out final survey before human colonist arrive. They find 2 aliens living in primitive surroundings and using primitive tools. There is conflict in the Group since inhabitants mean the planet can't be colonized and the crew loses some financial bonus. One member of the crew in particular goes after these 2 aliens and kills them thus solving the problem. This causes great morale problems especially with the lone female crew member. However they find one of the aliens had a device much more sophisticated than the rest of their geat indicated. Turns out that device was a signalling device which the humans accidently activate and it brings a much more advanced and massive alien ship to the planet. They realize that the aliens were likely young and "roughing" it but had a device to call for help if needed. The female crew member turns to the guy who murdered the aliens and says something like "Smart move, you killed a couple of alien boy scouts. (Source: Kevin Moore)
The gang wants to go on a trip, but girl is PR director for her chemical company. She has to do a press conference on a spill. The guys pretend to be reporters & ask stupid questions to make it go faster. One reference to Daily Planet & one to Boy's Life Magazine! (Source: Paul Romain)