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Baloo's Bugle

June 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 11
July 2007 Theme

Theme: Rockets Red Glare
Webelos: Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Cub


Alice, CS RT Commissioner
Pioneer District, Golden Empire Council  great website with specific ideas using the boy's scout books from Tiger Cubs to Webelos - click on the rank, then scroll down to find projects under achievements, electives and belt loops.   All kinds of scientifc information is presented in a fun way, sometimes as online games, sometimes as printouts or projects - and they also have links to some great resources.  For this theme, here are some of my favorites:

Scroll down to Games; check out "Launch a Rocket from a Spinning Planet" - activity using a bucket of balls and a playground push and ride "merry-go-round" to demonstrate some problems with launching a real rocket.  Also, "How to get to space with no launch pad" and "A Gentle push all the way to the stars"

Scroll down to Projects; "Build a Bubble-Powered Rocket! - a version of the film canister/alkaselzer rocket - includes directions for using one piece of 8X11 paper to really make it look like a rocket. (Dave - I LOVE THIS ONE, because it explains the scientific reasons why this works and compares it to real rockets - also interactive and real videos of rockets)

Scroll down to Animations; "Make the shot heard 'round the world" (Dave, this seemed to just fit the theme) An interactive game that lets you try different loads of gunpowder to shoot your cannon and learn about orbits Check out the "Community Partners" click on any state for a great listing, with contact information of every possible location where scouts could learn more about rockets and space. Flag facts, a picture gallery of historical flags, biographical information about Betsy Ross, including a discussion about whether she was really the first maker of the Stars & Stripes; directions for making a five-point star with just one cut; Special links to the Constitution, Congress, the text of every Inaugural Address; how to get a flag that has flown over  the Capitol; a special flag folding ceremony used at the Air Force Academy Check out Free Patriotic Craft Projects and Free Kids Patriotic Craft Projects American flags to print out in color of black and white; flags and facts about each state; symbols of the USA, such as the Great Seal, with historical info; information on symbolism of color and shape; flags from other countries; print out Patriotic Letterhead; info on elections, presidents and important people in American history; patriotic crafts coloring pages for Fourth of July and various holidays; various crafts

Theme Internet Resources
Great Salt Lake Area Council  

Rock Around the World – Send a sample rock to NASA and have them analyze it!!

For information on our American flag –

World’s largest Flag -

Flag Pages And Vexillology

Betsy Ross and associated American Flag history  and

Here is a great site that looks like it is set up for teachers but certainly can be used by us.  You have the option of using it without joining with a membership fee. (From my friend Karen in Jersey Shore Council)

Do you know your birds??

Ruth wrote a few months ago to tell me about this great book for Bird Study with Kids.  Well I missed it then, but you could certainly use it when you get you Cubs Outdoors this summer – She wrote, “I would like to share some information on a new book that fits in with April's Cub Scout theme, "Our Feathered Friends."  It is a book-and-CD package, "Sing, Nightingale, Sing!", published by Kane-Miller ($13.95).  The book lets readers learn about plumage, biology, behavior, and more.  After reading about any of the 60 different birds in the book, you can then listen to its song on the enclosed CD.  The author is Francoise de Guibert, and it is illustrated by Chiaki Miyamoto. 


Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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