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Baloo's Bugle

June 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 11
July 2007 Theme

Theme: Rockets Red Glare
Webelos: Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Cub


Service to Country
Baltimore Area Council

Divide the room up in sections and assign a name and aa action to each group. Practice as you make assignments.
ARMY -                          Be all you can be!

AIR FORCE -               No one comes close!

NAVY -                                         Can do!

MARINES -                               Semper Fi!

COAST GUARD -                  Always ready!

CUB SCOUTS (Everyone) - Do Your Best!

As you read the story below each group yells out the sentence by their assigned name.

In the United States of America, we have several different branches of the military, all prepared to defend our freedom. There is the ARMY, the NAVY, the AIR FORCE, the MARINES, and the COAST GUARD.

All these different groups have mottos and slogans, just like CUB SCOUTS. Part of the CUB SCOUT Promise includes duty to God and country, and certainly, all the men and women who serve in the ARMY, the NAVY, the AIR FORCE, the MARINES, and the COAST GUARD demonstrate their duty to God and country in a big way.

As CUB SCOUTS, we take pride in being good citizens, in honoring our flag, and in helping others. One day, some of you may choose to join the ARMY, the NAVY, the AIR FORCE, the MARINES, or the COAST GUARD. But, for now, we give thanks and appreciation for those who help protect and defend our country, while we learn to be the best we can be as CUB SCOUTS.

Joey’s First Parade
Santa Clara County Council

Divide audience in five groups and assign each a word and a response they are to say every time they hear their word.  Practice as you make assignments.

March - Stomp, stomp, stomp your feet!

Clown -                        Laugh out loud!

Parade -                                  Hooray!

Dog -                                 Argh, Argh!

Legs -                                  Sooo Tall!

Joey awoke and looked at the calendar. Yep, today was the Fourth of July and Joey was excited. Today, he would March in his very first Parade.  There would be floats and bands to celebrate America's Independence Day. As Joey arrived downtown, he could see everyone lining up for the Parade.  He finally found his group and the Cubmaster.

The Cubmaster said, "Hi Joey! Are you excited and ready to March in the Parade?"

"I sure am!" said Joey. Suddenly Joey hears a loud whistle and the Parade was on its way.  Joey stood as tall as he could, proud to be a Cub Scout. There were so many people

along the streets as they Marched. Up ahead of him he could hear the laughter of people and he longed to know what was so funny. Joey moved toward the front of his group and stretched to see. Then without warning there was in front of him, two Legs.  That's all he saw, was two Legs.  The crowd was laughing and they became louder as Joey followed the Legs up into the air. High up on the tallest Legs he had ever seen was a Clown.  Wow! The Clown leaned over and patted Joey on the head.  What a terrific trick and what long Legs!  The Clown was holding on to a leash in his hand. Joey looked down to see what he and he saw the smallest Dog he had eve r seen barking up at him.  That's what is so funny and Joey began to laugh. The tallest Clown in the world was taking the smallest Dog in the world for a walk in the Parade!  As he ran to join his group, Joey watched the CLOWN and DOG to the end of the PARADE.

That night Joey's dad tucked him into bed. Dad asked how his day had been. Did he have a great time in the PARADE?

"Oh, it was great, Dad!" Joey said "and I know exactly what I want to be when I grow up."

"Really, what is that Joey?" Dad asked.

"I want to be a CLOWN " Joey exclaimed.

"Goodnight Dad."

Dad chuckled as he turned off the lights. "Goodnight Joey".

A Scouting Story
Trapper Trails Council

Divide the audience into three groups to respond with words and hand signs below.

HISTORY        "Way back then" (hold up both index fingers pointing in different directions.)

SCOUT            "Be prepared" (give the Scout sign.)

CUB SCOUTS  “Do your best" (give the Cub Scout sign.)

This is a story that you won't find in a HISTORY book, but no doubt it will bring back memories to many of you who have had a similar experience.  The story is about a CUBSCOUT named Johnny and his first experience with hiking and camping This is how it all started.. It was approaching the birthday of SCOUTing which is celebrated in February every year, and Johnny's CUBSCOUT den leader had read to the boys a story about the HISTORY of SCOUTing and how it all got started.

Johnny could hardly wait until he was old enough to be a SCOUT so he asked his mother if he could plan a day hiking around the neighborhood and park and a night of camping in their backyard with some of his friends. Mom consented, so Johnny CUBSCOUT called his friends and they planned it for the next weekend.

When the day arrived, Johnny was so proud of himself.  He thought he would someday be a SCOUT who would go down in HISTORY because he was so well prepared.  At least, he thought he was prepared when the day began.  The lunches had all been packed and put in the backyard tent. When Johnny CUBSCOUT went out to the tent to get the lunches, he was shocked to find the paper bags and torn paper scattered all over the backyard, Looking around the yard Johnny saw his dog, Scampy, munching on the last bit of the sandwiches and looking very contented. "Oh, boy," thought Johnny. "I thought I would make a well prepared SCOUT but I wasn't prepared for this.”

After new lunches were made, the boys took their hike. It was a great success and Johnny CUBSCOUT felt sure that HISTORY had been made by the record time in which they had accomplished everything that day.  But alas! When bedtime arrived, the tent slumped down in a heap because it had not been put up right, and the sleeping bags were muddy from Scampy's dirty feet, and the batteries in the flashlights were dead.  Johnny CUBSCOUT hung his head and said; "Boy, have I got a lot to learn about the SCOUTs.  Gosh, I sure hope today's events aren't recorded in HISTORY."

So Johnny CUBSCOUT learned in one day how much he still needed to learn about being a SCOUT before he could perform in a manner which would make him proud to go down in HISTORY.

Later, his den leader told him that is what CUBSCOUTing is for - to teach boys to Do Their Best and to prepare them to become SCOUTs.

Heritage Lost
Santa Clara County Council

Our American Heritage is filled with heroes. Everyone here has heard of Paul Revere and. the story of his heroic ride to warn the people of Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts about the approach of the British army. His famous ride took place during the revolutionary war, on April 18,1775. Paul was able to make his ride because he was signaled by a sentry, who watched for soldiers from the tower of the Old North Church in Boston, Paul and the sentry worked out a simple set of signals: the sentry would light lanterns... one lantern if the soldiers were approaching by land and two lanterns if they were arriving by sea. Paul, mounted on his horse would be watching for the signal, and ready to ride and warn the people of Lexington and Concord to be ready for the soldiers when they arrived.

Have you ever thought what a hard time Paul and his sentry would have had today. Just think of all the ways those British soldiers could come! Let’s rewrite a little American history and you can help me and you’ll see just how confusing it would be today. I want you to stomp the floor with your feet when I say the following words:

Stomp once ever time I say the word LAND
Stomp twice when I say SEA
Stomp three times for AIRPLANE.
Stomp four times for TRAIN 
Stomp five times for SUBMARINE.
Stomp six times for ROCKET

Now we are ready to take another look at history! In a steeple of the old North Church in Boston, a sentry looked out over the SEA. His eyes strained as he looked across the LAND. All was very still. It was late at night. Next to him was a lantern. He took a sheet of paper that a Boston citizen had given him from his pocket. It read, “Signal with you lantern when you see the British army approaching... The signals are: 1 if by LAND, 2 if by SEA, 3 if by AIRPLANE, 4 if by TRAIN, 5 if by SUBMARINE, and 6 if by ROCKET.”

After reading it, the sentry began to put it in his pocket, just as a gust of wind blew the paper out of his hand. Out across the LAND and into the SEA it went. The sentry thought. I’m sure I can remember it. Just then he saw a SUBMARINE surface a short distance from the LAND. He grabbed his lantern to wave it 4 times. “Oh, No!” he thought, “4 times is for ROCKET, or is it for LAND?”   “No it’s 1 for LAND, so it must be 2 for SUBMARINE, no, 2 is for AIRPLANE. It must be 3”. As he started to raise his lantern, he remembered that 2 was for SEA, not AIRPLANE. “Oh, dear, what is SUBMARINE? Let’s see SUBMARINE comes after TRAIN, but what’s ROCKET? Oh, now I remember:  ROCKET is 6 and TRAIN is 4 so SUBMARINE must be 5.”

While the sentry was trying to remember his signals, the British SUBMARINE has loaded its passengers into launches and hundreds of British soldiers were now on LAND. “Oh, my,” thought the sentry, “they are not in a SUBMARINE anymore, they are on LAND. I’ll have to signal that.” But he couldn’t t remember what the signal was for LAND. He desperately tried to remember. “I remember ROCKET and TRAIN. That leaves SEA, AIRPLANE and LAND. Oh, now which is it?”  He sat there hopelessly confused.  He just couldn’t remember any signals.  He couldn’t unscramble ROCKET’ AIRPLANE, LAND, SUBMARINE, SEA, and TRAIN.  The British marched into Lexington and Concord and since all the people were sound asleep the soldiers had no trouble in capturing them.

The only person they met was a man sitting on a horse.  Who he was or why he was there, no one seemed to know.

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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