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Baloo's Bugle

June 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 11
July 2007 Theme

Theme: Rockets Red Glare
Webelos: Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Cub


Double Circle Ceremony
Santa Clara County Council

PERSONNEL: Entire pack - Cub Scouts, parents, and visitors.

EQUIPMENT: United States flag, four spotlights or four large flashlights

Have all present stand in a double circle, with Cub Scouts and other boys on the inside, and parents and visitors on outside.

Focus spotlights or flashlights on the flag held in center of circle.

Sing "God Bless America."

Star Spangled Banner Opening
Utah National Parks Council

  • Our country’s first official flag had 13 stars and 13 stripes, one for each of the first 13 states.  In 1795, two more states joined the union and a new flag was made, with 15 stars and 15 stripes.  It was this new flag, which Francis Scott Key called the “Star Spangled Banner”, that was flying over Fort McHenry when the British bombarded the fort during the War of 1812.
  • During the latter part of August, 1814, Dr. William Beans was captured by the British Army.  Francis Scott Key, a young Baltimore lawyer, decided to go to General Ross of the British Army to plead for the release of his friend.
  • Going to Chesapeake Bay, where the British fleet was massed, Key was kindly received by the British.  General Ross consented to release Dr. Beans, but because the British were planning an attack on Fort McHenry, he held the American party on the ship.
  • The British fleet poured a blazing shower of shells onto the fort through the night of Sept. 13, 1814.  Standing at the rail of the British battleship during the bombardment, Key could see from time to time, by the glare of the rockets, that the American flag still flew over the fort.
  • It was at the moment of “the dawn’s early light”, with the flag still waving triumphantly over the fort, that Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the poem that has become our National Anthem.  Let us now honor our “Star Spangled Banner.”  Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Red, White and Blue
Baltimore Area Council

  • Here's to the Red of it,
    There's not a thread of it,
    No, nor a shred of it,
    In all the spread of it
    From foot to head.
    But heroes bled for it,
    Faced steel and lead for it,
    Precious blood shed for it, Bathing it red.
  • Here's to the white of it;
    Thrilled by the sight of it,
    Who knows the right of it,
    But feels the might of it
    Through day and night
    Womanhood's care for it;
    Make manhood dare for it;
    Purity's prayer for it, Keeps it so White.
  • Here's to the Blue of it;
    Beauteous view of it;
    Heavenly hue of it,
    Star-spangled dew of it,
    Constant and true.
    Diadems gleam for it,
    States stand supreme for it,
    Liberty's beam for it, Brightens the Blue.
  • Here's to the whole of it,
    Stars stripes and pole of it.
    Body and soul of it,
    And to the roll of it,
    sun shining through.
    Hearts in accord for it,
    Swear by the sword for it,
    Thanking the Lord for it, Red, White and Blue.
  • Lead the Pledge of Allegiance

Trapper Trails Council

This is very effective if lights are out, with only a spotlight shining
 on the flag as someone reads the following.

I am your flag, an eternal symbol of loyalty, courage and strength; for I am strong with pride. I fly high in the belief of tomorrow and the future of the United States.

You, my people, created me. You keep me flying, defying opposers and transgressors. I am every idea and hope and dream that you keep in your hearts.

As long as you, as an individual or nation, believe in what I stand for and have belief in yourself, I shall guide you in battle, in your courts, and in your homes; for I am the Constitution and your banner of freedom.

Give me your salutations and I shall he your leader. Ask me for courage and I shall offer it. Honor me for the things I represent for I have been fashioned by the labors and ideals of everyone among you and before you.

The stars and the blue that I wear are for God and justice. The red you see is for courage and our country. The white shines for purity and perseverance along the right path. This raiment, this splendid combination of the colors that you respect, was dyed by the blood of those who died to protect me, and sewn with the threads of charity and unity.

I am your glory. Men call me “old Glory”, yet I belong to a million yesterdays, all of the today’s and countless tomorrows.

Never shall I fly without liberty, nor be lowered in disgrace. Pledge allegiance to me, and I swear to you that as long as there beats an American. heart, or grows a blade of grass in this beloved soil, or there is the sound of voices raised in grateful unity to God, who rules us all, you shall be free. Please stand and join me in pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

America Is Special to Me Opening

Baltimore Area Council

Arrangement: Eight Cub Scouts in uniforms stand in a straight line. Seven boys hold poster boards, each with one letter of AMERICA on one side.

The other side shows a colorful drawing by the Cub Scout that corresponds to the description or of what America means to him. Begin with all drawings facing the audience. The Cub Scouts turn over their letters one at a time as they speak.

  • A    Abounding wildlife running free
  • M   Majestic mountains from sea to sea
  • E    Eagles soaring through evergreen forests
  • R    Raging rivers and nature’s own chorus
  • I     Immeasurable love God has for us
  • C    Courageous people who love this land
  • A    Adventures in Scouting, lessons firsthand
  • (dressed as Uncle Sam and holding an American flag): Will you please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance?

Patriotic Opening

Baltimore Area Council

Personnel: Narrator and 6 or more Cub Scouts.

Equipment: American and Pack flags, music player (tape, CD, MP3), recording (e.g. America the Beautiful or This is My Country)

Arrangement: As the music is playing, the color guard advances the flags in the normal manner. At the front they stand at attention and face the audience while narrators read.  The music volume is lowered to provide background during narration.  You can use one narrator or several.  Narrators can be Cubs or Leaders. 

  • The heritage of freedom that is ours today was won on the battlefields of yesterday by men who pledged that future generations of Americans might live unshackled by the bonds of the past. That they might walk, head erect, in a new world – with new ideas, new remedies for ancient ills, and in a climate free from fear.
  • “We hold these truths to be self-evident” wrote Thomas Jefferson “that all men are created equal...” Those words destined to ring down the corridors of time – words that would stir the conscience of mankind.
  • Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – No other charter or treaty has ever before included that last word…happiness.  It was like a fresh breeze blowing from Philadelphia that hot day in July 1776, brushing away the cobwebs of intolerance and servitude.
  • But somewhere along the way that “fresh breeze” became an ill wind.  For a document, however noble, is only a scrap of paper if the people for whom it was written, abandon the principles it promises, or turn away from the obligations of good citizenship and ultimately reject reason and embrace hate.
  • It is for us, therefore, as Americans, young and old, to rediscover the time-tested values which have made this country great, to rededicate ourselves to preserving this heritage of freedom, to make the great dream work.  We must never abandon our faith in America.  Join me in pledging our allegiance to our flag.

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