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Baloo's Bugle

June 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 11
July 2007 Theme

Theme: Rockets Red Glare
Webelos: Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Cub


The National Summertime Award

Incentive for summer planning is the National Summertime Pack Award, an attractive, full-color certificate, and the National Summertime Pack Award streamer for the pack flag.   These can be earned by packs that conduct three summer pack activities - one each month during June, July and August.

Dens with at least 50 percent of their members at the three summertime activities receive a den participation ribbon.  Individual Cub Scouts who attend all three activities can be recognized by their pack with the National Summertime Award pin.

The Cubmaster or pack committee secretary should keep a record of all summer pack activities on the chart in the National Summertime Pack Award Planning Guide.  Submit the application section of the record sheet for approval by the camping and activities or Cub Scout committee of the local council.  Make arrangements for the den, pack and individual Cub Scout awards to be presented at an early fall pack meeting.

If your pack has not already planned some activities this summer, DO IT NOW!  Go fishing or hiking in June, day camps and WRC are in July, and have an ice cream social, family picnic or family camping overnight in August.  Remember, you will need to promote and remind parents of your events to make sure they remember to attend!

You can download the form with all the instructions and requirements from National’s Website at

Community Organization Award

In recent years representatives of several national chartered organizations have inquired about the development of a recognition that could be given to registered adult leaders in units chartered to community organizations, similar to the adult religious awards presented by the various denominations and faith groups. After study and evaluation, the BSA National Court of Honor approved the concept of a Community Organization Award square knot. This square knot would be available to be worn by uniformed Scouters who have been recognized for their service to Scouting youth in the community.

The concept of the Community Organization Award is similar to the adult religious recognition program in that the award itself and the criteria for granting the award are under the ownership and auspices of the particular national chartered organization that presents the award. The intent of the national Uniform and Insignia Committee is to provide a square knot for Scouters who have received a BSA-accepted and -authorized award from a national community organization.

The Boy Scouts of America's Community Organization Award square knot consists of an embroidered gold square knot on a purple background with a gold border and is the means by which the BSA recognizes Scouters who have received an approved community organization service recognition. As with all other square knots, it is worn on the Scouter uniform shirt above the left pocket.

As of June 1, 2005, there are ten awards that fall into this classification: The Marvin M. Lewis Award of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE), Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award, Veterans of Foreign Wars Scouter's Achievement Award, the American Legion Scouting Square Knot Award, the Department of Defense—United States Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, the Herbert G. Horton Alpha Phi Omega Youth Service Award of the Alpha Phi Omega national service fraternity, the Cliff Dochterman Award of the International Fellowship of Scouting Rotarians; the Ruritan Scout Leader Community Service Award of Ruritan National Service Clubs, and the Raymond A. Finley , Jr. Sea Scout Service Award of the United States Power Squadrons.  The George Meany Award of the American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is also part of this category, but retains the use of the original square knot designed for the Meany Award.

Nominations for an award would be submitted to the national community organization. A selection committee would be assembled by the organization to review the nomination forms. Each organization would develop its own selection process and criteria along generally established and accepted guidelines. Once the award recipients have been selected, the national community organization would arrange for presentation of the awards at an appropriate time and location. Upon approval, the Community Organization Award square knot would be available for uniform wear by the recipient.

Sor more information go to this page on BSA's web site:

The USSCouts web site at has links to help you learn more about each of the awards.

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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