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Baloo's Bugle


September 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 2
October 2004 Theme

Theme: It's A Circus of Stars
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 1 & Activities







Longhorn Council

·         To instill an appreciation of the fine arts. 

·         To expose boys to entertainment professions. 

·         To expand the imagination and creativity of WEBELOS

·         To increase boys' self-confidence in front of audiences.

The Showman activity badge has something for every Webelos scout.  For the natural actor there is drama, for the shy boy there is puppetry, and for every boy there is music. The aim of the badge is not to produce skilled entertainers, but to expose boys to theater and music arts, to help them build self-confidence, and to have fun. Everyone loves a show and most all boys have a generous chunk of ham in them and want nothing better than a chance to let it out.  If you don't give them a chance under controlled conditions, they will take it when you least expect they want it.

The Showman activity badge gives them a chance to let out the barely hidden Shakespeare, Jerry Lewis, Leonard the Great or whoever happens to be their style.  It allows them to express themselves musically be it kazoo or Steinway.  Providing the entertainment for the pack meeting will be a challenge gladly met by Webelos Scout boys and the sillier the better! The badge covers most of the entertainment field and acquaints the boys with ways of putting on various shows or skits.  Making props also can be used as part of the Craftsman badge.  Every conscientious leader of boys is working to further develop the whole boy- physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally so he will be prepared to take his place as a well-adjusted member of his social group.  The Showman badge offers the opportunity for a boy to develop his creativity and broaden his base of aptitudes.

Den Activities

Circle Ten Council

Invite Student actors from the a local High School or acting group in your area to come in and talk to the boys about acting as a career. Let them demonstrate the different definitions used in acting. See if they would be willing to present a demonstration of the various styles of acting to the boys.

The community may have some resources to enrich the program. Is there a professional or amateur community theatre group nearby? A choral society? Barbershop singing group? Puppet theatre? If so, consider arranging a visit to one of these instead of a regular den meeting. Invite a member of one of these groups to a den meeting to answer questions and demonstrate their specialty. If these resources are lacking, perhaps the den could visit a high school drama club or invite the school drama coach to a den meeting. You might see if one of the local schools “special” chorale groups could come a visit the boys.

Of all the activity areas, showman is the easiest to prepare for a pack meeting “demonstration.” Naturally it’s a show. At the Pack leaders monthly planning meeting, ask the Cubmaster whether extra time can be given to the den. If 10-minutes or more can be set aside, the den can develop a fast paced show, using some of the skills the Webelos Scouts learn from this badge. They could have a 3-minute puppet show; a 3-minute medley of popular songs; and a 3-minute skit by the boys. The emcee for this show could be the Den Chief. Excellent sources of skits are Cub Scout Program Helps, Cub Scout How To Book, Roundtable Handouts, Creative Campfires, your Den Chief (or almost any local Boy Scout or Scouter) and Pow Wow books.


Circle Ten Council

Blocking --         This is how actors move on stage and where they move.

Down stage --The part of the stage closest to the audience.

Upstage--          The part of the stage farthest from the audience. In old theaters, the stage used to slant down toward the audience so that the audience could see the actors better. This is called a raked stage.

Stage left --        The part of the stage to the actor’s left.

Stage right --     The part of the stage to the actor’s right.

Center stage -   The center of the stage.

Open Turn --     Actor is to turn toward the audience

Closed turn --    Turn made away and with the actor’s back to the audience, usually considered a poor movement. The opposite, an open turn, is most often preferred.

Cross --              Movement of an actor from one position on the stage to another

Cross above -- To move upstage/behind a person or prop

Cross below -- To move downstage/in front of a person or prop

Down Right --   Acting area closest to the audience and on the right side of the stage as   you face the audience (the actor’s right)

Entrance --         1) entering the stage;

                            2) opening in the set that is used for entering

Exit --                  1) leaving the stage;

                            2) opening in the set that is used for leaving

Move in --         To cross toward the center of the stage

Move out --       To cross away from the center of the stage

Turn In --           Actor is to face upstage, away from the audience

Turn Out --        Actor is to face downstage, toward the audience

Up-Left Center -- That part of the playing area farthest from the audience and just left of  center as you face the audience (the actor’s left)

Upstaging --      To cross deliberately to a place upstage of another actor and assume a full front or one quarter position, thereby forcing the other performer to turn to a three-quarter position in order to talk with the up stager

Front or Act Curtain (house curtain): Curtain that masks the acting area or stage from the audience.  Opens show and can be used to separate Acts.

Apron:               Area between the front curtain & edge of the stage.

Proscenium Opening: Opening through which the audience views the play or performance.

Theatre in the Round (arena stage): A stage which may be viewed from all sides simultaneously.

Wings:               Offstage areas to R and L of acting/onstage area.

Teaser:               Heavy curtain hung from above the proscenium opening to adjust the height of the opening.

Tormentors:      Curtains or flats on the sides of the proscenium opening used to vary the width of the opening.

Borders:             Short curtains hung above the acting area to mask lighting and flown scenery from audience.

Tabs:                  Long curtains hung parallel to the tormentors on both wings to create masking or entrances.

Trap:                   An opening in the stage floor.

Fly Loft (flies)  Space above the stage where scenery may be lifted out of sight of the audience

Drop:                  A large cloth (often painted) used for creating a scene or picture background on stage.

Scrim:                 A drop of loosely woven material (cheesecloth) that is opaque if front lit and is transparent if backlit.

Flats:                  Wooden frames with a flat surface used to create walls or separations on stage.

Backstage          stage area beyond the acting area, including the dressing rooms

Offstage             areas of the stage not in view of the audience

Pit --                    area immediately below the stage, usually lower than the auditorium level; used by the orchestra

Platform stage -- stage raised above the audience area, which is placed at one end of a room

Spike --               to mark the stage floor with chalk or tape to indicate the position of furniture, properties, or scenery so that they will be placed correctly during scene shifts.




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