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Baloo's Bugle


September 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 2
October 2004 Theme

Theme: It's A Circus of Stars
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 1 & Activities




A Day at the Circus

Heart of America Council

Divide audience into four groups.  Assign each group a part to make a noise when their word is said.  Practice as you give out parts.

DEN LEADERS: "SIGN'S UP!" and make sign

LION: Roar-r-r.

TUBA: Um-pah-pah, Um-pah-pah.

COTTON CANDY: Yum-yum (rub stomach).

CIRCUS: All groups make their sounds at the same time.

(CAPITAL WORDS indicate the above actions.)

One day a DEN LEADER was getting weary from trying to keep her Cub Scouts quiet. She decided they needed something different to do. She thought for a long time and finally she had the answer!

The CIRCUS was coming to town. Here was a chance for a DEN LEADER to spend a nice, quiet, relaxing day at the CIRCUS with her den of Cub Scouts. She knew the boys would enjoy watching the LIONS perform with their trainer, and listening to the TUBA music while eating some COTTON CANDY. She was sure there would be no problem with keeping the boys quiet.

So, off they went for a relaxing day at the CIRCUS to get away from the noise of energetic Cub Scouts in the den, where they were so full of vim and vigor.

The boys had a wonderful time watching the LIONS perform and they really enjoyed the COTTON CANDY and the TUBA music. However the DEN LEADER found that the CIRCUS was not as quiet and relaxing as a den meeting with eight Cub Scouts. The noise of the LIONS roaring and the clamor of the TUBA music made the DEN LEADER feel like she was in a daze. It was then that she really began to appreciate her Cub Scouts. She knew she would rather listen to their shouts and laughter any day instead of the CIRCUS noises with the LIONS and the TUBA music.

That afternoon, it was a happy and tired group of Cub Scouts who came home from the CIRCUS, full of COTTON CANDY and talking about the fierce, roaring The catchy tunes of the TUBA music were going through their heads. But the smiles on their faces showed that they had really enjoyed the CIRCUS. And the smile on the DEN LEADERS face showed that she was glad to be home with her group of Cub Scouts. It was a relief to hear only the den noises. It seemed that the CIRCUS was just the change she needed! LIONS.





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