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Baloo's Bugle


September 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 2
October 2004 Theme

Theme: It's A Circus of Stars
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 1 & Activities




The National Summertime Award

Now that your Pack and its Dens and Cubs have earned this award – Don’t forget to file the forms.  You can present them at your first Pack Meeting to impress all your new recruits.  It will, also, show the new parents that your pack does stuff year round!!


Circle Ten Council

Ceremonies are important for many reasons, the most important being that boys like them. The boys like to participate in them to receive recognition. Ceremonies are also important for recognition of leaders, for achievements, for special occasions and holidays. Ceremonies help to teach the ideals and goals of Scouting and citizenship. They can help to promote participation of family, which is very important as Cub Scouting and the Tiger Cub program are family-oriented programs. Ceremonies also help maintain order in meetings when properly used. It is important to remember to keep ceremonies simple so there won’t be too much for the boys to memorize, yet use as many boys as possible.

Do you remember the best ceremony you ever saw? The worst? Was if the first or the last ceremony you remember? Were you on the receiving or giving end of the ceremony? If you could answer any of these questions you already know the importance of ceremonies.  Most people take ceremonies in our lives for granted, especially if they are a spectator and not a participant. In Scouting we cannot take ceremonies for granted. Ceremonies take planning and effort to perform a good one. If they are done badly or not at all an important part of the program is lost.

Imagine how you would feel if you worked hard and long to earn a badge, and it was just given to you with nothing, really nothing else. Now imagine if that happened to a young Tiger Cub who finally after a great struggle earned his Tiger paw, his very first earning of anything. Put your imagination to work again and think how it would look if this Tiger Cub and his parents were called up in front of the entire pack and all the other parents. Imagine the Cubmaster dressed as a King knighting the boy and presenting him with the first of many symbols to be place upon his shirt of armor! The Committee Chairman reads aloud the many challenges the boy overcame and calls him “Sir Knight.” His parents receive the paw on a ribbon from a satin pillow to pin on his chest. The entire audience stands and gives him a standing ovation. Can you see that smile on that boy’s face, the feeling of pride in his chest? Can you now see the importance of recognizing each and every Tiger, Cub and Webelos Scout for his accomplishments with an appropriate ceremony?

Scouts will remember their awards and how they were recognized for earning them. The presentation ceremonies are important to all, especially to the boys. It is their time to shine in their glory. The badge is important to the boy because it is a symbol to show others what he has done. But a little creative imagination going into how he receives his badge will have a long lasting effect. Not only will that boy remember but every boy in the audience will also. There will be excitement and inspiration for all to work for their next badge because who knows what might happen then?

The most important occasion in the life of a Tiger Cub is his graduation into Cub Scouts. This event, above all, should have a lasting impression on all concerned, especially the graduating Tiger Cub. This should be very special, the best you can do. Don’t underestimate the importance of ceremonies, especially this one.


Utah National Parks Council

Repeat after me: "Cub Scouting is a family program." Good. Now that we've established that, how can we motivate, teach, or persuade parents and families to be involved in our packs?

One of the most common problems that is voiced by unit-level leader is "How do we get more parent participation?" In today's busy world, many of our Cub Scouts are coming from homes where both parents work or from single-parent families. As Cub Scout leaders, we must be tolerant enough to realize that most parents do not deliberately neglect their growing children. But sometimes parents can become so caught up .n the business of providing for their families that they may lose sight that what their children need most is some of their time and attention.

Obviously, it is not our role to lecture the parents and make them feel guilty because they are not giving enough time to their Cub Scout. And I don't think any Cub Scout leader would want to deprive a boy of Cub Scouting just because the parents don't give as much time as we'd like. So, what can we do?

First, realize the basic foundation and objective of a good Cub Scout pack is for the boys to have FUN. It would stand to reason that fun would be the motivating factor behind parent involvement. Next, let's look at common reasons parents give for not wanting to become involved in the Cub Scout program.

1.       Both parents are employed outside the home.

2.       They are already involved with other activities of their children and cannot take on additional responsibilities.

3.       They have not had a child in Cub Scouting before, and the element of the unknown can be frightening.

How do we respond to these reasons?


1.       Working parents: Since hours for Cub Scouting activities are flexible, there are places for everyone in the program.

2.       Parents involved with other activities with their children: The key here is to praise them for being involved and having more than a passing interest in the welfare of their children. Then, suggest specific jobs and let them choose what the responsibilities and time will allow.

3.       Unfamiliarity with the Cub Scout program: Educate them. When a new boy joins your pack, take time to visit with the family and give them an overview of the program. Tell them what is expected of them. This visit can be made by the committee chairman, Cubmaster,  den leader or all three as a team. Annual parents' meetings allow you to discuss and explain Cub Scouting to several people at once.



Longhorn Council

 DO get to know your pack parents. It is much easier to ask someone you know to assist you rather than ask a complete stranger. Use the Parent-Talent Survey found in the Cub Scout Leader Book to find out your parents' interests. Personal notes sent home with Cub Scouts or telephone calls or even e-mails can encourage parental involvement.

DO have a specific request in mind when you contact a potential helper. You will get better results if you ask "Can you help with the roller skating party on May 19th?" than to say "Can you help me this year?" Everyone can identify with taking a group of boys on a roller skating party, but vague questions deal with the unknown and will be easily answered with a negative response.

If the person you ask can't help with your current request, DO have another activity in mind. "I'm sorry you can't help with this party because it will be a really fun event for the boys. Next month we have a swimming date planned for the boys. Can I call you to help out with that?"

DO be fair and honest with your request. If you ask a parent to take the boys roller skating, explain the time of the party and what will be expected (drive, skate with the boys, supervise snacks, etc.) If the project involves more than one day and some preparation, be specific. don't abuse anyone's willing­ness to get involved.

If a parent offers help in a specific area such as crafts, DO ask for help in this capacity rather than in an area which is unfamiliar. If you put someone in an uncomfortable position, you will eventually lose their talents.

DO acknowledge help when someone volunteers their time, in the form of a short and simple note or a telephone call. You could have the Cubmaster acknowledge a parent at pack meeting with a certificate or presentation. These thank-yous, while not time consuming on your part, show your volunteers you appreciate the time they have to help you.

DON'T put people on the spot. No matter how much we need help for a project or special event, we must leave room for him to gracefully step aside without experiencing a guilt trip for not helping with their son's activity.

DON'T assume everyone has the same attitude and interests in Cub Scouting that you have. This certainly does not mean we should in any way refrain from offering those parents opportunities to become active and involved in our pack program. After becoming familiar with the program, interest and excite­ment any develop.

Not all parents want or can be full time committee members, not do they have to be, but they should all contribute something. The list of annual events is such that a dozen parents are needed for leadership, not to mention field trip assistance, theme idea help, telephoning, equipment construction and storage, etc. Remember, this year's Pinewood Derby chairman may well be next year's pack committee chairman.

And here are some informal recognitions you can present to your new volunteers to keep them coming back –

Longhorn Council

The Golden Star Award-for anyone who deserves it. Use a Star shape and paint it gold or wrap it in gold foil paper. Write the person’s name on the Star.

The Joe Cool Award-for that extra cool dude or dudette. Just give someone a pair of those cheap plastic sunglasses found at the $1 Store or a Wal-Mart-type store.

You’re Really Flaky Award-for that person who’s a little on the goofy side. Cut out several small snowflakes and glue them to a plaque.

The You’re A Real Ace Award-for someone who has really performed top-notch on something. Glue the ACE of Spades playing card to a piece of cardboard or wood.

The Cubby Award-this is similar to an Emmy Award and is presented to someone who has achieved great success at something. Great for both boys and adults. Draw a Bear on a piece of cardboard or buy a small stuffed Bear and glue it on a piece of wood.

The Top Hat Award-for someone you want to tip your hat to. Use a film canister and cut out a circle bigger than the diameter of the canister and glue it on the top of the open end of the canister or draw a top hat on a piece of cardboard.




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