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Baloo's Bugle


September 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 2
October 2004 Theme

Theme: It's A Circus of Stars
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 1 & Activities






This badge was required for the Arrow of Light and was traditionally a Second Year badge.  With the recent changes to the program, this badge is now required by name for the Webelos Badge and so must be earned in the First Year.  CD

Be sure to check out last month’s Baloo for excellent ideas for this badge from Baltimore Area Council and others.  Commissioner Dave


Longhorn Council

·         To foster citizenship in WEBELOS Scouts. 

·         To teach boys to recognize the qualities of a good citizen. 

·         To introduce boys to the structure of the U.S. government. 

·         To familiarize boys with basics of American history. 

·         To convince boys that laws are beneficial. 

·         To encourage WEBELOS Scouts to become community volunteers.

The Citizen activity badge relates directly to developing responsible citizens, one of the prime purposes of the BSA.  The appeal of this badge will be determined in a large part by the method used by the Webelos Leader in presenting it.  It can be fun and exciting, or it can just be some more reports to write.  Do your best in planning the program.

The Webelos leader should plan carefully so that boys get a feeling for the real meaning of citizenship without spending a lot of time in study.  There are various ways to do this.  You might give them the opportunity to get a close look at government by planning a field trip to a local government agency or court.  One of the best ways to stress the meaning of good citizenship is by practicing the good turn.  This should be a "must" for every boy.  Working on this badge can be exciting, fun and informative, or it can be just more reports to write.

Good citizenship is emphasized throughout Scouting.  Being a good citizen means helping other people, knowing the history of our country, appreciating the contributions and sacrifices of others who have made our country better, knowing our public officials, understanding how our government works, obeying the laws, and doing things that will benefit the community.

The Citizen activity badge is important since the work involved relates directly to developing responsible citizens, one of the primary aims of the Boy Scouts of America.  The Citizen activity badge is a requirement for the Arrow of Light Award.  It is the first of several citizenship requirements on the trail to Eagle Scout.  By completing this activity badge, all of the requirements for the Boy Scout Citizenship skill award can also be met.

Webelos Scouts get a feeling for the real meaning of citizenship in two ways. First by getting a closer look at local government by going to see it in action. Second. and most effective, by practicing good citizenship through Good Turns. The Good Turn is one of the optional requirements for the activity badge, but it should be a way of life for all Scouts.


Circle Ten Council

Circle the best answer:

Saying “I pledge” means

I promise                       I care                        I believe

When we pledge allegiance to the flag, we are promising to help to keep our country

happy                             free                        on the go

Being loyal to our country means we are willing to help with our country's

problems                    presents                  overthrow

Allegiance means being

kind                               brave                              loyal

This person helped design and sew the first American flag

Betsy Ross          Abigail Adams    Dolly Madison

The American flag has how many stripes

13                                      50                                      15

The first American flag had the stars in a

triangle                          circle                           square

The American flag has one star for every

state                            country                          region

The pole on which the flag is hung is called the

rod                                  staff                               state

The blue part of the American flag is called the

field                                staff                                  sky

The American flag should be held at what level with the state flag

higher                            lower                              even

The flag should be raised with respect. What speed should the flag be raised

Fast                               slowly                      moderate

If the flag gets dirty it must be

laundered                    burned          nothing is done

The American flag should be folded

In a triangle         like a tablecloth      like a tee shirt

To respect the flag one should salute and

stand                          sit down                             bow


Circle Ten Council

You probably should copy this picture from the Word doc and enlarge it for your Webelos.  CD



Circle Ten Council

Materials needed:

40' of nylon or cotton rope

2 swivel snaps (or safety pins)

1  - 3' x 5' flag

1 small stuff sack to carry and store kit in

Optional - 3 red sashes - 3 1/2 " wide and 6' long for "color Guards" to wear


Circle Ten Council

Turn your Webelos into active young citizens with this project. Cover part of a wall with this diagram on a large sheet (or several sheets) of white paper.

The first week, have the boys list ways they can make their den a better place. Then challenge each boy to perform one act of good citizenship within the den that week and record it on the circle.

The following week, concentrate on ways they can improve the school, After discussing possibilities, have the boys carry out a proposal and write it on the circle.

Next, expand to the neighborhood. Then ask the boys to look in the local newspapers for articles about people who displayed good citizenship in the community. Tape the articles around the circle. Invite volunteers to speak to the class about the different ways they give their time and resources to help others in the community.

Ask your boys to think of ways they could volunteer their services in the community. Encourage family involvement. Finally, complete the circle by having the boys write in the ways they expanded their citizenship responsibilities to their community. Display at pack meeting.





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