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Baloo's Bugle


September 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 2
October 2004 Theme

Theme: It's A Circus of Stars
Webelos: Citizen and Showman
  Tiger Cub:
Achievement 1 & Activities




Note – See item on “Whittlin’ Chip” cards under Commissioner’s Corner

Trail Patches

Kommisioner Karl

The National office has been putting an emphasis on getting the “outing” back into Cub Scouting.  Every Cub Scout should have the opportunity for an outdoor experience of some type within the first 90 days of joining a pack.  That outdoor experience may include a hayride, picnic, or bike or trail hikes.  Cub scouts love patches and many historic trails offer a patch and many points of interest that boys will love.


Planning - Nothing works without planning.  Decide if you should take a bike hike or a walking hike.  If the trail is longer than 2 miles, you will need to have some distractions like points of interest, games/activities or lunches to break up the walking.  Everyone will need lots of water, and should have some way to carry it other than in there hands.  TAKE PICTURES!  One fun thing may be to get disposable cameras and let the boys take pictures too!  Bring a basic first aid kit, including moleskin to treat blisters (just in case).  Are parents going to meet there, or ride together?  What about a rain date?  All things you need to plan for.  How far are you willing to drive to get to the trail?   Are there any festivals or events close by that you can visit?  Where is the closest ice cream stand?


Finding a Trail - If you are not an avid hiker, that is perfect.  Chances are, your 8 year olds are not either.  The hard part is finding a trail with a patch program.  There are several websites that can help.  A great place to start is:

http://www.nationstrails.com/trails/index.html, http://www.geocities.com/krdvry/current.html or http://www.emf.net/~troop24/scouting/vcp-t.html .

These websites list several well known trails in different parts of the country.  Another easy way find local trails is to put - trail patch (name of state) – into your search engine.  This will usually pull up several sites with local trails that offer patches.  Go to the links shown or search for the trail name to get more information on the trail, points of interest and its history.

Picking a Trail - Cub scouts can usually take on 5-6 miles on a bike if not too hilly, and 3-5 miles on foot.  Look for a trail that has points of interest.  Many will have historic significance or local legends, like a warlock buries in a graveyard, or a Native American camp or battleground.  Having a purpose will make the hike more fun for the boys, and don’t forget to use it as a hook during the hike to keep up there enthusiasm.  Make sure you check the requirements for the trail patch, as there are often distance or other requirements that your cubs will need to do.


Plan some more - If your trail is off the beaten path, without a lot of historical significance, you need to have some activities for the boys.  Bring some Frisbees, Nerf balls and such for some fun activities along the way.  Plan some games or a scavenger hunt for things to look for along the trail.  Boys will need a rest every 30 minutes or so, and fun activity about every other rest period.  A sack lunch is a great distraction, and what boy doesn’t love to eat!

Follow-up - Once completed, make sure you buy or order the patches for the trail hike in time to give them out at the next pack meeting.  Most boys will proudly display them, as a hike is real accomplishment.  The pictures from the hike should be made into a display or scrap book to show off at the pack meeting the night they get their patches, so everyone can see what fun they had.  Don’t forget to get the adults a patch too, without them, it would have been a whole lot harder.  Now, get outta here and take a hike!


Roundtable Staff Training Award

Knot of the Month

Kommisioner Karl


The Roundtable Staff Award is available to all Scouters.  By showing your skills and crafts at Roundtable, you receive recognition for your extra effort to help other Scouters in our District.  Requirements include attending Roundtable Training, staff meetings (4 times per year), helping with 6 breakout sessions over two years, developing a display that relates to a Roundtable theme, doing an opening ceremony, and doing a Roundtable presentation.  Sound hard?  It’s not (or is it knot?).  The Roundtable Commissioner is always looking for people to help put on our great roundtables.  We (Dave and Karl and hopefully, every other RT Commissioner) value our friendships with those on staff.  If you would like to be part of the fun, ask your Commissioner tonight.

 For a progress record of the requirements, go to:





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